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Expansion Encounters
With Dusty


As promised, we will be highlighting a guest article each month. This one, by Hap Hansen, gave some pause for thought so hopefully, you will enjoy it, too!

A Letter To God
By Hap Hansen
email Hap

Dear God,

As You are All That Is, and I am, I am; therefore, All That Is! So, it is silly of me to ask You "What's happening?" as I, because I am You, already know the answer! The beginning (if there was such a thing) the sustaining and end of creation (if there could be an ending) are taking place simultaneously NOW!

When I, as a little boy, I asked my mother, "Where did God come from?" she replied, "God always was." Her use of the past tense "was" rather than the present tense "is" or the future tense "will be" implies since God "was" in the past, He must therefore, "be" in the present and "will (continue to) be" in the future. As I understood her answer (certainly not clearly, for who, as an a adult can understand the concept of something having no beginning much less a child's doing so) she did not capitalize the word "was." Today, I think the word "was" should be capitalized to denote God's divinity, i.e., Was always God = God always Was.. For that matter, "always" should be in caps too.

Little "i" cannot conceive of something without a beginning as it always asks, "Where was What Is Now before It Was, if It wasn't? The only answer to this question is, "It wasn't, because what isn't can't be somewhere and still not be." This response, of course, doesn't answer the question because it does not explain how something that wasn't, became something that was, without having a beginning! Where did God come from then? From God is the only answer. Huh? How can something come from itself? We know about spontaneous combustion. What do we know about spontaneous God? Chickens come from eggs. Eggs come from chickens, but which came first? We little "i's", with all our science and knowledge, cannot answer that question.

Since the beginning of existence cannot be pinpointed, neither can the ending. Actually, as there was no beginning, there cannot be an ending. After all, something that has not begun cannot end, can it? If it hasn't begun and cannot end, how can it be, unless it always has been? Mother was right. God Always Was. God Always Is. God Always Will Be. That I am aware of some of "What Is" as little "i" proves it!

If you think accepting something with no beginning is difficult, try this! God is constantly becoming more although He/She is already All, and such becoming not only took place, it is taking place, and will keep on taking place, even though it became complete in the past, is completing now, and will complete again and again in the future of this eternal moment!! The unchangeable God is changing. The changing God is unchangeable. These are only appearances of the One Unchanging Self, as It has always been THE UNCHANGEABLE ALL!!!

Since God is always All There Ever Is, ALL THAT IS, is complete and perfect just as IT IS, always. Nothing needs to be "changed". Nothing needs to be "fixed" Nothing needs to be "done." Little "i" because it has free will, can use that free will to speculate and create concepts about WHAT IS to the extent of its understanding. Such understanding, though, limits little "i's" knowing about WHAT IS, to the boundaries such understanding places on WHAT IS!!!!

Do the oceans know they are water? Are they aware that they are almost constantly evaporating? Does that vapor know it was once water? Is it aware of its former oneness with the oceans from which it evaporated? When the vapor returns to the oceans as rain, does it sense that it is coming home? Do the oceans recognize it as being "them" when it returns?

God, are you aware You Are God, or must you become little "i's" in order to experience aspects of Yourself? Did you get bored with perfection and decide to play hide and seek from Yourself? If the purpose of creation was completed before it was begun, why the necessity for the eternal "in-between" moment and the illusion of separateness? Am I You, asleep? If so, are You Me, awake? Unless all that has happened, is happening, and will happen, is remembered, what's the use of its taking place? What would "being" be like if it were not as it is? Would it be different than it is if it could be? If it were, would little "i" know the difference? If little "i" knew the difference, would it be pissed?

The English poet, William Blake said, "That which seems to be, is, to those to whom it seems to be! I say what God has done, is doing and will do, was done, is being done, and will be done, perfectly. The fault exists only in my little "i's" perception. This causes little "i's" problems. That which I AM, knows only perfection!

That I operated mostly from little "i" perspective until now, does not mean this letter is a complaint. Having learned my purpose as little "i" is to be an instrument through which Your Becoming manifests, I shift my focus from little my "i's" concerns, to awareness of the constant PRESENCE that makes this little "i" what it has always BEEN. This awareness has happened, is happening, and will happen, for no-thing can sustain opposition to Your Activity without such opposition being Your Activity! Thanks for listening God,

- "Hap" Hansen

Dusty’s Sharing –

This is a bit of my “Conversations With God” that I wrote as another step in my path of life:
Several years ago, Pastor Daniel (see Church Within in referrals) suggests releasing "opinion." My ponderings on this:
Opinion = Belief = Assumption
Belief = Consideration = Perception
Assumption = Perception = Guess

Release these? Where would there be any conversation if these were released? Communication, maybe? Would this get rid of the dross and leave only the purity of true communion?

Special Friend
By Dusty Reed

How much influence do my inner thoughts
not shared with others
have in my outer world?
My conversations with others
are about lighter things.
I play with my son
in his world of imagination and games.
I talk to my husband
about his day's activities and mine.
I visit with a neighbor
about the state of the world.
And with a special God-given friend
I share all my inner thoughts
as they pass through my mind.

Here are some sites I recommend:
Conversations With God


Site of The Soul

A Way of Life

Meditation Center

The Wandering Hermit

Church Within

And an online friend, Mark, shared this video as interesting: Inspired by Eckhart Tolle's teachings

And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale - My eBay

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.


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