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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Everyone wins in 2010."

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Expansion Encounters and now at New Expansion Encounters Current


Is Trust a Drastic Step?
by Dusty Reed

"In God we trust." We carry this motto with us during most of our waking hours. Is there contemplation of its meaning? Is it believable? Is this motto put to practice in a personal way? Is there an entrustment of the whole self to God?

What does it mean to put trust in the Lord? Is it an act of giving physically, mentally and spiritually? To do this may appear to be a leap of fear but it is a simple and easy step toward a joyful expression of life.

Some have a personality that lets them believe no one else can do a job as good as they. Some believe they are doing nothing wrong. Some take care to eat a nutritious diet and keep their personal appearance neat. They have a healthy body so may tell themselves they don't need to turn every aspect of their lives over to God. Who are they fooling?

If we are taking care of ourselves, these areas can become an accent and radiate. We can polish areas to provide a happier, more joyful expression of life for self, for others and in communion with our Creator.

To put life totally in God's hands, trust is a requirement. Trust God to hold your hand. This offers solid security. This is a belief by faith.

Unless the Creator has the opportunity to show His ability to handle the world better than we can, He will never receive our full trust. It is a simple act of giving self to Him and letting Him take charge.

When I requested help, the Lord provided "confidence vitamins," thoughts or words that help change my attitude. Some were Scripture verses. They provide trust and assurance.

When I think I am tired or at a point of stress, I take a walk. If I am willing to give myself in trust, I receive power and persistence. I can carry on in a fresh state of mind. The key is that I must be open and willing to receive guidance.

Trust is earned. Some people are prone to carry tales. Even when someone hears something in confidence, this person cannot keep from rushing to tell someone else. Do you know the type? They develop a reputation of not being trustworthy and miss the opportunity to develop a deep communication with anyone.

Have you, at some time, encouraged an open-hearted discussion with anyone who would prefer talking about anyone but themselves? They do not trust others. It may take continual direction of the conversation back to personal experiences or the other person may have tendency to stray into another's territory. They may use excuses, blaming others for their faults. It will be a delicate conversation but definitely a learning experience. The other person may discover something very new - trust.

Trust in God is much different from trust in another person or in an object. You may trust another person to a degree but, because of the possibility of human failure, you cannot put your life on the line with no concern of the results.

You put your trust in a chair when you sit but there is the possibility it might give out from under you. A baby puts his life in his parents' trust. This is much the same innocence as when we give ourselves in trust.

You can do so with such complete confidence that you can go about life's activities with no anxiety about the results. Your trust will receive rewards with perfect insight and guidance.

Trust brings a vibrant and determined personality. The men and women who travelled with their families across the ocean in the eighteenth century to come to a new country with many unknown factors, did so by faith and trust. They had a sense of adventure and were a brave people.

So also with people travelling as pioneers moving west in the nineteenth century. It is a tendency to take for granted that men were brave in these ventures. Realization that women were actively participating in an adventure not accustomed to the times is the focal point here. Women of those days are thought of today as meek, easily frightened, quiet and very feminine. Many had no education by books and schooling.

In contrast, they were wise people who gained their wisdom through experience. They were not afraid to step out with their husbands and family into the unknown and trust God to guide and protect them. If they had not stepped out in faith, where would you and I be today?

What are people doing today as a step in faith, which will affect generations to come? What could you and I be doing?

A step in faith, as a woman, might be to quit working outside the home to become a more sensitive wife and mother within the home. A man might take a less paying job by moving his family to a slower-paced life in the country.

Is it too drastic a step? Think again of the daring steps of trust of our ancestors. If it still appears impossible, find a smaller step.

To get across a stream, too wide to jump, step from one rock to the next, one step at a time, until you reach the other side. Once you practice stepping out, it will be easier to jump across wider crevices with one leap.

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by Dusty Reed

Who has dominion?
I have given myself to God's care
Being in His presence every moment
I trust He has given His Spirit
To rule my circle of life.
My mind can expand
To accept His changes as required.
He guides my path.
I keep my thoughts with His
To have dominion.

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Some sites I recommend:

Communicating With the Brotherhood - Jean Foster

Hemispheric Dominance Inventory Test

Ask Maddisen - How to Build Strong Trust Muscles

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It is my joy to share with you that I have been posting most of my drawings at Dusty's Gallery and at Dusty's Art

I continue to add new rose drawings and some photographs available at! You can view them at Roses.

I now have some of my rose drawings at an auction site,
Art By Us And, I have a page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to Rose Note Cards.

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, books & post cards - occasionally some nic nacs) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at With Expansion Encounters as Subject. Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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Life Now

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Enjoy every moment!

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