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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Be all you can be in 2003!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "August, 2003"

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The year is more than half past. Are we staying on track with our goals? It is time to ponder what accomplishments we have experienced thus far this year. We offer our gratitude and move our thoughts ahead to what heights we desire to attain through the remainder of the year. We create, in our mind, a


Design brings fantasy
Seeing the image
Dreaming the ideal

Is it a home
Or a car
Or maybe attire

We image a castle
Fantasize a Corvette
Dress at the top of fashion

Is it being amiable
Or sharing with others
Or maybe just Being

Or maybe offering Love
Seeing the goodness
Dreaming the Oneness

Design our lives
See the image
Dream the ideal.

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Examining Our Dreams
By Dusty Reed

Dreams are expressions of our deeper selves. Understanding our dreams can give us valuable insight that we can use in our communication with others. Interpretation includes finding the relevance of the dream in our present. We sort out our feelings, make plans for action, and rehearse skills that we need.

Whether we pay attention or not, our dreams have always been providing personal guidance to support and assist us in walking our life's path. Dreams influence choices so they can alter the course of events around us. We may choose to alter the course of our life's events because we are able to obtain wisdom through a dream.

We cannot limit our search to only those things we would like to know, or to areas of our consciousness that are pleasant and brightly lit. If we seek wisdom, we cannot limit it. Wisdom may not tell us what we want to hear. The interesting thing about wisdom is that it is always worth hearing. If we take up the challenge, the reward offers a direct doorway into a powerful and luminous dimension of self-understanding and spiritual connection.

The value of learning to listen within to interpret our dreams is an experience of personal harmony, well being and joy. When we live in step with our inner wisdom, our lives take on greater meaning and fulfillment.

By seeing how we move through dreams, we can see how we typically handle real life situations.

Are we active, confronting every challenge, or passively letting things happen around us? Are we friendly or a loner? Do we laugh, cry, or show affection? The masks we use during the day are gone, and a genuine self is revealed.

Our dreams have meaning for us in relationship to our individual experiences and in our interpretation in communication with others. They provide a map to follow upon our journey. Examining a dream may tell us about feelings we are having about an external situation in our life. The action called for by the dream has the most direct influence on our awakening to who we are. Whether we are looking at the messages that come through images in our sleep or we are viewing our waking experience as a dream, greater wisdom and understanding are available.

Proper dream interpretation offers greater understanding of ourselves, not of others. Dream work helps us know ourselves. Like a mirror, it is not only projecting who we are but it also displays what we need to do, what needs to be worked out in our lives and how we can then communicate our true selves to others.

A dream is a way we build a bridge of reason between our individual reality and the reality that we perceive around us. Dreams knit together the threads of our experience and knowledge to create the fabric of our conscious existence. Through dreaming we explore possibilities of outcome, and have the opportunity to prepare for the future based on the occurrences of the past.

Only we are qualified to interpret our dreams. We can learn much about ourselves by taking time to journal and ponder what we can learn from our dream world.

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By Dusty Reed

As the new year travels on, we continue to include a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.

Discovery is everywhere.

May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.

Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.

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Begin with a sheet of paper and pencil. Write a special current thought briefly. Draw a bubble around it. From there, draw a line to another bubble. Write, briefly, the next thought that comes to mind. Continue clustering thoughts, as words or phrases, spiraling off from the appropriate bubble thought.

PURPOSE: To receive an Aha! concerning a question.

HINT: Write quickly and continuously until the Aha happens.

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Facets of Light - More about Colors - Flame and Blue

Orange flame and sky blue reflect back, giving assurance of healing and healthy communication with others. Both have been providing opportunities. These rays penetrate my being, giving a warm promise that there is a reason for all things.

Ample time was provided for healthy meditation. I accepted and listened.

The shower of glistening white shards remind me to take quiet time daily to recharge physically, mentally and spiritually. I offer gratitude for these reminders.

ORANGE is a healing color. It represents cell regeneration. It can mean the process of healing or reorganizing priorities physically or emotionally.

BLUE is the color of creativity, imagination, and self-expression. Light blue can be visualized in healing work to erase trauma and pain. Blue can also indicate positive self-expression and confidence.

WHITE is the color of the highest spiritual attainment, purification, and enlightenment. Awareness may be through prayers of others and strong personal affirmations.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!

Follow Your Dreams

Belief Net

Hubble Heritage Project

Dream Flights

Intuition Network

And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale -
Dusty's Ebay

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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