Our "theme" thru this little newsletter will be "Communication," since that is what is happening here, through email messages and visiting one another's sites.
In case you don't recognize who I am and to reintroduce myself, my name is Dusty and I've chatted with you via email sometime thru the last 6 months. I sent out requests for articles/subscriptions to my newsletter, "Starburst" last summer. Or, maybe we've exchanged links...
This is my first experience of sending out any "mass" material, so let me know if it is not convenient for you to receive this little newsletter about once a month. I will keep it short - and that's a real "opportunity" for me! I will include some personal notes along with occasional excerpts from some of the books I've written. I do hope to receive "communication" back from you, too!
Aren't internet and email grande! Such a delightful way to make new friends!
Since we are just into this brand new year, I am looking for a slogan to attach to each issue - something that rhymes with '99. We will have an impartial judge (someone who hasn't communicated with any of you), who will make the decision. The "winner" will have a page at my website, giving the slogan, the person's site url and, with permission, email #. So, send me your slogans! The winner will be identified in the next issue.
Is it possible to communicate, versus chat, with someone we don't physically see, hear or know, other than what we read about his or her life and happenings? We like to believe we can but...
What lies beneath the written word?
I am discovering, through email, that there are myriad like-minded souls with whom to share and to listen. As I've discovered in the past with snail mail pals, it is often easier for one to be truthful in sharing from the depths thru this medium than face-to-face with coworkers, casual friends and even, sometimes, with family.
In today's mobile world, we often develop a special relationship and then become separated geographically and work to continue the special bond thru writing. It has happened for me that these friendships deepen even more through this medium of communication.
How? By self-realization. As we share with others from a deeper level, we become more attuned to who we are. Our thoughts have taken shape, becoming words, statements, questions, and exclamations that we can see! Thoughts captured in writing are a picture of what we are in the moment.
So, is it possible to communicate...? Yes, we are raising consciousness to a level of Oneness!
Geographics - We live in the southeast area of Iowa. A dear friend, Gini, from Belgium, has included a page at her site of different areas submitted by friends from around the world. Mine is included under You can visit at "Iowa."
We recently moved to a lakeshore home - see November 3 entry at Tho'ts Inn" - and I feel as if I'm in a fantasyland! Being at one with the seasons - enjoying every moment - is a delight! Cardinals, wrens, crows, bluejays, woodpeckers, nuthatches and other birds we haven't learned to identify come to the birdfeeder daily. Squirrels try to, too, even though they have their own ears of corn set aside. They are fun to watch, scampering about! Bald eagles are coming back to this community. Bill watched seven soaring over the lake, just out in front of our house, one afternoon. And I greet deer nearly every day, as I travel through the State Park on my way to work. Living here offers a serenity I haven't experienced for many years!
Thank you for your time reading this little message! I do hope we can develop our communication! Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty