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***Her Loving Heart***

Selena signing an autograph, something she never refused to do!

Selena greeting her fans, Her fans meant so much to her!

As much as she was tryin to accomplish, Selena did not hesitate to put it all on hold to spend most of the afternoon having lunch with her mom "My foot was swollen, I had broken my ankle" said Marcella and Selena passed 4hrs at Olive Garden Restaurant on S.P.I.D., during their long conversation, Selena told Marcella about a previous visit to the same place, she'd seen a little old lady eating by herself and felt sorry for her. Selena paid for the woman's meal and but told the waitor not to let her know "I want you to give her one of those little cakes you give people on their birthdays, Put it in a bag so she could take it home". Marcella felt so proud of her daughter. She was so giving so generous with her love as well as her material wealth. Show business could b such a competitive down and dirty endeavor, people crawling over each other in pursuit of riches and recognition, but her daughter rose above the fray, her goodness neutralized all the unsavory aspects of making music for a living. On the way home, as Selena was zipping in and out of traffic, singing at the top of her voice, her mother leaned over to her and spoke into her ear "I Love You", Selena looked back and smiled "I Love You Too Mama"
This happened on March 30, 1995- Less than 12 hours later Selena had died and this was the very last time Marcella seen or talked to her beloved youngest daughter.