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Who does Saionji remind you of?

Saionji and Other Anime Characters

Has anyone ever felt the inexplicable urge to compare various anime characters with one another? Has anyone ever noticed how some characters seem to always follow a set personality type, while others deviate so far from it that their originality can't help but stick out in your mind? This is one of the reasons why cross-overs fanfics are so fun! But this isn't a fanfic. This is the result of me having way too much free time on my hands.




Gateau Mocha

Show us that beautiful mug!
Series Shoujo Kakumei Utena Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Tenchi Muyo! Bakeretsu Hunters
Character Type Antagonist, catalyst, tough brute with a squishy interior Villian who finds true love with the herione's best friend Demon/Space Pirate who falls in love with the most hapless teenager in anime history Body-builder and tough guy with a social conscience
Objects of Affection Anthy and Wakaba Naru Osaka, a young school girl Tenchi Masaki, a young teenager who discovers that he is actually an alien prince Marron Glace, a bishonen young man, as well as various female characters
Gets the guy/girl? No. Yes, but dies shortly afterward. Don't know. Definitely not in the TV series, but perhaps in the OAV . . . ? Don't know yet. Cross your fingers!
Method of combat Kendo Various magical powers, or letting yoma do his dirty work Lightning, energy sword Fists
Not-so-likable aspects Anthy-slapping, Wakaba bashing Sucking out Naru's energy and feeding it to Queen Metallia; trying to kill Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen Outrageous and obnoxious flirtation, causing physical harm to Ayeka (her rival in love) Unwelcome advances towards Marron, excessive narcissism
Why I love them See Why Saionji? True love leads him to repent from his evil ways. Too bad he dies only moments later. She's a strong female character who won't let evil scientists, crazed princesses, or anyone get in her way. She also cares deeply about her friends. The big, burly protector of the other Hunters. All-around coolness.
Quotes "I will show you something eternal." "I'm sorry. It looks like we won't have that chocolate parfait after all." (As he lays dying! Sob!) "Tenchi?"
"Te-e-e-e-enchi . . . "
(to Marron): "Is it true that you don't like girls?"
Final Judgement Will have to overcome his own temper and jealousy in order to become the prince that he wants to be He may have died, but I'm pretty sure he'll end up in heaven and not that other place Like Saionji, will have to find a way to control her temper (without sacrificing her assertive personality) Stay the way you are, Gateau. We all love you.

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