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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Energize and Organize in 2005

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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Solid Foundation
- by Dusty Reed

Watching as the contractors are methodical to level and build a foundation for a new house across the street, I understand why they must be so careful. The incline of the land reaches from a sandy beach. Building on a sturdy foundation is important criteria.

Letting life shift on soft sand doesn't allow time to sink roots into deep soil, where the water is sweet. Having a good grip allows us to listen to others, with interest, without becoming perplexed. If we are confused, how can we offer suggestions to others?

My solid Rock is the Lord. He gives opportunity to study other philosophies. He holds my spirit, soul and body close to Him as I learn. Christ said, we are in this world, but not of it (John 17:16).

Many social and religious influences are not what the Lord has planned for me. I could become confused if I had to decide which ones to claim and which to pass by. Some are visibly wrong but the foundation of others is not so easy to distinguish.

I can easily get involved in every good cause that comes along. Some may be good, others are not so good. My solid Rock provides discretionary judgment. He gives a solid foundation… every moment!

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Feeling Life

While walking a quiet country road,
I hear the whisper and
soft touch of a breeze.

A butterfly tastes the sweetness
from a fragrant clover blossom.

A corn stalk cries for freedom
from a vine.
I offer the release
from bondage.

Joy bubbles surface as I watch
the horse gallop across the corral
to meet me at the fence.

We get acquainted.
He lets me scratch his neck.
A beautiful creature.

I listen for the message
in the wind.
It calls.
There is peace and
harmony with all nature.
I live with Love.

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Affirmations become our Truth. We ingest this truth in the manner that works best for each of us.

I take affirmations in the same way I take word vitamins. By reading or writing them, I acknowledge them as already being a part of me and then continue with my day. (This is why it is important to be aware of what we ARE ingesting!)

What follows are declarations I have received from numerous authors, Catherine Ponder, Tony Robbins, Terry Cole-Whittaker, and Shakti Gawain, just to name a few. I have also written many of them myself. Take and tailor any of them for your Self. You can find many more that I have collected to choose from at Affirmations
Enjoy every moment - with your declarations of life!

My Guidance:

God’s goodness is my faith.

I am Spirit. The Spirit shines through all my being with clear holy light.

God enfolds me. I am cleansed by spiritual thoughts.

I take time for silent meditation each day.

I am free in the Spirit. God is my life.

I commune with nature and silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. Through this communion, I enjoy the life throb of creativity.

All is Good where Christ is. He is here now.

All the words of my mouth and the actions of my being express worship and gratitude to my creator.

I am learning to open new doors. As I open new doors, God reveals other new doors. The more expansion I am willing to experience, the closer I am in fellowship with God.

Let there be Light. Let there be enlightened ideas and enlightened results in this situation.

God’s work flows through completion.

I am a radiant expression of God. My mind and body now manifest divine perfection.

I am Love in action.

I am a manifestation of the universe and every moment universal life, love, wisdom and power flow through me. I am one with the universe.

I am a radiant being, filled with Light and Love.

My life blossoms in total perfection.

My higher self is guiding me in everything I do.

Perfect wisdom is already within me.

The forces of life bring prosperity. I receive divine guidance to my place in life. Treasures of the universe were created for me. I accept my abundance.

I am always in the right place at the right time, successfully engaged in the right activity.

I am open to receive all the blessings of this abundant universe.

The light of God within me is producing perfect results in every phase of my life now.

I am now attuned to the divine plan of my life.

I now recognize, accept and follow the divine plan of my life as it is revealed to me, step by step.

Divine love is working through me here and now to create this desire.

The Christ within me is creating miracles in my life here and now.

I am one with my higher nature and I have infinite creative power.

God lives within me and manifests in the world through me.

The light of God surrounds me, the Love of God enfolds me, the power of God flows through me. Wherever I am, God is, and all is well.

I release all that is not for my highest good. I accept all that is for my highest good.

Peace be to me, the holy child of God. Peace to all humanity, who are one with me. Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.

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Our guest author this month is Sunny Patten. She's my sis-in-spirit and we have been very close friends for over thirty years! She's special in my life! You can visit her site at Ms Sunshine's Garden or write to her at Sunny

Dancing Through Life

Life is as a dance. We move through a lot of different steps and feelings while dancing. The music directs our inner vibrations as it pulls us along. Sometimes we lead and sometimes we follow and sometimes we just goof up. Life doesn't stop the music. Life is patient, giving and loving. We may not always hear the inner tunes but they don't stop playing.

Listen to life deeply and live it lightly, as a dance. If we can feel as the butterfly flittering through the paths we take, we will accomplish much more. John Michael Montgomery sings a song called, "Life is a Dance." If you have not listened to the words of this song, I highly recommend it.

The key to living life as a dance is to not take ourselves too seriously. Thus we will be easier on those around us. Notice, when someone is crabby with others, they usually are picking on themselves in some way or another.

If we can remember they are really out of step in their life, we can hold our own balance and continue with our dance. They will recover and join us much more quickly this way.

Each of us has our own inner dance. When we can dance the same inside and out----we've found a richness of life. This richness allows us to dance lightly, freely and joyfully, through our days.

Thus we can enrich the lives of people around us. Laughter and joy are rich rewards of a light attitude. Next time something or someone seems to upset you, ask yourself how important this really is. Not many things in life are really as important as we first think.

The inner deeper self maturing and growing in a cheerful manner are more important than most things that happen to or around us. When we keep our own tune flowing from within, it is so easy to dance lightly to life's beats. What kind of song would we have if the tunes didn't move up and down the scales?

Listen and find your tune within. Dance with laugher in your soul, a sparkle in your eyes, and a smile on your face, thus experiencing life's dance and rewards.
-copyright Sunny J Patten, 2000

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Some sites I recommend:
Namaste Retreat Center

Love & Light Bridge Around the World

Yoga Movement - Online Feng Shui Magazine


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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, colored pencil drawings, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay

You can also see a couple of samples of colored pencil drawings I've done at My Roses

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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Dusty Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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