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Dusty's Journal
Updated weekly - more or less...

We're beginning more than a millennium! This is a new decade and a new century! What a blessing to have occasion to participate in this Life now!

If you care to read past Journal entries, you can find them here: ARCHIVES

As an introduction, with this new space, I am looking forward to all the expansion possible in awareness. This includes areas where I am already familiar, as well as new areas. This somewhat surprises me because I used to have a strong fear of the unknown. That is gone, thanks to communication via "Zeke," my email man. There may still be areas I am not ready to accept but I am willing to listen, which is an accomplishment.

It was fun getting in touch with 1,200 dear souls with Christmas greetings. And what a treat hearing back from many! One way I enjoy doing this is with the little newsletter, Expansion Encounters that I send out via Zeke each month. I also correspond individually with many dear souls. I hope to continue to communicate with as many as possible.

This has been a goal for many years - to correspond with over 1,000 souls in sharing the joy of life now. Now, to progress and declare the next step..... (thinking).....

The books I have written over the last 12+ years offer an encouraging journey for choosing and attaining heart throb goals and experiencing an enriching self worth. Many EXCERPTS of my books are available. I also find it a learning and rewarding experience to share from my books in a Life Now email SEMINAR.

So, now that I have shared my heartthrobs for the new millenium, century, decade and year, it would tickle my joy bubbles to hear from others!

Updated Jan 18 2000
Isn't life grande! Weather and other opportunities attempt to pull us off balance - ice storms, blizzards, car in the repair shop, extra necessary errands...

It is good to have a spiritually-minded special friend with whom I can share opportunities. Then I begin to see the goodness in all that is happening.

In our part of the country, we need winter moisture for Mother Nature to do her spring necessaries. Because the car was new to us, it is getting an overhaul at no expense. Now, the icy roads. Well, that allowed me to stay home from work with my boss' approval. With that occasion, I called upon my writing and found some Good input. You can see what I am currently writing at STEPPING THROUGH THE GATE

Our winter has been very mild up to now - unusual for Iowa! I have been taking frequent walks, enjoying the fresh brisk air, clearing my thoughts, even enjoying some symbolic applications as I walk along the edge of our lake, watching the eagles soaring, catching a glimpse of deer coming to the lake for a drink or scampering across the road in the park. Delightful! So many reasons to offer gratitude!

And the promise of spring in the not-too-distant future!

Update Feb 1 2000
Winter hibernating could be fun but... today's world requires out-of-home "necessaries" that prevents the preferred. My choice? Yes, I accepted this life style through a series of choices through the years. I would not give up most of those choices so here I am, between errands and working hours, enjoying communion with others while snuggled into my warm and loving home.

A favorite expression has been, "This, too, shall pass" - concerning hectic situations surrounding - which I still use occasionally. Usually, as I ponder and tap my creative nature, new ideas and projects begin popping.

A few evenings ago, I began sensing my frustration with an apathy that was trying to sneak in. Talking this out with a dear friend through one long email note gave me the inspiration to begin sorting and tossing from closets and storage boxes. As I did this with the understanding that this could create a space within to open to new inspiration, it happened! I began sensing an awareness of what is happening in my spiritual beliefs. I found myself adding more new material to my writing - joy bubbles!

So, I am continuing to sort and toss and accept the Goodness to replace what is no longer attached.

Update Feb 9 2000
A few tufts of brown grass peek out from around the edges of the melting snow.

Deer nibble at the tufts of grass along the roadside.

What has been ice on the lake begins to move and ripple. Geese bobble for a bit and then slide onto what is still frozen.

Squirrels scamper through the traces of snow, appearing to play tag, scampering from tree to tree.

Heart delights! And then... "Oh, but this is only the beginning of February!" Still and all, that means in less than thirty days it will be March, maybe bringing some cool breezes, but we will know that spring does return.

When our cat, Ponder, is willing to return to the outdoor world, we will know that spring has, indeed, arrived.

Update Feb 13 2000
I find myself in one space or the other - internet or home. When I am writing, I am in another space, as well. When I come back to my physical presence, it is almost a "waking up" to the world about me. How often I live within "my" world rather than the one about me. When I am in favored places, I feel satisfied. If not, when I am walking in a daze, half way between my world and the world about me. I feel as I am not accomplishing anything, even though I may be doing some household chores or chattering with my family. If I am totally awake to my surrounding world, I am satisfied. I often must "ask" for my inner world to reveal itself because I neglect to go there when I am occupied with happenings outside myself.

Sometimes the thought flow for writing does not appear to surface. This is often when I dance with the frustration. I do piddley little things around the house just to keep from feeling the frustration as I take pen in hand and nothing comes out on paper. My desire is to make better use of that time when creativity is temporarily hiding from me.

Create the abyss - clear something out of a drawer, closet or from anywhere in the room. Get rid of it, not just park it in a different place. Do some interior design, which frequently helps open the creativity. This means to make an area more aesthetically attractive, not just clearing away clutter.

Updated Feb 17, 2000
This is a productive time for me! I am gaining new perspective of my communion with God. I am seeing this time of "no necessaries" as a time for reflection and some no-thingness. I accept. As I journal, new awareness comes to center stage. I focus on a tho't. It offers joy bubbles and enthusiasm. I am at my writing table, looking out across the deck to the expanse of nature across the valley. I move up to my well of quiet space, snuggled with the comforter... just gazing into space - seeing and sensing the omni of God. There is no way to define this essence. It is infinite and to give definition to any part of it brings it into the finite. Hey! That's how I make this energy "into" something! I focus on an aspect and bring it into being!

What is the current aspect? Writing - seems to continue to surface. With the book I'm creating 2/3 done, I find myself eager to continue. What other area of spiritual beliefs can I use as a focus? Shall I expand on the various metaphysical "tools?" What others are there to research? Have I touched upon Reiki... or Feng Shui? What about exercises such as Tai Chi... Stay with those where I already have familiarity... there are more.

Star gazing - developing a sense of imaging... A friend shared about going to visit her Indian guru at a cabin in the mountains. I had not experienced this type of imaging and I still do not "receive" from any being. I come away from creating my space within the image refreshed and with joy bubbles. It is a relaxing experience. Symbolic, maybe for my psyche and soul.

I do not experience the presence of other beings around me but I do not deny that it is happening. I just don't see them and if there is an influence, it is very subtle. Is this an area I would enjoy investigating more? Can I begin to "really" experience their presence? How do I know if it is only my imagination or if they are "here?" What do I need as proof? To "see" them, I am sure would create the belief that they are with me. To hear them give audible instruction would also give credence. Symbols are still possibly from my own mind. To "believe," I request either visibility or hearing them as what I would consider "real."

Do I need to take extended *time* for meditation to reach this openness? Is this for me or is it not necessary? I know God is Spirit and I don't ask for his manifestation because it is without form unless I give it such. I do not know the form of Jesus in my now. I know the Spirit of Christ permeates my being.

Staying in my Now seems to bring the most favorable essence and awareness. I can sense this spirit of beingness within and know that I am right here because this is where I am experiencing Being.

Updated Feb 29, 2000
Imaging, journaling, being with family, writing, quiet time - what a delight! Finding the space for these amongst myriad activities through my week brings peace and joy in the other happenings.

I found an exercise that brought my mind and body into submission to meditation - simply lying on my back on the floor to allow gravity to do its thing for my spinal cord. It was suggested this could be done for just a few minutes several times a day. "Just a few minutes" held appeal!

Still considering the "few minutes," I began adding a few yoga stretches. During the spaces between, I began letting myself experience the imaging that was revealing itself. Images are often symbolic and can dance with me through my daily activities, offering insights along my path.

As I continue the quiet time with journaling, the symbols of the imaging bring further enlightenment. I find myself looking forward to these sessions and finding the "just a few minutes" as often as the opportunity reveals itself.

Updated March 11 2000
Listening for guidance... Have a day of my own - what will I do with it? John Denver sings, in Andromeda, of creating his day just the way he wanted it. That is what I desire for my day today!

I can have and do whatever I desire. There are a few necessities with family - communication, prep meals, and take care of some household. There are a couple of MustDo's that are employment-related.

Making a list and prioritizing are a natural when I take time to do the planning. I make a game out of crossing off those that are completed. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. And it gives me space between for creative quiet time when I don't have my mind racing with "what do I do next?" By knowing I will accomplish the major projects today, I can relax between them and take time for healthy meditation.

My list grows through the day as I think of other projects. Some of those are higher priority than earlier ones I wrote. Others can be put off until another day.

When my day is completed, I am satisfied and grateful for the accomplishments. There has been ample time for quiet moments and my day has been Good!

Updated 17 March 2000
I am a seeker - following spiritual guidance. Recent writing shows this. I am not offering guidance but, rather, seeking answers, seeking spiritual understanding and intense spiritual communion.

As I seek, I find some answers. Some have not yet been revealed. Thus, I continue my path.

How do I seek closer communion with God? I simply ask and stay attuned as I correspond with others, read and listen for answers within.

Often, as I walk my path, I am not aware of the guidance. My mind is about what is in front of me at the time. I do have assurance of continuous guidance in whatever I am doing. therefore, very seldom do I experience regret over my actions. When I take time to ponder, I do learn from what is happening. Do I wish to continue this path or take the fork that leads to new scenery? It seems as "my choice" but I do believe I am being led toward whatever path I take.

This attitude gives me joy in every moment, no matter what the circumstances might be. When it appears to be unfavorable, I still hold the assurance that all is good and this shall pass to make space for higher Good.

Thus, new writing begins...

Updated 27 March 2000
Ahhh! It feels as Spring is really almost here! Some cool March breeze but it is comfortable.

Joy bubbles abound as I begin outlining a new book. Creative ideas even of including others in the writing. I will include details of a contest with the name of the new book in the next issue of Expansion Encounters. (If you are not on the mailing list, you can see past issues and subscribe by going to the EMAIL ROOM.)

Writing new material always gives me such a contented feeling of following my heart throb. It gives occasion for pondering and communicating new ideas with others. Writing is good medicine. I thrive amongst writing letters, email notes, journaling and writing for publication and feel the heart throb of living. I offer gratitude for the joy I experience every moment!

Updated 8 April 2000
I asked a new friend via "Zeke" (my email man), "How can we progress to 'Oneness' when we show such discord? Is there any way we can find a 'sameness' in attitudes and expand upon that?"

Does it matter that there is discord, as long as we are content with our attitudes? We draw those who are "similar-minded," with a promise of being quite comparable in our viewpoints. We disagree with others but are willing to let them develop their personal viewpoints, even though they are different than ours. We are not here to develop a dictatorship, which still wouldn't evolve into a Oneness of attitude. This is a personal encounter and it is up to us, individually, to find what Love is offering as our perspective of life.

Is there any way, on this earth, to find even one thing where there is an Allness of the same attitude?

This is the objective of my current writing. By viewing various attitudes about various traits and subjects, we can see the variety and hopefully, the sameness, within those attitudes. My hope, then, is for others to build on the sameness and develop deeper communion with one another.

Two subjects that I have suggested are :
*"Education" - Are we keeping up with changes that are happening?
*"Morals" - Are they an important issue if we are content with our own behavior?

If you have any comments, please write to me!

Updated 26 April 2000

Life's path is running smoothly - no hills or valleys. Now that Spring is showing her color, it is so Good to massage the earth, furnishing new seeds that will do their thing and offer magnificent colors in weeks to come. Just sitting, soaking up the sunshine, also brings new energy.

As I work with my new writing project, enlightening discussions and comments of interest with the emphasis of the topic have surfaced. Discussion material in my beginning notes for my book can be found at ATTITUDES If you have any point of discussion from the notes to share, please write to me! Dusty

I find myself pondering philosophies of others, finding what I am in agreement with and questioning other areas as possibilities.

I have been, no matter what plateau I've been on, always thinking I have it all. I have the close communion with the Lord. I am always satisfied with that. And then, once I acknowledge that, something new comes along to add expansion. If I have had to release old ways of thinking to accept the new, I am not aware of doing so.

When someone writes of a new discovery, I can also often relate to that discovery from my past - it is still a part of me - maybe with different terminology but still with the same essence. Sometimes I've even written about it in one of my books.

I am not dissatisfied with anything about my life. This attitude, I believe, offers that power of assurance, enthusiasm and joy that I proclaim. I shout it from the rooftop and from the mountaintop - exclaiming my gratitude!

Updated 10 May 2000
This nutrition month is a delight! My mom was here for Easter and she enjoys baking for us... and I love her chocolate chip cookies! So, with extra desserts, cookies and bars, I felt a tad sluggish the following week, to say the least!

I knew and agreed within that it was "that time." I have never been on a diet in my life - and this is not a diet. I am simply replacing some junk food with more fresh fruit and eating a few more veggies, too. I am discovering some facts about my intake because I have been listing what I eat and the amount of calories it includes. My standard calorie intake, even before I started my nutrition month, has been much less than 1,000 calories a day. My energy was from a peanut butter sandwich... or possibly a bowl of ice cream... or potato chips... or cookies... or chocolate candy.

Now, by replacing those with fresh melon, bananas, oranges, pears - fruits I like - I am noticing the difference. I am still not holding the energy level I desire. There are some other areas I can begin working with by the month to let them find a natural routine. For right now, I am having fun as well as releasing a few pounds of baggage!

Updated 25 May 2000
Life is such a delight! Thank you, Lord, for your love, care and concern in my life.

My prayer of gratitude first began w-a-y back in college days. It later became an affirmation and then a declaration of truth. It continues as a daily prayer.

I continue to practice recognizing only the favorables in my life. As a result of that practice, I do not have to dance with many unfavorables to recognize them for what they are. If I identify a less-favorable, I simply shoo it away and again affirm my prayer of gratitude. It bothers me no more.

Updated 3 June 2000
Both excitement and apprehension are building about my upcoming trip to see my Sis-in-Spirit in Carson City, NV! Anticipation leads the way. Just a teensy bit of apprehension about getting to the airport and changing planes but I did travel and take charge when my mom and I traveled to Seattle less than a year ago. I can do it by myself now. Bill chose to stay home because he knows how much sisterly chatter Sunny and I can put forth. He says he is staying home because of our home business obligations.

The destination offers much ecstasy and joy bubbles abounding! Seeing Sunny again - has been nearly 4 years - even though we email numerous times daily and chat on the phone occasionally - will be delightful! Getting back to "my" Lake Tahoe will, I'm sure, be the eminence of the trip! When we lived on the desert, our weekend travels took us to the area quite frequently. I cried each time we had to leave. To me, it is the ultimate... a grande setting of God's handiwork.

With all the busyness of preparations through this next week, I am also taking special quiet time to open to the soul and spirit expansion I can receive while there.

Right now I am in process of focusing for another project. Friends in an email group, HUMMINGBIRD1 are joining in an ESP project. It is my turn to focus on an object. I have been sending the image into the ethers and will take meditation time in a few minutes to do so again. This is just one of our conversation pieces. We have also been discussing getting acquainted with our Guides, some on Seth material, and whatever else comes through that might be of interest to the others.

I also belong to two other inspiring groups, LoveIsGod and Partners. Both are spiritual based and offer stimulating discussions and good, healthy support. I am moderator for another group but it is rather quiet, FRIENDS at Curiosity Corner. If you would care to join us and offer some stimulation, we have been known to share myriad philosophy topics and self-created poetry that describes our philosophy.

So, today I have run several necessary errands in preparation for my trip and now I am off to begin packing....

Updated 23 June 2000
Carson City/Lake Tahoe, Nevada! My favoritist place in the world! And I just came home from a glorious week there!

It was a special joy to invest the week with my sister-in-spirit! She and her fiancé made sure I experienced warm memory points from the top of the mountain (Lake Tahoe) to the state line (Topaz). These special people in my life offered some new experiences, as well as good dining and entertainment.

We did some shopping, ran errands, ate at good restaurants besides at the casinos. I had occasion to experience Carson City with a different perspective, not just as a "tourist" in town for a couple of days.

Sunny and her fiancé took me to Tahoe for two glorious days! At Tahoe, I was also given privilege of stepping into some of my power point areas, as well.

From the eleventh floor hotel room in South Tahoe, I could gaze upon "my" magnificent lake, with the snow-capped mountains in the distance. I experienced healthy meditation and offered gratitude for this glorious experience.

We were "on the go" much of our time at South Tahoe. We entered some short, quick slot machine tournaments that kept us running back and forth between a couple of casinos, laughing because of all the "foot travel!" We didn't win but it was fun. We also went to a cabaret with men impersonators of famous female singers. They were very good. In between all of that, we had a delicious seafood dinner. And then we went dancing. Dick, Sunny's fiancé, knew the singer, Arthur Hervey, so we had a fun evening and I received a free C/D of his music. Good stuff - lots of "oldies" for good dancing. Without a drop of liquor, I still come alive when I can dance the pony!

The next day, we traveled to Incline Village, across from where the Bonanza TV series was filmed. This is one of my power points: There is a parking lot that has an umbrella of sky-reaching Ponderosa pines. What other "parking lot" could create such a state of ecstasy? The moment I step out of the car and take a deep breath, I go into deep meditation! Glorious!

Close to this same area is an oriental garden with myriad plants, colorful flowers, streams with little arched bridges and a gazebo. This little garden radiates a glow of serenity, giving more pause for gratitude. Here are a few pictures I took at LAKE TAHOE

Back at Sunny's home, we enjoyed oodles of chatting, catching up with what was too detailed for email, after not seeing one another for the past four years. While she was occupied with her job as apartment manager, I researched internet sites shared by friends and played with my writing.

It was a joy bubbley week, one to add to my very special memories. Thank you to All who made it possible!

Updated 13 August 2000
Joy bubbles abounding! Discovery of an outlet for my articles online, getting paid and receiving feedback from readers have stirred this writer's flames. You can see and click on titles of my various articles at FRONT DOOR and find various devotionals and short inspirationals listed at DEVOTIONAL TRAVELS.

After submitting about 150 articles from the past fifteen years of writing, I am dancing with enthusiasm and continuing with new writing!

It has been an interesting summer, dealing with personal emotions about our 17-year old son, Shawn, exercising his wings of independence. Besides having his first job, he's been hanging out with close friends more than he's been home. And I am reminded that next year at this time he'll be leaving for college. He also has submitted some POETRY online. It is quite profound - his mother's opinion!

Bill is making preparations to travel with my mom to Seattle next month. She has relatives there and feels more comfortable travelling with someone. Since I went last year, it's my turn to hold down the household and let Bill go with her this time.

Yes, every day is glorious! I enjoy taking walks along the lake and through the woods. It offers reminders and connects me with Nature in new ways each time. It also gives me a breath of fresh air... away from this computer!

To read more current entries, see Next Journal