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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Be all you can be in 2003!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "December, 2003"

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Busy is my keyword this month. I am enjoying every moment, though! Just that priorities have gotten a little out of line... As my sis-in-spirit says, I'm ready to get my ducks back in a row... which will happen after the holidays. I am probably speaking for several of you, too!

I have been thinking of you, though! Here is the Christmas greeting I wish for each of you!
Happy Holidays!

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I found something I wrote several years ago that is always Good Medicine!

How do I find prayer time? When I am driving, I can talk to the Lord. When I am walking, enjoying Nature, I can listen. When I am talking with others, I can stay attuned to His presence.

The key is allowing other thoughts to fall away or to toggle my thought world simply to focus on God's presence. He takes it from there. I either know what to say or I listen for His message.

In the hustle and bustle of today's world, it takes special discipline to take "time out" to connect with our Creator. He is always available and some days He encourages my busyness with obligations. Other days He opens doors for quiet time with Him.

Scripture offers many promises of God's presence. I have the assurance of His guidance with every step I take and I offer gratitude for this.

"... Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." - Matthew 7:28:20

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Quiet Gratitude

Thank You, Lord,
for this quiet time
with You.
Let me hear only You
in everything
I hear.
Let me see only You
in everything
I see.
Let me touch only You
in everything
I touch.
Thank You, Lord,
for this quiet time
with You.

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I want to introduce you to a delightful book I read recently. The name of it is, "Elayne, Daughter of Avalon" and oh, it contains so many beautiful nuggets of wisdom! It was written by a dear online friend, Joan Fericy. You can visit her site at Church of Divine Light

This book gives a visualized illustration, including beautiful drawings, of a group of women offering an initiation into the Circle of Light. They offer simple truths in a charming way to a tender soul as the initiate - and each of us can benefit, as "initiates," from these truths!

You can access more info about the book at Xlibris

Thank you, Joan, for putting these inspiring nuggets into book form! You are, indeed, one special angel!

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Some sites I recommend:

Stargazer (as seen on PBS)

Senior Citizen's Magazine

A wealth of spiritual resources

Online Diet & Fitness Journal

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I have visited with many of you about our son, Shawn. He turned 21 this month and spent the day travelling to Wisconsin - to Ft McCoy. He joined National Guard this last summer and... has been called to active duty for Operation Iraqi Freedom. May I ask each of you to pray in your own way for his safe return home, as well as for all of our soldiers. I am sure you know someone personally who has also been called to active duty. Send them rays of Love! We build a strong cord with each of our little strings intertwined!

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale -
Dusty's eBay

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Oh! I almost forgot! We are looking for a phrase for Expansion Encounters for 2004! My sis-in-spirit and I will be using "Our Spirits Soar in 2004!" If you have some possibilities, send them! The next Expansion Encounters will highlight the winner and a page at my site will be dedicated to the winner and others who submit! Life Now

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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