RIEVL: Recursive induction learning in hand gesture recognition
Author(s): Zhao, Meide; Quek, Francis K.H.; Wu, Xindong
Author Affiliation: Univ of Illinois at Chicago
Source: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
v 20 n 11 Nov 1998 IEEE Comp Soc Los
Alamitos CA USA p 1174-1185 0162-8828 ITPIDJ
Abstract: This paper presents a recursive inductive learning
scheme that is able to acquire hand pose models in the form of
disjunctive normal form expressions involving multivalued features.
Based on an extended variable-valued logic, our
rule-based induction system is able to abstract compact rule
sets from any set of feature vectors describing a set of
classifications. The rule bases which satisfy the completeness
and consistency conditions are induced and refined through five
heuristic strategies. A recursive induction learning scheme in
the RIEVL algorithm is designed to escape local minima in the
solution space. A performance comparison of RIEVL with other
inductive algorithms, ID3, NewID, C4.5, CN2, and HCV,
is given in the paper. In the experiments with hand gestures,
the system produced the disjunctive normal form descriptions of
each pose and identified the different hand poses based on the
classification rules obtained by the RIEVL algorithm. RIEVL
classified 94.4 percent of the gesture images in our testing
set correctly, outperforming all other inductive algorithms. English
(Author abstract) 31 Refs.
Subjects: Learning systems Feature extraction; Recursive functions;
Heuristic methods; Formal logic; Algorithms;
Classification Codes: 723.4; 723.5; 721.1; 921
Document Type: JA
Identifiers: Recursive induction learning; Rule-based induction;
Variable-valued logic
Abstract: At present, algorithms of the ID3 family are
not based on background knowledge. For that reason, most of the
time they are neither logical nor understandable to experts.
These algorithms cannot perform different types of generalization
as others can do, nor can they can reduce the cost of classifications.
The algorithm presented in this paper tries to generate
more logical and understandable decision trees than those generated
by ID3-like algorithms; it executes various types of
generalization and at the same time reduces the classification
cost by means of background knowledge. The background
knowledge contains the ISA hierarchy and the measurement cost
associated with each attribute. The user can define the
degrees of economy and generalization. These data will influence
directly the quantity of search that the algorithm must
undertake. This algorithm, which is an attribute version of the
EG2 method, has been implemented and the results appear in
this paper comparing them with other methods. English (Author
abstract) 19 Refs.
Subjects: Computer Systems Programming Mathematical Techniques--Trees;
Learning Systems; Expert
Systems--Knowledge Bases; Computer Programming--Algorithms;
Classification Codes: 723; 921
Document Type: JA
Identifiers: Decision Tree Induction; Knowledge Acquisition;
Backround Knowledge
Author(s): Baldwin, J.F.; Lawry, J.; Martin, T.P.
Author Affiliation: Univ of Bristol
Source: International Journal of Intelligent Systems v 12 n 7
Jul 1997 John Wiley & Sons Inc New York NY USA p
523-552 0884-8173 IJISED
Abstract: A mass assignment based ID3 algorithm for learning
probabilistic fuzzy decision is introduced. Fuzzy partitions are
used to continuous feature universes and to reduce complexity
when universes are discrete but with large cardinalities.
Furthermore, the fuzzy partitioning of classification universes
facilitates the use of these decision trees in function
approximation problems. Generally the incorporation of fuzzy
sets into this paradigm overcomes many of the problems
associated with the application of decision trees to real-world
problems. The probabilities required for the trees are calculated
according to mass assignment theory applied to fuzzy labels.
The latter concept is introduced to overcome computational
complexity problems associated with higher dimensional mass assignment
evaluations on databases. English (Author
abstract) 11 Refs.
Subjects: Artificial intelligence Trees (mathematics); Fuzzy sets;
Learning algorithms; Probabilistic logics; Computational
complexity; Database systems;
Classification Codes: 723.4; 921.4; 921; 723; 721.1; 922.1
Document Type: JA
Identifiers: Decision trees; Fuzzy partitioning
Author(s): Gaga, Lena; Moustakis, Vassilis; Vlachakis, Yannis;
Charissis, Giorgos
Author Affiliation: Inst of Computer Science
Source: Applied Artificial Intelligence v10 n2 Mar-Apr 1996 Taylor
& Francis Ltd Basingstoke Engl p 79-94 0883-9514
Abstract: Learning from patient records may aid medical
knowledge acquisition and decision making. Decision tree
induction, based on ID3, is a well-known approach of learning
from examples. In this article we introduce a new data
representation formalism that extends the original ID3 algorithm.
We propose a new algorithm, ID+, which adopts this
representation scheme. ID+ provides the capability of modeling
dependencies between attributes or attribute values and of
handling multiple values per attribute. We demonstrate our work
via a series of medical knowledge acquisition experiments
that are based on a 'real-world' application of acute abdominal
pain in children. In the context of these experiments, we
compare ID+ with C4.5, Newld, and a Naive Bayesian classifier.
Results demonstrate that the rules acquired via ID+
improve decision tree clinical comprehensibility and complement
explanations supported by the Naive Bayesian classifier,
while in terms of classification, accuracy decrease is marginal.
English (Author abstract) 33 Refs.
Subjects: Knowledge acquisition Medical computing; Learning systems;
Knowledge representation; Learning algorithms;
Computer simulation; Data structures; Data handling; Decision
making; Decision theory; Pattern recognition; Knowledge
based systems;
Classification Codes: 723.4; 723.5; 461.1; 461.6; 723.2; 723.4.1
Document Type: JA
Identifiers: Decision tree induction; Medical knowledge acquisition;
Data representation; Naive Bayesian classifier
Author(s): Broner, Israel; King, J. Phillip; Nevo, Amnon
Author Affiliation: Colorado State Univ
Source: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture v 5 n 2 Oct
1990 p 87-99 0168-1699 CEAGE6
Abstract: This paper gives a general discussion of knowledge
acquisition and formalization using structured induction, and
illustrates the application of induction with an example. The
example is taken from actual work on a knowledge based system
for malting barley crop management, where the ID3 algorithm was
used to derive rules and generate a decision tree to make
the irrigation decision. The objective of the paper is to give
the reader a working understanding of the principles of induction
and the mechanics of the ID3 algorithm. English (Author abstract)
13 Refs
Subjects: Agricultural Engineering Expert Systems--Knowledge Bases;
Grain; Irrigation--Management; Computer
Classification Codes: 821; 723
Document Type: JA
Identifiers: Structural Induction; Knowledge Acquisition
Author =
"Y. Mansuri and P. Compton and C. Sammut",
Title =
"A comparison of a manual knowledge acquisition method and an inductive
learning method",
Booktitle =
" Australian workshop on knowledge acquisition for knowledge based systems,
Publisher =
"University of Technology, Sydney",
Year =
Editor =
"J. Boose and J. Debenham and B. Gaines and J. Quinlan",
Pages =
Notes =
" compared manual KA using RDR versus automatic inductive learning using
ID3 [Quinlan82]. An example
set of 9514 examples (from Garvin ES-1 [Compton89]) was divided into a
test set of 1514 examples and
a training set of 8000 examples. For each item in the test suite, an RDR
tree was executed. If a human
operator detected an incorrect classification, the tree was patched. This
item was then added into an ID3
training set. The percentage errors of the current RDR tree and the ID3
tree were compared. The
comparison shows that in the case of RDR vs ID3 in the Garvin ES-1 domain,
manual RDR KA generated
KBs with much fewer errors than the ID3 inductive learner when only hundreds
of examples were
available. Further, only when thousands of examples are available (in this
case, 5000) did manual KA and
ML perform equally as well.",
From =