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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Life is Heaven in 2007!

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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Spring Is In the Air
by Dusty Reed

Shortly after we moved to the Midwest, my nine-year son was telling about a wild bird. He knew its name; I have forgotten.

"It can learn to trust a person enough to come eat out of your hand."

We were talking about the importance of practicing the communication with nature every day to learn to become one with it.

"Will you do it, Mommy?"

I admitted I didn't have or take time to practice it often enough to let it happen spontaneously.

When he was younger, we took time together to communicate with the plants and trees in our backyard. Maybe we could play with that practice again. I talked with birds a few times at the park, before we moved. Maybe visiting with nature is how I could begin again practicing.

Shortly after the discussion with my son, while outdoors, I had occasion to observe. I watched a cardinal, who was a bit nervous at the bird feeder. He was only about ten feet from me but brave enough to get some food.

"It is okay, Red, I love you."

I continued to send him vibrations of peace while he sat perched for several minutes, content with his feeding.

Cardinals signal their desire to be noticed with their bright color. They are attentive to their surroundings. Isn't it possible they are, likewise, attentive to acknowledgement through thought or emotional communication on our part? Maybe they speak to us, as well. Are we attentive to their vibrations? Can we experience a communion between all life through the universal nature of consciousness?

Sometimes we feel so minute. What is the importance of the tiny lady bug sitting on a leaf amongst the foliage in a remote timberland? Or, a butterfly sitting on a clover blossom in a secluded meadow? Can we compare these to our roles in life?

I want to absorb all that nature has to offer. It comes from a deeper awareness than merely sitting outdoors listening and watching what my physical surroundings provide. By looking at each perception with an attitude of appreciation, I can find the joy of discovery in every new day.

Spring is in the air. I delight in communing with nature. I sit outdoors at night, just to stargaze. I inhale the tranquility and offer gratitude.

Taking action is the key to bring myself into true awareness of my surroundings. Thoughts alone did not do it. Once I made the decision and took action, I found myself again on my desired path.

Action includes several activities. I listen. I offer loving thoughts and words to others.

I share, through my writing, my thoughts and experiences. Maybe they will offer a twinkle of enlightenment for someone. Writing also offers personal therapy as self-satisfaction. It brings new awareness to center stage where it can be observed and analyzed. By putting thoughts into words on paper, I often exclaim, "Oh! I didn't realize this belief was a part of my life." Once I put the thought in writing, I can edit, reform or toss it.

As statements arise, I ask self if this is an inner belief or whether it has been artificially planted. How do I know if it has been artificially planted? It takes study, observing the mental and emotional actions. But, most important are the reactions when I meet something new. What is my reaction?

This pilgrimage requires trust and acceptance, both in physical surroundings and with spiritual discovery.

"There is no power but of God."

It requires a willingness to experiment and expand awareness of reality.


Awareness in Spring
by Dusty Reed

Spring in the air.
Communing with nature.
Inhaling tranquility and offering gratitude.

Colors and fragrance
Soft chirps of robins and wrens
add fullness with song.
What is the message?
Blend in Oneness
A panorama of nature
Permeates awareness.

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Some sites I recommend:
Hummingbird Nest

Grandma's Fudge Factory

Business Services by Karen Campbell

Relaxation Music

Wealth Beyond Reason with Bob Doyle


If you care to read this month's article by Dusty at the online magazine, "Finally!", you can do so at Dancing With the Wind It is my joy to share with you that I continue to add new rose drawings and some photographs available at! You can view them at Dusty's Roses
And, I have a page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to Rose Descriptions.
I have been posting nearly all of my drawings that are not displayed elsewhere at Rose Garden I have two galleries there. The other is at Reed's Loft. It has various photographs, other drawings, and notecards available.

My sister-in-spirit, Sunny, has several of her drawings and has added new photos at, too, at Sunny's Art Work

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, Christmas decor, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at (with Expansion Encounters as subject). Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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