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    This section is a basic run-down of what was updated when.  I always hate searching around pages to find what was updated between the times I checked, so I figured: "Update page!" and here it is.

Just a little bit of page maintenance, largely removing old news and changing the show time information ("Roswell" will be on UPN this fall). My schedule still won't allow me to write reveiws of upcoming new episodes... I apologize, but there's really no way I'll be able to consistently keep up. Thank you for understanding.

Unfortunately, due to my newly-insane schedule, I will no longer be able to update this page on a regular basis. I will not be writing reviews of the second season episodes; my schedule won't allow me to *see* the episodes, much less write about them. I'm sorry, and I appreciate your understanding.

No reviews yet (it's finals week; I apologize), however, a new section, "News and Information" is up. The link to it is below the one for the message board. Enjoy!

Quotes are updated through "Destiny"; in addition, the summary, rant and review are up for "Destiny". (As well as "The White Room", as of 5/26). Enjoy!

Summary, rant and review for "The White Room" is up, as well as quotes updated through "The White Room" (with the exception of "Tess, Lies and Videotape"). Thank you all for your patience with the late reviews, and enjoy!

The rant and review for "Max to the Max" is now up (summary was up previously). Once again, "The White Room" should be coming within the next week. I appreciate everyone's patience while I get back on track from a busy period of time. Thanks, and enjoy!

I apologize for the delay; a summary and review for "Four Square" is now up, as well as a summary (no review yet) for "Max to the Max". Within the next week, you can expect a review of "The White Room" (at this point in time, I have not seen it yet). Thank you for your patience, and enjoy!

Rant and review for "Crazy" is posted. My local station aired NHL hockey instead of "Tess, Lies, and Videotape", so a rant and review for that episode can be expected when it re-airs in the summer. Thank you for your understanding.

Finally, an update (I apologize once again for the delay). Rant and summaries are up for both "Independence Day" and "Sexual Healing". I've also added two new links and four new pictures (one of the trio, one of Liz, one of Isabel and one of M&M). I've also started an update mailing list. I recognize my updating has been sporadic, and so I offer this to you: You enter your name into the space at the bottom of the page, and each time I update, I will send out an e-mail to everyone on the list saying when and what I updated. Thanks, and enjoy!
Added 3/8/00: Quotes are updated through "Sexual Healing"!

I'm very sorry for the delay; life has been very hectic. Rant and summary are up for "Blind Date". Due to the lack of response in terms of style (please!! I love and cherish feedback!) I've continued the same bullet-style review as last week. Another minor thing-- I altered the rules on the message board, making posting a lot more open... check it out! Once again, I apologize for the delay, and enjoy!

Rant and summary are (finally) up for "The (UFO) Convetion". I really apologize for the delay.. I've tried a new review format this week.. please, e-mail me and tell me what you think. Enjoy!

Rant/reviews for "The Toy House" *and* "Into the Woods" are up^^! Quotes should be coming within the next day or two...on a more positive note, I survived my finals~! ::does a happy dance:: Anyway, enjoy the reviews, and the quotes are coming!

First up... I'm sorry, but no update! (I haven't forgotten you, really...!) Next Wednesday, I complete my finals for the semester (::runs and hides::), so, as you can imagine, I didn't have a couple free hours to watch and review this episode today (or will I likely tomorrow).... I'm going to try to have the review up before next Wednesday, but after Saturday, I'm likely to be studying almost straight... math this year is not kind. Anyway, I really, really appreciate your understanding.. by the beginning of February, all recent updates should be caught up. Thanks again!

A little "house cleaning"; I got a new counter (which doesn't break! Yay!) and... ::drum roll:: Put up a message board! Take a look and please, feel free to post any comments about the page (as well as anything else) on the board. Thanks, and have a great New Year!

Rant and summary, as well as quotes, are up for "The Balance".  Sorry for the delay-- I've been Christmas shopping, and enjoying the freedom that is winter break.^^  My question about the "Creative Works" page still stands (I have yet to get *any* kind of response).  Even if you hate the idea, I'd like to hear from you (so I don't do something people dislike).  Once again,  Thank you!!

Joined the Unofficial Webring, as you can probably see (bottom of the page).  No summary or rant up (sorry!) yet; look for those by Saturday for sure. I also have a question for anyone who visits this site: Would you be interested in a "Creative Works" section? As a hobby, I do some art, both  by hand and with Photoshop (my one, quick example of Roswell work is on the Disclaimer page), and I'd like to know if anyone is interested in seeing such things when they relate (or don't?) to the show. My e-mail is, or you can sign the guestbook (bottom of the page) with any opinions. Thank you!

12/5/99 #2
Quotes are up for "Heat Wave"! Also, if you didn't check yesterday (technically, *very* early this morning...), I have six or so new pics up in the pictures section. ^^

Picture time! I've got more than five freshly scanned and cleaned pictures up, including a new Liz, new Max and two new ones of Maria.  In the "Links" section, I've also put up a banner  for linking to my site.   Enjoy!

Summary and (long!) rant is up for "Heat Wave".  3definity doesn't have a transcript up yet, so quotes are still to come. (If it's not up by the end of tomorrow, I'll get them myself.)  So, for now, review and rant, and quotes should be up by the end of the weekend.  Happy December!

Major update!! Due to the fact that I actually had *time* (wow~!), I've gone through and added little images to each one of the pages so it looks much nicer.^^  I've also added three new Max picture and a new Michael picture to the image gallery (scanned and edited!), as well as a new copy of the TV Guide pic (better color adjusted-- not so red).  Also, quotes are up for "Blood Brothers" and "Monsters" and a summary/review of "Blood Brothers" is up in the Rant and Review section.  Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy!

Another late pretty late review-- I'm sorry, all.  My play ends tonight, so things should steady out and become a little sooner and more regular for a while.  This week, pretty standard: Summary and rant up for "River Dog", as well as quotes.  Enjoy!

I'm incredibly sorry about the delay! A review/summary of "285 South" is up in the 'Rant and Review', and quotes from the episode are in 'Quotes'.  Next week's review may be similarly delayed; I'm heavily involved in the tech of a play that opens on Thursday (runs through Saturday), and I'm working as hard as I can to help get everything up and running by then.  I appreciate all your understanding, and enjoy the (belated) review!

11/5/99 (#2)
More worthy of the title of an update (rather than my one an hour before), I now have the picture (edited-- cropped and color-adjusted for quality) up on my pictures page.  From there, you can also link to the article's text, which I typed up.

A very, very minor update... a revised review of "Missing" is now up, and I took down an incorrect picture (oops!) from the gallary.  Also-- check out this week's TV guide for a big picture (^^) and little article on Jason Behr!  I'll try to have a scan an the text up in the next couple days!

As promised (kind of...) the quotes sections is up (!!), with quotes for the first and second episodes.  I'll need to find my video tape to do the rest... (^^;;) Also, this week's summary and review of "Missing" is up!

Happy Halloween, everyone! I've got a preliminary picture section up (wohoo~!).  I'm hoping to get the quotes page up by the end of next week (11/5 or so..) but I can't make any promises.  Enjoy the pics (I know I did^^) and have a great Halloween!

Major revamp-- at the suggestion of a friend, I combined the "UST", "Episode Information" and "Rant and Review" into one page (it can all be found under "Rant and Review") for clarity and simplicity.  A summary and review for "Leaving Normal" is also up ("Rant and Review").