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To see recent previous entries, go to Thot's Inn

All of the Tho'ts Inn entries can be found at Archives

January 15, 2005
Our holidays were delightful! My mom spent the week with us. After having my in-law's family here for a pre-Christmas Eve get-together (16 of us) the Sunday before Christmas, we had a quiet week and enjoyed our traditional oyster stew supper on Christmas Eve and exchanged gifts. Christmas Day we went to a supper club for dinner, which was a very pleasant experience - a quiet day after all the festivities! New Year's was also quiet. Our NY Eve celebrating was by staying home, watching folk festivals on public television. New Year's Day was invested watching the Parade and taking down holiday decorations.

We finally got our white fluff - and plenty of it! We received about 12 inches a few days ago. Before that, we had freezing rain so I haven't been out much! I took a walk the day before it snowed as it had warmed up to 32* and the ice on the street had melted. A brisk walk but it felt good! This week, we're hardly getting above zero. Our daytime high both yesterday and today was 6*!

So, I've been enjoying being snuggled in - getting new article written, reading, working with some special household projects, and, of course, playing online!

I contininue to enjoy chatting with other Mitfordites at Jan Karon's Bulletin Board at Mitfordbooks. A delightful bunch!

Enjoy every moment!

Updated February 24, 2005
We have had a mild winter compared to some areas. Of course, our winter is not over yet but March will soon be here and that means less chance of winter storms! We had the one heavy snow mentioned in last month's entry but have only had a few light dustings other than that. We have watched eagles and hawks soar overhead. We have many geese at the lake beside us. We see deer frequently as we travel through the state park on our way to or from town.

I continue to hibernate and am accomplishing about the same things as last month. We have traveled a couple of times this month - a weekend at my mom's and an overnite "holiday" for a combination of my hubby's birthday and a Valentine treat for me. Both trips were relaxing and enjoyable!

As I reread the Mitford books and just finished rereading L'Abri and am now rereading The Tapestry, both by Edith Schaeffer, I have much to ponder. My life yearnings 20 years ago have not developed in the way I desired at the time but I would not exchange them for a different experience! We have not joined organizations or met new close friends since we moved here 14 years ago but I'm a writer so I thoroughly enjoy email, chat rooms, groups and bulletin boards online! What a delight to be able to "talk" to others in Australia, England and many other areas around the world within a few moments! I have made contact with more people through this medium than I could ever share with in person!

I closed my "store" at eBay because it got too expensive to maintain but I am still posting about 24 items per week. You can check out what I currently have available (records, books, post cards) at Dusty's eBay. I have a lot of fun with this and have chatted a bit with sellers and buyers from other countries, too.

The leprechauns will be with us before we know it, dancing around the new green shoots as they sprout to remind us that spring will soon be here.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated March 27, 2005
It has certainly been an interesting month, experiencing an array of emotions. I was called to work full-time for three weeks while a coworker's baby was in the hospital. Another coworker was diagnosed with a tumor on her lung. Many prayer requests have been shared at the Mitford BB for various health, family and friend opportunities to deal with, a family member losing a job¡K much that seems similar to current national news where others are hurting for various reasons.

All this has brought me into more awareness of communicating with the Lord in both petition and thanksgiving. Sometimes it takes special quiet time to see favorable results and sometimes the results are not revealed as what I consider favorable. He is Love; I can let go and let God. Once I begin giving my concerns to him, I can usually let go. Sometimes I have to repeatedly remind myself that I HAVE given the concerns to Him! They are no longer mine to worry over. As I once wrote, "By sitting on worries, they just hatch into more worries."

I look forward to sitting at Tho'ts Inn outdoors again soon, taking in the sights, sounds and fragrance of spring - birdsong, green leaves, shoots of grass and flowers, all ready to enjoy the warmth of sunshine and new growth.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated April 11, 2005
More emotions to work through. My 93-year-old uncle left this plane this week. He wasn't ill very long - just moved into assisted living a few months ago. He kept house - and was much better about it than I am! He and my dad farmed together when I was still in school so I spent many a summer day at their farm. Delightful memories.

And life continues. Spring is upon us! The magnolia trees (my hubby calls them 'tulip trees') are in full bloom as well as the forsythia bushes. Daffodils have been showing their sunny faces for almost a week. Other colorful bushes and trees are showing their spring finery. Tis so pleasant to get out for walks!

There are fishing boats on our little lake nearly every day now. Bill and his brother-in-law have been out but they haven't caught anything big enough to keep yet. They fish mostly for bass. Once in awhile he brings home catfish, carp, or crappie. I love to fish but have not done so here!

I continue visiting with other precious people at Jan Karon's bb. Interesting how so many of us have gotten together just as readers of the Mitford series and found so many common interests.

Our "spring project" this year is putting down new wood flooring in the dining room & kitchen. It isn't really "our" project, it's my hubby's project. It required tearing up the existing carpet, laying a new layer of wood to bring the two rooms to same level and painting the walls and ceiling before putting down the new wood. I am eager now to have it finished! It will add a new style to our interior!

I am having fun in my "free moments" doing colored pencil drawings of roses again. I hadn't worked with them for a few years and it's truly a fun hobby. You can see some that I drew several years ago at Roses I am thinking about starting to offer some for sale.

eBay continues to keep me busy. I enjoy the challenge in sales. I have sold various products through the years and, in an off-handed way, it has helped me with my goal-attainment writing, with getting my life organized and finding the ability to share personal development techniques with others.

Updated May 11, 2005
Oh, it feels so grande not to have to wear a coat! Our temps have been in 70's all week - glorious! Iris are ready to pop open any day now. The hostas are spreading their leaves. Peonies have their buds - they probably won't bloom til near Memorial Day.

Today I planted several new annuals - four pots of Calibrachoa - the flowers look a bit like miniature petunias. Two have purple flowers and two have white flowers with purple centers. They "trail" so put them in pots on the front steps down from our deck. I also planted some coleus stems that I had been rooting in water - and two coleus plants that I have been babying along all winter. They will brighten up soon with being outdoors in the sunshine. And my hubby hung a shell macrame hanger with a trailing begonia. I have one more begonia to put in another macrame hanger but hafta wait til he gets a hook put up to hold it. It feels sooooooooooo good to be outdoors, especially getting my hands into the soil. Now, to clean weeds out of two raised beds so I can plant the marigold seeds. Have some holyhock and bluebell seeds, too, but not sure where I will plant them - maybe near the back fence, since they are quite tall.

We travelled to my mom's (she'll be 88 in June) this last weekend for Mother's Day. Had a good visit, as always. She cooked a yummy supper after we got there - fried chicken, mashed potatoes and cole slaw salad. She ALWAYS has dessert - was jello with bananas, a variety of cookies, and cherry cheese cake this time.

While enroute, I read one of my Mitford books and edited an article I'll be sending to Senior Citizen's Magazine. I also drew another new rose (colored pencil) - a good means of finding tranquility! The only "opportunity" is that it absorbs *time* so I have to make sure plenty is available before I begin!

I am still enjoying selling post cards, colored pencil drawings, books and record albums at eBay. You can find my site by going to the "Front Door" here at Life Now. I also continue to invest some healthy time at Jan Karon's Mitford bb. (Link is listed near top of this page.)

So, my life embraces a span of interests. I will be attending a God-Mind seminar in June - will share results of that next month.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated November 7, 2005
Goodness! Summer flew by - in a hurry! Autumn is, too! Life just begins to spin into one massive crystal bubble! It all interconnects with lovely facets but there's no end in sight!

I continue with my rose drawings - have added a page here at Life Now that shows some of my delights at Rose Descriptions. They continue to add peace and a sense of creativity to my everyday happenings. I am grateful!

And I continue with eBay. January 2006 will be my third anniversary there! It is fun and that satisfies my gambling urge. :) It also provides treasures for others!

Our spring project I wrote about led into an autumn project! Hubby finished the flooring for the dining room, kitchen and bath. We liked it so well, we decided to do the living room, too. Of course, before putting down new flooring, the walls and ceiling needed to be painted. So, for a couple of weeks our house looked like one of the hurricanes had come through. We don't have room to move furniture "out" so it had to be transferred back and forth across the living room as work progressed. However, the finished project provides a lovely setting! We are debating about the next major project: remodeling kitchen counter tops or adding footpaths in our sloping back yard. There are other desirables, as well, which will eventually get put into high priorities.

Winter will be upon us soon. I enjoy watching it from indoors or even getting out and romping through the snow occasionally. I do not like to drive through it, though. I am grateful that my jobs only take me away from the house two days a week. For now, I am enjoying crunching through the massive blankets of maple, oak and other leaves scattered through the yard.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated January 9, 2006
We have enjoyed a delightful holiday season! The weather has been very cooperative so we were able to be over at my mom's for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our son went with us for Christmas and it felt good to have the family together!

And now the new year is upon us! I remember thinking, way back in early grade school, that the year 2000, or the 21st Century, sounded like a zillion years away! It got here in a hurry and is traveling right along!

My projects have not changed much. I am very content with the happenings in my life and attempt to stay focused on continuing all the pleasantries! I have two part-time jobs, one of which I have been doing for the past fourteen years and quite a bit of it can be done here at home. The other is just one day a week so I can manage that.

Other than that, I still enjoy posting at eBay daily, reading Christian novels (Lori Wick's and Jan Karon's books at present… I have read Jan's books numerous times but never get tired of visiting Mitford!) I am still writing articles for frequent publication in Senior Citizen's Magazine. And, of course, I'm still doing the rose drawings! Sometimes I challenge myself a bit with the drawings and have to have my hubby help me correct my perspective in a drawing with any background.

There is no snow on the ground but the lake is frozen right now. It is not thick enough for ice skating or ice fishing. A few years ago we watched someone's ice fishing hut sink! I used to enjoy ice skating but that was on a shallow pond where we knew it was safe. We had many fun times with friends gathered on Sunday afternoons!

I am so very grateful for enjoyable memories! I don't have many that I would consider unfavorable so it's easy to just remember. Do hope everyone has delightful memories of 2005 to hold and now, new ones to build!

Enjoy every moment!

Updated January 22, 2006
Before we continue, let me introduce you to some of my natures. I have named them for easier identification for myself, to know their purpose. I have myriad other natures, not identified, but these are some of my fun playmates of life.

Moriah means, "God is my teacher." This nature leads my every activity, sometimes without my awareness but He is there.

Ann is "full of grace, mercy and prayer." She travels with me in meditation and imaging journeys.

Eldena is my elfin, fanciful self. She enjoys communing with nature, taking inspiring walks.

Crystal gives Aha's, enlightenment that leads to expansion and new awakening.

Charlene provides joy bubbles that are what others might term, warm fuzzies. She gives me an essence of ecstacy.

Odelet and Charmaine are my songs of joy. They lift me to mountains high as I sing or dance.

Renee provides a rebirth of heart throb desires. She induces enthusiasm for creative life projects.

Alfie has a willingness to learn. Her aspiration to be understood by others sometimes causes appraisal of what she desires to do.

April is open to absorb knowledge. She is my student. Our mind can do miraculous things if we ask healthy questions.

Elma is amiable.

Ada is happy.

Sasha is my volunteer. She has finally learned to listen to Moriah and Ann before she makes commitments.

Eve is life and she encompasses my everyday family natures. Ylene is the mother who is a strong-willed, determined guardian. Maia is the nurse mother. Honoria is a sweet wife.

Liana means to bind or wrap around. She has embodied my impatience so when she surfaces, we have to have a stern talk.

Anginata is the messenger and speaker.

Henrietta is mistress of the home and is very active. By my acknowledgement and listening to her desires, she is willing to compromise. The household cleaning is now acceptable but she no longer engulfs my emotions with worry before someone comes to our home, for example. She does a satisfying job and allows me to stay tuned to other desires.

Constance de Cosima likes to be my guidance counsellor. She is confident, firm, wise and wants orderly arrangement. She uses principles, morals and steadfastness that I respect.

Sometimes my natures need to get realigned in the chorus line. Sometimes one, like Connie, has become predominant and fails to let others surface. When I image them all in a chorus line, they can work together and help me lead a very satisfying life.

Which nature would like to share? Eldena comes first to mind - we went for a walk in the snow and even made a snowball one evening this week. She would have liked to make a snowman but, without other physical help, decided to just walk and enjoy the soft flakes coming down. Everything is so quiet when walking in the snow, especially at night! Lovely!

Another nature that hasn't made her presence known much recently is Renee. With the new year firmly in place, she desires to seek more enthusiasm in what I do. For the last few years, I have been enjoying a rather complacent life, semi-retired, per se. My activities have become standard and repetitive. Constance likes that but Renee desires to add something new and exciting. Crystal can help with this, too. Visiting sites online can provide new awakenings but they aren't as inspiring as when taking a class, attending a seminar or speaking with someone individually. That has not happened for quite some time so yes, Renee and Crystal, I will stay open for your desires.

My drawings of roses provides a resting place and yet a place of exciting satisfaction. The only part that is missing is being able to share them with others. I have sold a few and given a few as gifts. I have several displayed at a lovely restaurant. I have myriad more available. For solutions to this quandry, Theresa, my harvester might come up with some ideas. We will have a talk. Maybe we will go for a walk to do so.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated March 24, 2006
Spring is having a big time opportunity finding her niche. We've had a very mild winter… until this last week… several inches of snow and back to "cool" temperatures. We know she will arrive before long, though - the iris are trying to peek through, as well as other early spring flowers. Theresa, my harvester nature (described above) did find some new possibilities for placement of my drawings. I now have several displayed at You can see them at Dusty's Rose Garden or, better yet, (because I get credit if you use this link) you can find them by clicking on this yellow rose.
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My recent reading has included two precious little books that offer a precious reminder of Christ's ever-presence. I have had both of them since college days and they have both had to be replaced more than once. One is, "Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ", by Jeanne Guyon. The other is, "Principles of Spiritual Growth", by Miles J Stanford. I highly recommend them!

So, now, rather than chattering about stuff not very important, I am going back to my niche to continue with a rose I have entitled, "Reflection." It is a yellow rose with its reflection showing in a mirror next to it. A challenge, for sure!

Enjoy every moment!

Updated May 1, 2006
It's not snow now but rain! With the mild winter, everything is calling for more moisture - and nature is getting its liquid nourishment!

Spring is a grande time for taking walks! I love seeing the variety of colors of green in the trees as well as various colors in early flowers and bushes. I'm playing with some added routine since I'm no longer punching a time clock one day a week… my part-time position was ousted by the streamlining with computer tech. I was willing! I sooooooooo enjoy being home! I also enjoy sitting on the patio and looking "straight up" through the trees… lovely with the new leaves and bright blue sky beyond! I am very grateful for our living space at this time in my life… living just across the road from a small, lovely lake! Viewing this setting is sooooooo relaxing! We used to have this view but there is a house across the road now…

I haven't planted any flowers yet but, when the rain stops, I plan to get to the nursery and buy enough to fill about 20 patio flower pots. It will include as many varieties of coleus as I can find and some miniature flowering plants that will cascade down over the pots.

My joy continues with creating new art pieces… roses, of course! I have added a few new ones at Dusty's Rose Garden and have been checking with local merchants for their willingness to display some for sale. I also added a couple of new ones at my note cards page.

I am sending notices out right away for the May issue of Expansion Encounters. If you care to read it or previous newsletters, you can find them at the Email Room. If you care to be added to the mailing list, send me an email with "Send It" as the subject to

Enjoy every moment!

Updated May 28, 2006
It has been an interesting and fun month! The weather cleared off so we did a bunch of yard work including filling about 18 flower pots for both the back patio and stairs on the front deck. I like coleus because they are easy to maintain and grow lovely lush various-colored leaves so have several of those. We also planted 4-o'clocks and marigolds plus a variety of annuals in the raised beds. The deep red peonies are about ready to pop open but haven't yet. We live on a hillside with oodles of trees so they open a bit later than most. We also have iris and this year we counted 34 stalks with blooms! They are partially shaded, too, so I'm sure fertilizing them both last fall and this spring helped.

We also have roses ready to bloom. The bleeding heart and the honeysuckle that climbs over the arbor have been blooming, as well.

So, it is obvious where I enjoy investing some *time.* My Tho'ts Inn has moved from indoors out to the back patio!

I finished reading a series of books by Thomas Kinkade and his co-author, the Cape Light Series. A super delightful read! They come in as third of all my favorites. One of Kinkade's most recent projects can be seen at Kinkade Homes. The Mitford series by Jan Karon is first, of course. And LM Montgomery's series (Anne of Green Gables) is second.

And am continuing to draw and sell rose drawings. (See previous entry for more info.)

I will be attending a delightful seminar next weekend. This will be the third year I have attended. Besides the fellowship of the Gathering, we discuss many self-improvement projects and personal experiences. This year's seminar is entitled, "Sharing and Practicing the Skills of Divine Mastership." This is lead by author, Jean Foster. You can study her site at God-Mind Power. I will share some of the happenings the next time I come to Tho'ts Inn.

Enjoy every moment!

Updated June 26, 2006
Yes, it was a very worthwhile and refreshing seminar! I travelled almost 300 miles to be there. I always enjoy travelling and seeing new country as well as revisiting some areas, such as driving through the Amish community not too far from home. I also saw a stealth flying low overhead as I neared my destination, close to the air base from where they leave to travel overseas.

I met a few at the Gathering seminar that I had only known online and met a few other dear hearts who attended. Others of us reunited. We were all instantly "like family." We had many worthwhile discussions, learning experiences, and travelled through rewarding guided meditations. And the food was "out of this world!" Healthy and delicious nutrition for both body and soul!

After returning home, I was introduced to a new art gallery online where I could post more of my rose drawings. I have posted nearly all of my work, some good, some not so good, depending on the eye of the beholder. You can make your own opinion by seeing them at Hometown Art Gallery. You can also find some by my sis-in-spirit, Sunny Patten, there, too. She creates some beautiful works!

Summer has arrived! It hardly seems possible we will be celebrating the 4th of July in less than a week. May I offer a reminder to lift ALL of our military soldiers in God's tender Love. They are putting their lives on the line so that we may continue the freedom we have earned and for which we celebrate next week.

Updated July 23, 2006
Amidst the summer heat, my hubby is building a new deck… or rather, putting down new flooring and steps. It is going to look very nice!

I'm still drawing roses and posting, including some photographs, at I have added quite a few this month! I've also been experimenting a bit on some of the photographs with some digital enhancement. I keep learning new techniques with the help of my technical hubby! You can see what I mean with one example of "Dreaming of Seattle".

Daily walks in the coolness of the mornings lets me see and hear the beauty of nature… birdsong, rabbits and squirrels scurrying about, colorful flowers blooming, as well as waving at and visiting with neighbors. Very rewarding both physically and for my soul!

With all the necessary projects that keep popping up, I have found that listing them on the calendar as they surface helps me get to them! I have some activities that are routine but there are often little things that don't even take long but I would forget to do if I didn't write them down. Accomplishing everything also offers healthy satisfaction at the end of the day. Occasionally one or two things don't get done so I write them on the next day's todo's to make sure I will do them. Writing for Tho'ts Inn is one of those projects! I enjoy coming here but, in the past, I have neglected to do so when I didn't have it scheduled on my calendar.

And now it is time for me to get started with a new rose drawing. I think they will be pastel pink with a stained glass looking drawn frame. It will be posted in a few days at Hometown Art Gallery. Just scroll down to my name, Dusty Reed, on the left side of the home page to find nearly 100 of my rose drawings. I have two galleries. You will be taken to the Rose Garden by clicking on my name. At the top of my page, there's another gallery that you can click to see Reed's Loft. It has some of my older drawings and several of our picturesque photographs. And, another 16 of my rose drawings are posted at

If you have any comments or questions about anything at my site here or about my drawings, write to me at Use "roses" or "Life Now" as the subject. Thank you!

Updated August 27, 2006
It has been a delightful summer of relaxation - drawing, writing, taking walks along the lake, and communicating with friends and family.

With autumn approaching, the desire to do some sorting and organizing is beginning to surface. I am a bit surprised at my turn-around attitude about letting go of nic nacs that have been keepsakes for many years. Maybe I am just tired of dusting around them. :) I have so many that, I am sure, if some are missing, it won't be noticed and they will be forgotten in time.

The memories of good friends and good times will not be forgotten, though. I offer gratitude daily for the enrichment that friends and family have added and continue to add to my life.

Symbolically, cleaning and sorting to the depths each year creates a "clean spot," a vaccuum, where more goodness takes up residence. I have memories from the past but the joy of the future holds a delightful mystique.

Updated September 24, 2006
Autumn says it is officially here. We are not seeing any color here yet but we plan to do some travelling into North Woods country this next week, as soon as that area begins to show some brilliance. Seeing autumn colors is so restful! Puts me into mood to begin hibernation. This year I can enjoy winter mostly from our living room window. You can see the view at

But that's getting tooooo far ahead! I prefer the warmth of summer but must agree to four seasons. As John Denver sings in Season Suite, "I don't remember anybody asking me." So, for now, I'm enjoying taking walks with my hubby, enjoying the sunshine, and enjoying my free time… to draw!

When I draw, it is also my quiet time. Various people pop into my mind, many whom I have not seen for many years… people I used to work with, distant relatives, acquaintences… As I "see" them, I simply ask the Lord to bless them and continue with my drawing. This happens every time I sit down to work with my roses. I also ask the Lord to bless everyone who visits my Life Now site… so that includes you!

Last month I mentioned sorting and cleaning, which I have been working with - file cabinet drawers, boxes of "memories," and other items. What has replaced the vacuum I created is fresh connection with several "old" friends… from 40 years ago! College friends and others. "Do you remember…?" or, "I hear from…" What a thrill to get in touch with them again via email!

I enjoy sharing with others… writing is my life (along with family and drawing!) I would like to hear from YOU! Just put "Life Now Tho'ts Inn" as the subject so your note won't get tossed.

May you enjoy every moment… to the fullest!

Updated October 29, 2006

Today is a day of sunshine so have been gathering 4-o'clock and marigold seeds after Jack Frost made his visit this past week. Also pulling up the brown stocks from the zinnias, bachelor buttons and other flowers that were so colorful right to the end. This will help the area look a bit neater when snow covers the ground.

The sky is a lovely blue with no clouds in sight so will go for a walk this afternoon and enjoy crunching through the dried leaves that have fallen. It is a lovely time of year - very refreshing whenever I go out to be with nature.

I have been reading James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small series again and am right there with him as he visits the farms and takes care of dogs and cats, as well. I have never been to Europe and he gives delightful descriptions of the country area!

As mentioned in my last entry, I have been occupied with myriad sorting projects… releasing papers and nic nacs that have been keepsakes for many years. It is time. Right now I am posting several Christmas décor items at eBay. They can be found by visiting joybubbles.

A few weeks ago I found some copies of college plays written by a college friend. I found her email address and ultimately got to correspond with her and send the copies to her. She was excited to receive them. I have also found a few other written bits of interest that I have sent to their originator or children of the person who originally wrote them. It is fun to get in touch with people I have not heard from for so many years!

We did take a glorious trip up into Minnesota and across into Wisconsin, following the St Croix River back down to the Mississippi River in late September. My hubby took some lovely autumn photos which can be seen now at my Hometown Art Gallery at Reed's Loft.

I have also been continuing with my drawing. I have recently added some Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday drawings at Rose Garden.

Happy Autumn! Enjoy every moment!

Updated November 25, 2006
And we have had a glorious autumn! Our color was extraordinary this year… for Iowa! We had a few cold nights through November but most of our daytime temps have been in 50's or above! However… forecast is for highs in 20's for the first week in December! Maybe we will see snow before Christmas!

I have recently been nudged about getting back to daily meditation and some healthy reading. I am currently working with the scrolls from Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. VERY worthwhile! I am also taking a dedicated quiet time for daily meditation… that is very rewarding, too! Taking my special time in the early morning allows me to carry the results through the day. And, beginning the first of December, I will start reading through the Bible in its entirety for the third or fourth time. I take a count of the total number of pages for both Old and New Testament and divide that by 365 and I know how many pages to read daily. I have gained additional healthy spiritual strength each time I have read it through in the past.

My writing continues. I offer gratitude to Senior Citizen's Magazine - now "Finally!" - for their support in publishing many of my articles over the last three years!

If there is interest or curiousity about my drawing, last month's entry shows where to find it.

The Christmas holiday season starts early in US. I enjoyed seeing homes decorated on our way home from my mom's after Thanksgiving. We will be having fun displaying our décor after the first of December. We are home bodies and do not have much company so we decorate for our pleasure. In recent years we have only had lights and garland on the tree… very beautiful in our eyes! We have other décor scattered throughout our home, as well, even though I have started sifting through to release some that does not have special sentimental value. (Am selling it at eBay and donating some.) It is always a delight to hear from friends and relatives through the season, too!

Happy Holidays! Enjoy every moment!

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