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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Be all you can be in 2003!"

Elizabeth Richardson is the winner of Expansion Encounter's 2003 Slogan contest! Congratulations, Elizabeth! The winner's page for Elizabeth can be found at Winner

This page also includes other entries that were submitted.

2nd Choice: Peace is the key in 2003
3rd Choice: Dare to be free in 2003

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read previous issues of Expansion Encounters online, you will find them at Mail Room

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By Dusty Reed

There may be times when
I feel lonesome;
There may be times when
I feel confused;
There may be times when
I feel angry;
There may be times when
I feel afraid.
The awareness comes
when enlightenment shows
these as unfavorable
And I can turn instantly
to my Lord within.
The clouds then dissipate
And the sun comes shining through

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As the new year begins, we continue to include a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.

Discovery is everywhere.

May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.

Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.

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Take a walk. See what is around you. Soak up some sunshine. Feel the sensation, even if it is a biting cold wind. Breathe deeply. Sense the many fragrances. Listen for the sounds of a songbird - or the chatter of a squirrel. Count a blessing with each footfall.

PURPOSE: Experience oneness with nature.

HINT: Enjoy this tryst in various weather conditions.

Complete something courageous that you have delayed doing.

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Facets of Light - Diamonds

A facet of a diamond is only one tiny portion of what that diamond has to offer. The collection of facets give the diamond its spectacular sparkle. Each facet reflects a different color, creating the majesty.

So like our Creator, like humanity, and like our various natures, facets reflect the talents we have and gifts we have to offer. Each of us offers a different colored facet and everyone sparkles when we hold them up to the Light.

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Behold the Beauty
By Dusty Reed

Many new homes have half-screens on the windows. This opens the lower half to fresh air but screens out the unwanted insects.

As I look out my kitchen window, I see through the black screen that blurs the vision of detail in the tree next to that window. However, when I look up, I can see clearly the leaves and limbs at the top of the tree, with no screen blocking my view.

I ponder a quote by Alice Freeman Palmer, "Every day stop before something beautiful long enough to say, 'Isn't that b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!'"

By "looking up," keeping our spiritual eyes upon the Lord, we can see His creation through His eyes. We can observe the design of excellence and beauty.

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It appears we are not to have a guest author's article this issue. I contacted three people and did not hear back from any of them.

If you have an article for personal development or as an inspirational, approximately 300 words, send it to me and I will consider!

Instead, I am including another article I wrote recently:

Creativity Through Hopes and Dreams

Listening to a friend share how she had adapted to changes in her life that did not match her earlier hopes and dreams, I was reminded of how this has happened in my life, as well.

I dreamed through several happy years of setting up a retreat where like-minded souls could come with a time set aside for stimulating discussions as well as ample time for quietude. I planned and practiced this concept each time we had house guests.

When we opted to move to a new geographical area, we chose a home suitable as a Bed & Breakfast and enjoyed nine years of preparing and meeting guests from many parts of the United States and some from other countries, as well. Life Now Retreat was in existence - partially. It did not contain the full structure I had envisioned but it brought people to our home to enjoy their individual interests.

Later, we moved to a smaller, alpine-type village (in the middle of Iowa!), with a lake and near a state park. We made friends quickly within the community but we no longer had accommodations to invite guests for overnight stays.

Our son quickly referred to this new home as our family retreat. Yes, that is a good description.

I now have my office for writing, self-publishing and most importantly, making connection with others through the internet. Wit my own site and the ability to communicate with others via email, I make contact with more people each month, sharing my Life Now philosophy - how to enjoy every moment to the fullest - than I could have ever reached with a geographical retreat. Our home is our retreat center.

I can see, from circumstances through the years, how much more practical, as well as imaginative, my dream has evolved.

What I have learned is the importance of holding a dream, not throwing it away, as the years slip by. We can then look back and see how it has evolved to be "just right."
- copyright Dusty Reed, 2003

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!

Hypno Place

If you are into fantasy, here is my son, Shawn's page with artwork, stories and poetry: Elfwood

If you enjoy music, my hubby, Bill, has many 33 rpm record albums available: Bill's Record Shop

A variety of choices for music lovers: Skidmark

Health and Nutrition suggestions: Mayo Clinic

Enhance Your Life

Monica's Metaphysics and Paranormal

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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Any Questions?


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