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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Energize and Organize in 2005

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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I am here presenting a series of some word vitamins to ponder. They are not necessarily related in content. The purpose is to find your awareness in your now as you read through them. They may trigger a memory, something happening now or that you would like to see happening for you, or you may simply find yourself analyzing the writing.

The purpose of this exercise is for you to be attentive to what goes through your mind as you ponder these thoughts. Enjoy every moment!


Being honest with others
comes through knowing
each is tailored uniquely
by our Creator.
Being honest
to my Creator within
is being honest
with others.

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Am I ever satisfied
with what life holds right now?
Being willing to grow
and open to God's touch
allows me to release all anxiety
And enjoy to the fullest
this moment
And be satisfied.

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Awareness of harmony
is an instant "Aha!"
Or, it may be silent
warmth of understanding
That all of creation,
including self,
Is flowing with
an awareness of harmony.

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I Can!
- Dusty Reed

I was taught at a young age that there is no such word as "can't." I ingested that and even friends and family commented that I was willing to try anything. Later in years, I learned that there is no such thing as try. I either will or I won't!

Preceding the outer action is an inner decision. Our destiny is shaped in our moments of decision.

Another way to look at "I can," is to realize "I am capable." I can choose my heart's desires and be assured that I can attain them. Thus, I have an unlimited panorama to reach for the stars.

There are no excuses. If we sit on an excuse, we will probably only make it hatch into a batch of more excuses.

The preliminaries are easy. I can make decisions and I can choose no excuses in order to make accomplishments. Once I am this far, I can accomplish anything I desire. There is no such thing as can't, try, if. Those are only shadows and not real. The reality is, "I can choose to...!"

I can choose to enjoy life every moment. Others have asked, "How can I enjoy every moment to the fullest?" I can attain the attitude of acceptance. With that declaration, I accept that I am (enjoying every moment...).

I can be enthusiastic in everything I do. I can offer my gifts to others. I can achieve power and greatness. I can meet any circumstance with calmness. I can attain my heart's desire. I can live a healthy, full, fragrant and satisfying life. I can...

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Our guest author this month is Shirley Shwerdtfeger who has been my friend for the past… 25 years! She writes from her heart as you will grasp when reading this:


Silence is golden they say.
A single prayer from the heart
Can cause such an explosion.
The quiet thoughts from the heart!

God hears every thought and every
Prayer, from the heart silent or not.
Some spoken words can sometimes
Be just too much.

A whisper and a touch from the winds
Do such wondrous things.
To the child without a voice who was
Born with no vocal cords, is always heard.

The elder, whose words are gone forever
Taken by a stroke, are never lost.
God hears and sees the whispers in the wind.
Just "A Prayer From the Heart."

- Copyright - Shirley Schwerdtfeger, 2002

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Some sites I recommend:
Enlightened Metaphysical Teacher, DR Bennett's Path of Nothing

Gini's World Tour
(If you care to submit a description of your area, write to Gini!)

Spirit Link

Dreamtime Pathways

Rose 4 Peace ~ Her new email addy is Sande

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, colored pencil drawings, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay

You can also see a couple of samples of colored pencil drawings I've done at My Roses

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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Dusty Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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