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What Is This Page?

    This page is basically my little shrine to the WB's new show Roswell.  I watched the first episode and thought it was rather interesting, so I kept watching. I'm a major Phile (X-Files fan), so the alien thing is something I definetely like.  After watching a few episodes, I kept having all these ediotorial comments and thoughts and rants.  One of my favorite places to visit on the web is Kelly Youse's Institution for Relationshippers (a website for Mulder-Scully 'shippers), and what I absolutely love is her reviews. So I figured maybe (I could be wrong here...) someone would like to hear my thoughts on Roswell.  So.. here I am!   I'm going to try to update this site weekly (new episode quotes, reviews, etc.), but given my incredibly busy schedule, I cannot 100% guarentee that this will be updated regularly. ::ducks:: I'm sorry! But I will try!
    Also, as a final note, this is the first major webpage I've created, so please, I'd love suggestions, criticism and comments.  My e-mail is  Thank you for visiting my page!!!!