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Meet the Red Diamond Corporation members!
The Red Diamond corporation is a corporation that is projecting a company name RED DIAMOND, that is a company with the purpose of create videogames for computers and consoles, a example of console is the Nintendo 64 and Playstation. The Red Diamond Entertainment company is projecting by the Red Diamond Corporation that is formed of four persons: Roberto Blandón, Alfredo Chavarrìa, Paolo Sagel and Giovanni Scollo, that are very youngs but the creativity focus to the future. The game that is in project is:
that will be an excellent and garantized game!
This game will be a RPG like Final Fantasy 7 and 8 but will have a revolucionary system of commands and excelent music. This game will take the best factors of the RPG and will join them to make a excelent game.
Is estimed that the Red Diamond Entertainment company will operate in the
2015 and will be a excellent company that might surpass others companies, for example: the Virgin, the Squaresoft, the Iguana entertainment, Blizzard entertainment, etc.

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