Information Warfare<br> Senior Honors Thesis & Related Papers

Information Warfare

Senior Honors Thesis

Last Updated: January 1, 2001

NOTICE: The Thesis is not in final on-line format. However, it includes the entire text in readable format. Also, this thesis is the same thesis given to the professor for academic credit. Currently it is being revised for mass distribution, but I felt that giving people time to read it as is, and make suggestions now, will allow me to produce a higher quality product. Thank you.

Thesis Title:
"Warlords and Terrorists on the Information Super-Highway: the Most Dangerous Uses of Information Warfare."

Thesis Statement:

"While terrorists will continue to be threats to the international order in the future, those who use IW to achieve their goals will actually form a new class of threats to the international order which is substantially different than the threats conventional terrorists posed. This new informational terrorist will actually become an even greater threat to civil order. There will be a distinctly new class of information warriors with characteristics different and distinct from conventional terrorists."

Thesis Question:

"How does IW and Info-terrorism threaten the national security of the United States of America. Specifically, how does the new Info-terrorist (IT) compare and contrast with conventional terrorists or terrorist attacks?"

Thesis Outline & Organization:
Preliminary Errata


Chapter I:
An Introduction to IW and Terrorism

Chapter II:
Operational Tactics

Chapter III:
The Targets

Chapter IV:
The Nature of the Actors

Chapter V:
The Psychological Justifications of the Information Terrorist

Chapter VI:
Strategies and Solutions to Combat Information Terrorism



End Notes

Related (Shorter) Papers:

Thesis Research Links

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