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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"We are As One In the year Two thousand and one."

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "April, 2001"

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We missed sending the March issue of Expansion Encounters so I hope you are still with us!

A time and a season... Themestream, an online site that provided authors with a paying outlet and comments from readers, is no more. I participated by posting two articles daily for eight months. This gave me grande opportunity to edit my articles from books I have written as well as write new material.

Since that site is no longer available, I am once again, with a stronger and healthier access in communication with others via internet, re-establishing my Life Now Centre. Much of Life Now's activities and material are available for viewing at both my Life Now and Pathway sites. You are welcome to browse and send me a note if you have any questions!

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Passion in Seasons

Spring is in the air
Winter is past
Providing delight

The earth is fertile
Producing new life
Providing renewal

Walks in sunshine
Absorbing the essence
Providing assurance

Shoots of green
Breaking through soil
Providing beauty.

Listening to the rain
Providing cleansing

Observing wildlife
Squirrels, rabbits and deer
Providing new life.

Spring is here
Enjoy it now
Providing ecstacy.

- Dusty Reed

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Joy is a circle,
Joy is a sphere,
full of love.
When love expands,
joy bubbles over.

Joy is deep contentment;
relaxed, as a sleeping child.
A warm and happy feeling.

Joy is bubbly;
a luxury of being pampered.
Joy is fizzley, sparkling,
effervescent, fresh.

Joy is a feeling
of touching lives
with all life -
Being content.

- Dusty

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Gratitude for Frustration

Enthusiasm high on my list
Myriad ways bring it to surface
I find frequently
In a project that warms my heart
Absorbs my attention
I indulge.

Taking time is necessary
What I consider a delight
Is healthy
Not giving self heart throb time
In everyday routine
Depletes energy

If frustration knocks
Step through another door
A project is waiting
Offering delight.
I find my mental playground
With a desirable as my focus

Remembering gratitude
For the frustration
Is my ideal

Back to the once frustration
If necessary
Usually finding it
And I have accomplished
Something I enjoy

As I continue along my path
I sense the joy bubbles
Gratitude offered
Multiples the joy bubbles

- Dusty

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Expansion Encounters publishes only material that I have written but I have two other newsletters that welcome submissions:

STARBURST is an online "pay-per-view" newsletter. For more details, you can get details at Info and see a sample at Starburst

THIS IS LIVING is a family oriented Christian and personal development snail newsletter. A sample can be seen at This is Living

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I am looking for a good contest to post in Expansion Encounters next month. It can be a just-for-fun or it can be something to promote Life Now that would be worth sending the winner one of my books. If I use your idea, your name and/or site will be included with the details of the contest. So, send me some ideas!

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile:


Darlene Zagata's site

Belinda Mooney's sites for crafters
Learning Treasures
Children's Recipes
Kids Krafts

Daily Motivator

How to get your seminar promoted

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

Under Bill S3888 passed by the U.S. Congress, this letter cannot be considered spam as long as I include: CONTACT and REMOVE E-mail address:

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