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"Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99"

A Life Now pilot seminar began April 5. There are 4 books for the series; each month will include a different book and the cycle will continue with the first again after the series is completed - so you can join any time. If you are interested and would like to receive a syllabus, email Dusty at LIFE NOW or visit CLASSROOM

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If you have visited my site recently, you may have seen that we have two winners to the "Find the Easter Egg" contest. Dennis Krum and Caitilin Cagney. See Winner's Page

They both have delightful sites. You can visit Dennis at IS Email DENNIS and Caitilin at Caitilin Cagney and Brendan Hurley Home Page Email CAITILIN

Thank you for participating!

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I requested a spark of light from KySpirit, explaining her reason for submitting the slogan, "Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99." This is her offering:

Hello, I am KySpirit. My reason for selecting the slogan of "Expansion of Spirit and Time in'99" was from my own personal inner self and the growth I have done in previous months.

Friends, spirits, children, adults, dreams, visions, strangers; Mentors all, have been traveling companions in this time period of growing I have experienced.

For the past 2 years I have been online with this cyber world that the computer allows us now to grow, learn and live by. I have met some wonderful people in chat areas and on ICQ, emails and exchanges.

I finally, one day a year ago, got brave and ventured into the area called Homepages. Well now to say the least this was fun. *LOL*

I think these are the most wonderful ways of allowing us expression of love, smiles, tears and growth that were ever developed. In my time now running my homepages I have learned from visitors, friends and strangers, just what or should I say "WHO" I am. I am finding out who I really am; and learning where I am going. This wonderful spiritual path of growth can only have more paths than mountain springs flowing to the main lakes. Our connection to people in this life is so amazing and soulmates are along the journey for helping hands and support.

Time in 1999 has to me been shown that all balances are reaching and awareness just as each of us are in our daily lives. Learning how we are processing information on daily levels and now able to openly express to others an understanding of fellow man. Our spiritual needs and spiritual gifts we have. No matter what faith any of us are and no matter the color or nationality we are; We are "One." Acceptance of who we are now allows the understanding of others faiths. All are now balancing on the scales to equal SPIRIT.

Expansion within each of us, no matter what levels of growing and learning we are; we shall reach a point in our journey to find "who we are" thus helping only to prove to us "Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99."

SPIRIT MESSAGE We all want a sense of being, This is what helps us to find the real us . We want to feel our emotions As children of earth and sky. Sharing helps fill that growth, And guide our paths to longer roads That we understand our reason in return.

Friends, Family, Self....

The universe we all share.. This world we are helping to preserve. It is all the same. Wherever we look, we see light. Whatever we imagine, we see universe.

And who are we?

That is the deepest riddle of them all, and answering is the endless, Impossible task that makes us humans.

Where are you going??

But perhaps it will can carry us a little closer, make us a little wiser. In life we are the always growing. We are the ones who learn never ending knowledge, Where waves of consciousness break on the rocks and dunes of the physical world. We exist in both and both are reflected in us. In life we are the dreamers And what we dream is the universe...
(C)11-98 KySpirit KySpirit

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Thank you to so many of you who responded to the Easter greetings. My father left this plane March 20. Both sending and receiving your responses to the greetings was a healing experience. A few of us shared similar experiences within the same time span. We see our loved ones dancing in the spirit with one another! Thank Goodness for Hope!

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Let me know if it is not convenient for you to receive this little newsletter about once a month.

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I am certainly being reminded not to take email for granted! Tornado watches and thunder storms say, "no, no! Don't touch that computer!" Ohhh! And, snail mail seems to take forever when corresponding, waiting for an answer! So, I offer gratitude each day for this little machine and the messages it carries!

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Enjoy every moment... to the fullest!
- Dusty