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Expansion Encounters
With Dusty

We have another thought provoker from Nic East this month! Thanx, Nic!

By Nic East

How do you define the concept, “Ultimate”?
Furthest or highest in degree or order; utmost or extreme; "the ultimate achievement"; "Guy's ultimate question"; "Bill's ultimate destiny"; "Keith's ultimate insult"; “Sally’s ultimate goal in life" The best of the bast.

Being the last or concluding element of a series; "the ultimate sonata of that opus"; "a distinction between the verb and noun senses of `conflict' is that in the verb the stress is on the ultimate (or last) syllable"

Elemental: being the ultimate or elemental constituents of anything; "the elemental stuff of...out of which the many forms of life have been molded"- Jack London; "the ultimate ingredients of matter"; "Joe's proposal is elegantly simple"

So Ultimate is a kind of unique perfection. How do we recognize that uniqueness? How do you explain this thought?
To me, communication exists at many levels, mainly within one's own brain. In this sensory-dependent environment we share, our senses bring in stimuli in the form of chemicals to the olfactory bulb, sensations to the body's surface and interior, vibration in our shared atmosphere to the ear drums, chemicals to the tongue equated as taste, balance via the movement of liquid within the inner ear cochlea and a sense of well being and circadian time.

All inputs are translated into electro-chemical impulses that eventually lead us to realizations of what seems via our interpretation, to be going on here in 3D space-time.

So much for describing the incoming data. What happens within the human brain is phenomenal and somehow mysterious, for it can never be exactly described. Suffice to say that we feel emotions and store memories using the Amygdala (which never forgets) and the Hippocampus. This system takes in the electrochemical sensory data and stores it away either as short-term matrices or as long-term data packets in neurons. The internal processing that eventually leads to opinions, aesthetics and cultural ideas is where the mystery is.

Where do emotions come from?
Consternation, happiness, revulsion, anger and love along with many other emotional feelings are first felt in the body as a response to sensory input and then realized within the mind. Emotion does not begin in the mind; just the mind's reaction to the adrenaline or epinephrine in the blood as it crosses the blood-brain barrier indicates emotion to the consciousness.

That sounds complicated.
Indeed, we are vastly complex biological beings. We are chemical factories and energy-using entities. We are reality interfaces, life-force amplifiers and lenses for our souls to experience this wonderspace in which we live together. In a word; we are Human.

Is Reality only what we sense it to be?
Well, it certainly is true that we are sensitive to only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Add to that the fact that we only perceive in 3 dimensions plus time as a forth. It begins to look like we have only a small part of the puzzle and have to divine the rest with rational assumptions or via meditation.

This seems to lead us to a sensory construct? I believe you are correct about us modeling our world and what is going on in it. Not the weather or other "natural phenomenon”, but our day-by-day experiences with each other and our human-designed environment. Perhaps it is all a light show. "All the world's a stage . . ."

What else can we sense?
I have long pondered the theory of "Many Worlds", which is part of Quantum Mechanics. In case you are not familiar with this idea, the scheme is that every decision we take generates another divergent universe of possibility that you of course follow and explore as you live it. The other previously created universes of possibility gradually fade away as we move into the newly decided realms. Alternative choices generate alternative worlds and these are marching forward temporally in tandem with ours. One can, it is theorized, transfer their conscious point of awareness to any of the "nearby" cogenerated alternatives and "experience" them via meditation.

Do you know of “Mirror Neurons”?
I read Ramachandran's article about Giaccamo Rizzollati's discovery several years ago in his book on anosognosia, or Phantom Limb Syndrome and the accompanying denial of the limb's loss.

He says, in effect that it is not brain size that matters when determining the difference between humans and primitive hominids. Primates, especially monkeys, have mirror neurons in the ventral premotor area of the "executive brain", which is another term for their frontal lobes. These mirror neurons fire when a monkey sees another doing a familiar activity in the same way as if the first monkey was performing the action itself! Humans’ brains work in similar fashion and that is the basis of empathy.

His is also the basis for imitation learning or, "Monkey see, monkey do." The exciting fact is that autistics seem to have no mirror neurons and therefore lack the “virtues” of empathy, sympathy, compassion or charity. This is indeed a great discovery. Mirror neurons may also be the basis of possible psionic power such as telepathy or telekinesis. Experiments are underway to learn more, but there has been uproar about possibilities and not a few PhD theses have been begun that research this new and wonderful discovery.

Now, what can we do with the thought? Is there an Ultimate lurking here somewhere? Where is the "smoking gun"?

We are agreed that Mirror Neurons exist, for it has been proven. We can understand how ASDs seem to be inhibited by their lack or reduced amounts. We also know that herding, schooling and mob activities are everyday occurrences. We suspect that the "Hundredth Monkey" is merely a story, for it probably didn't take nearly as long for other monkeys to learn by observation to wash their yams before eating them.

What implications do you see for Mirror Neurons?
Aside from all the back and forth about who said what and the validity or conclusiveness of research on Mirror Neurons, I will creatively go out on a limb and agree that Mirror Neurons exist and have a function within the human Mind/Brain. Now, how can we access them? Is their use only limited to monkeys? Artists? Meditators? Scientists? Spiritualists? Or is there a use for MNs that is something we can model within our own minds?

Let's head trip a bit: If Mirror Neurons work as described; we can possibly theorize that they provide us with a valuable tool for expanding our metaconsciousness. There is, in our shared social-consciousness, the indication that non-verbal telepathy might exist, certainly empathy does. I cautiously accept this as possibility even though it has been poo-poo'd by the science community for ages. If it did not exist, whence comes charisma? Charismatics have for centuries used their powers to heal and convince others to do their bidding. Even Christ must have been a charismatic leader along with all the other empowerments he is said to have possessed, like healing the sick and lame. An excellent bedside manner and a supportive attitude from your physician will help you cure yourself faster than all the pills and potions money can supply. That process is known as part of the well-known “Placebo Effect”. The general realization of practical creative uses of Mirror Neurons will revolutionize the classroom if the methodology can be nailed down.

Religions are mainly fear-based and full of rationalizations that can never be fully proven. In religions, there are neither accurate records nor any duplicatable experiments with attendant apparatus and proofs. The systems hardly can be compared at all since their individual assumptions use totally different value systems.

Aren’t religions reaching for “ultimate solutions”?
Religions are ritualized traditions and their canonical "laws" come as a result of the empowering of church bureaucracy and the inertia of church memorabilia. There is simply no "smoking gun proof" in any religion as there can be in Science and Law. Religions are faith-based officialdoms. They say they concern the operation and welfare of the Soul, which is all that we can accept.

What about science’s attempts to define ultimates?
I hope I do not have to explain Scientific Method or Bloom’s Taxonomy since it would take up a lot of valuable space. Suffice to say that, in science, experiments must be duplicatable and evidence provable, while religion is faith-based and relies upon feelings more than provable actuality. Notice I did not use the word "spiritual" anywhere above, for that would take us into another kettle of worms.

What about Humanity’s goals? What have you learned?
I have been observing Humanity interactively for going on seventy years now. I have seen our confusions, aberrations and frustrations while noting the responses and behaviors. Though I am still only an untrained amateur, I feel that I am reasonably well informed and astute in my quest for a personal comprehensive understanding. Humanity’s goals are too numerous to list here and I’m not sure I know them all, anyway. Suffice to say, humanity seems to want a harmonious and self-actualizing lifestyle without too much governmental control or other outside interference.

Besides watching Humanity, I also am a full time participant in this arcade game of life we play. It is always amazing to me when I encounter young people who have life all figured out. They seem to know all the answers to all of the questions. I envy their apparent wisdom, for I still must admit I have lots of questions that remain unanswered. I have always dealt respectfully and humbly with others because I have never met another person who could not teach me something new. We all take each other's class every time we interact. I just look for the hard and provable truth wherever possible.

Which is closer to Ultimate Truth; Science, Art or Religion?
As a scientifically trained but artistically motivated person with a strong spiritual value system, I am caught within the flux of change. It is always a challenge to make sense of the confusion around us, but I accept gladly.

I know that Faith and Trust help keep us sane and rational and this somehow validates our “need” for religion. But, perhaps most of all, there is Hope. Hope has a certain fragility that needs our protection just as Faith and Trust need verification from time to time.

All together, Science, Philosophy and Art coalesce into our Core Values and that is what generates our integrity and altruism along with sympathy and charity. It is what makes us really Human and sensitive to each other and our shared needs. I guess that is the crux of our Ultimate Paradigm.
copyright Nic East

Dusty’s Sharing –

What is Truth? By Dusty Reed

My Christian roots remain strong as they support my journey through life. Like a tree, I seek Christ's light while receiving nourishment from my roots.

I believe symbolism is infinite and each person sees his or her beliefs in a different light, even if they sit in the same pew at church. Faith and belief are a far expansion of church walls, although some religious groups attempt to have us believe differently. I agree with my husband when he says, in his view, that both Christian and other religions will accept you "into the fold," regardless of what you believe, but still with the intent of converting you to their belief system. This is not a discussion of my views of the church. It is my study of where I am from the guidance and nurturing of those who encouraged my freedom to explore.

If we could come together with a universal philosophy for all religions that would allow and encourage individuals to follow their personal relationship with the Lord, we would have many occasions for expansion through openly sharing with one another without becoming defensive or having concern for stepping on their toes. I hear this philosophy of a universal belief in writing by others on the internet. I don't know how or if it is actually practiced by others but it appears to be gaining strength as a preferred philosophy.

Once the non-judgment is reached, including influences of philosophical, political and religious backgrounds, we can share our interpretations and sense more of the Allness God provides. This I believe!

Will I believe this tomorrow, next week, or next year? I cannot say in this moment. Expansion sometimes includes eliminating some areas of investigation that prove to be other than my truth. These are only shadows that disappear as I follow the Light. My Light is the Spirit, or Energy, of God.

There is an old truism, "The truth shall set you free." The contrast to that is also true, "A lie will make you a slave." Even if we do not know we are lying, we still become a slave to the beliefs that the lie creates. So it is important to look at facts, learn the truth, and then speak and act accordingly.

"What is truth? Religion claims to know the answer. Philosophy would solve the problem. Science works untiringly over its interpretation. The explanations often clash. We surmise and believe many errors, but Truth remains always the same. Man changes, Truth does not. As man realizes and accepts it he learns to understand all the qualities and attributes of Christ as changeless and eternal, 'the same yesterday and today, yea and for ever'" - Hebrews 13:8.

I can reject or accept what is Truth but regardless of what I believe, Truth never changes. I believe I am coming closer to knowing Truth as I travel my path. I have had many Y's in the road and I continually ask for guidance in choosing the one that leads me to my Good.

The Laws of Nature are not necessarily Truth. These have been defined by humanity and have resulted in erroneous conclusions.

God is Truth, but what is God? Energy? A personality? I have been taught that Jesus came as the Personality of God. How can I know in my now that the only Truth is God?

Is it necessary to know? There is no way to know beyond any shadow of doubt except through faith.

I live by faith in many things, all a part of my concept of our Creator's omniscience. I have faith that the chair I am sitting on will continue to hold my body in a comfortable position, faith that we are raising our son in a healthy way, faith that I will still have my job tomorrow, faith that the sun will "rise" each morning. These are all a part of my faith that the Lord is in charge. Truth will reign.

Where do I receive the ability to have faith? Is it substantial?

Faith offers a path to follow, a way of life, and a very joyful journey.

Some interesting sites:

Evolution – Ecology – Nature


What Is Truth?

What Is Truth and Does It Matter?

Circle of Light

Dreamtime Numerology & Astrology

Celestopia, Gateway to a Sustainable Future

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.


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