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Champions Pokémon
PidgeotL. 61
AlakazamL. 59
RhydonL. 61

If he chose Bulbasaur...
GyaradosL. 61
ArcanineL. 63
VenasaurL. 65

If he chose Squirtle...
ArcanineL. 61
ExeggutorL. 63
BlastoiseL. 65

If he chose Charmander...
ExeggutorL. 61
GyaradosL. 63
CharizardL. 65

Effective Pokémon Types: Gary is the final obstacle in your path to becoming the greatest trainer in the world. I would suggest using a pokémon with some sort of sleep move and a pokémon that has an advantage against Gary's first pokémon. Good LUCK!