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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Our Spirits Soar in 2004!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it at April, 2004

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Fellowship With Love

Love is stretching my boundaries.
There is no resistance;
There is no discomfort.
When it elasticizes my walls of substance,
It is exciting and brings joy.
There are boundless, infinite
experiences to experience,
Knowledge to know,
feelings to feel.
Thoughts know my resilience.
Let them stretch my boundaries
To allow closer fellowship with Love.

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Alike in the Goodness

At our center being we are creations in the likeness of God so we are alike in that place. That place is God's love. His love flows through creation. We simply give it individual expression, which brings about uniqueness of personality. Love personifies differently and, along the way, we each collect a lot of stuff, or dross. To find the love-in-common, we focus on God's love. My life touches another individual's life when we each reach out and touch God's love in one another. Namaste!

The Lord provides love and concern. I receive the inner impressions when I release all surrounding concerns.

Struggles arise when I meet a person who presents a challenge in drawing out my love. What are my responsibilities in obedience to the Bible's, "love your neighbor as yourself?" This commandment for loving my neighbor is emphasized several times in Scripture.

Loving others is applying the love essence, which, channeled through me, might be showing courtesy and respect. It may be revealing compassion. Do I have to like someone's personality to love them with pure love? I am grateful to many who have shown courtesy, respect and compassion but may not like my personality.

Liking a person benefits my health. I prefer a few close friends with whom I can share my inner self. For this type of friendship, I also need to be needed. I need their willingness to share their inner selves with me. I am a very open person and share on a deep level in serious discussions. I have only found a few very special souls who enjoy approaching me to share their deep feelings of life. These are the unique friends who encourage a healthy life.
Love leads to giving;
Giving leads to sacrifice;
Sacrifice leads to life;
Life leads to love.

Courtesy, respect and compassion are disciplines my will desires to learn. As I practice these disciplines, I am submitting my mind, will and emotions to the Lord. It isn't always easy. It has taken much prayer for guidance, communication with friends and practice.

How much time am I willing to give to those to whom I am commissioned to love? When someone is seeking a friend and needs to share inner struggles, am Iwilling to give of my total self, especially as a concerned listener? I am still learning the beautiful art of listening. This type of relationship, practiced daily, can become true friendship, encompassing all the essence of love for us.

The scriptural commission in Matthew 22:39 says to love your neighbor - singular person. Does the Lord expect me to love everyone in the world, as much as I love myself? I sometimes misjudge what love means. I judge love for myself by my actions or feelings. This is not correct. I may dislike some of my actions, but I can continue to love myself. There is a reason to love myself: to love the Christ-essence in me. If I say I do not love myself, I am saying I do not love God's creation. This is the same in my response to others. I can love them, as creations of love.
Purpose brings obedience;
Purpose brings magnitude;
Purpose brings comfort;
There is purpose in gratitude.

The Lord's loving arms enfold me when someone tells me they love me. I take this deeply and can love them without having opportunity to express it. To develop a deeper love, for bettering my health, I can share my expression of love for them. It may be face-to-face, a phone call, in written expression or another means of communication. They can experience God's love through me.

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Love IS

Love is warm
as soft summer breezes
Whispering gently,

Love is willing
to be there,
Fluttering wings hovering,

Love is praise
free and generous,
Loyal, melodious song,

Love leads to giving;
Giving leads to sacrifice;
Sacrifice leads to life;
Life leads to love.

Love is a warm,
soft summer breeze.
Life is love.
Without love, there is no life.

Love is the creator of life,
the breath of life.
How much life can I inhale?
How much love can I exhale?

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

Some sites I recommend:

I Believe in You

Shirley MacLaine Inner Self

Thinking of taking a walk this summer?

Psychic Secrets

Wise Older Women

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at eBay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale - Dusty's eBay

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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me. Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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