Attack Effectiveness
1st November, 1998
Last changed:
2nd January, 1999: got remaining exceptions.
u r l i i l h r r c o o s o a +-- Attack
g a e g r y o a o e r i i c t |
Bug . . . - + + . - - . . + . + . Target
Dragon . . - . - . . - . + . . . . -
Elec . . - . . - . . + . . . . . . KEY
Fight - . . . . + . . . . . . + - . + super effective
Fire - . . . - . . - + . . . . + + . normal (no message)
Fly - . + - . . . - x + . . . + . - not very effective
Ghost + . . x . . + - + . x - + . . x no effect
Grass + . - . + + . - - + . + . . -
Ground . . x . . . . + . + . - . - + \1 + . - x
Ice . . . + + . . . . - . . . + . 2 \________
Normal . . . + . . x . . . . . . . . +| + + ?
Poison + . . - . . . - + . . - + . . .| + . - x
Psi + . . - . . x . . . . . - . . -| ? - -
Rock . . . + - - . . + . - - . . + x| x x x
Water . . + . - . . + . - . . . . -
- The top correspond to the attack type you're using (not pokemon type).
The side correspond to the enemy pokemon type. So, go across the top
until you find your attack's type then go down until you meet up with
your enemy's type.
- Thundershock (electric) a Sandshrew (ground) ==> x (no effect)
- Bubble (water) a Charmander (fire) ==> + (super effective)
- If your enemy have more than two types than jot down the effectiveness
against each type then refer to the table to the right: the top is the
first type and the side is the second type.
- Thundershock (electric) a Pidgey (normal / flying) = ./+ ==> +
- Tackle (normal) a Geodude (rock / ground) = -/. ==> -
- Exceptions (the ?): for +/- and -/+ it's hard to say. So I'll
just list what I found:
1. Bug vs PoiFly (zubat) = +/- ==> +
2. Elec vs DraFly (dragonite) = -/+ ==> -
3. vs EleFly (zapdos) = -/+ ==> +
4. Fight vs NorFly (pidgey) = +/- ==> -
5. vs IcePsi (jynx) = +/- ==> +
6. vs RocFly (aerodactyl) = +/- ==> +
7. vs IceFly (articuno) = +/- ==> +
8. Fire vs WatIce (dewgong) = -/+ ==> -
9. Grass vs PoiGro (nidoking) = -/+ ==> -
10. vs WatPoi (tentacool) = +/- ==> -
11. vs WatFly (gyarados) = +/- ==> -
12. Ground vs BugPoi (beedrill) = -/+ ==> +
13. vs GraPoi (oddish) = -/+ ==> +
14. Ice vs WatFly (gyarados) = -/+ ==> +
15. vs IceFly (articuno) = -/+ ==> +
16. Poison vs BugPoi (beedrill) = +/- ==> +
17. vs GraPoi (oddish) = +/- ==> -
18. Water vs RocWat (kabuto) = +/- ==> -
Other Notes
- There are no pure: flyings, ghosts, ices, or rocks. But since all the ghost
hybrids are ghost/poison, I just treated them as pure ghosts for the ghost
row on the table. The rest I just deduced from the results of battling various
hybrids. eg. Flying vs Rock/Flying ==> normal so Flying vs Rock is
normal and vs Flying is also normal. The result of Flying vs Water/Ice is
also normal then Ice is also normal.
- There are two damaging ghost attacks: Lick and Night Shade. Night Shade
will affect all enemies. The ghost vs enemy column above is for the
Lick attack.
- This table will only give you an idea of how well your pokemon will do
against an enemy. If your pokemon is much stronger than the enemy but its
attack is not very effective against the enemy's type it may still cause the
enemy to faint in one blow (but you'll get the "It is not very effective"
message). Also, some attacks are normally weak: if you use it against an enemy
where it'll be super effective, it still won't do that much damage.
Let me know of other exceptions or if you liked this table better than the
lousy Battle Charts out there.