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Expansion Encounters
"Expansion of Spirit and Time in '99"

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "July, 1999" at EMAIL ROOM

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Cool Summer Greetings! And for some of you, on the other side of the planet, we still send "warm" greetings!

I enjoy summer - for the obvious reasons. I love being outdoors, working with my plants, taking quiet, woodland walks, walking along the lake, communing with all of Nature that is about me. And I don't have to wear a coat to do so! So I am soaking up all the sunshine I can get while it is here every day!

And I know some of you live in Las Vegas - and do hope you and your families had no traumas with the recent flooding!

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Hurry if you want to catch the next "round" of the Life Now Online Seminar, which begins August 4. To make sure you get your books in time, will be good for you to get them ordered right away. The online class is free. Books, ordered as a "package," are $27.00. If you would care to read more about the seminar, you can visit: LIFE NOW SEMINAR

Here is a sample of responses from "students." Thank you, Shari, for allowing me to share this with others:

"Thanks, Dusty, for offering the opportunity to look at where I am and where I want to be. I often sigh because I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. I had high ideals a 'few' years ago of things I wanted to see happening in my life. My 'path' has had many detours and I was not pleased, putting the blame on others. As I follow your lessons, I am learning to once again take control of my destiny. I have begun putting your principles to work daily and can already feel the difference. Remembering to take that special 'me time' every day is something I'm still trying to do. Your 'memory pegs' from the Life Now book are helping with that, too.

Back to what I am currently experiencing through quiet time. It seems to s-t-r-e-t-c-h that 'me time' available each day. Just 10 minutes, twice a day (sounds like a commercial!) to get quiet, let go of the 'outside' world, lets me get more done than I used to dream possible. It's supreme!

As you say, yes, I am 'enjoying every moment!' You, too! In love, Shari"

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This last weekend I enjoyed an enriching weekend of quiet time and meeting an email friend I met at the conference I attended last month. A beautiful connection in communication! She's a single mom and her sharing about her relationship and communication with her 16-year-old son put me in a very alert, attentive, listen-to-her-message mode. I have been "excusing" lack of communication with our 16-year-old son as being that "teen thing" and not attempting to focus on areas where we can communicate.

The after glow from the weekend has provided several times of sharing on a deeper level than, "Shawn, do this..." and "Mom, can I do this..." I know some of his heart throbs (writing and music) and by asking questions to begin the discussion in those areas, sometimes we progress to symbolism and spiritual matters. We have had discussions through the years but they had grown sparse the last couple of years. I am now willing to stay attuned and focus on opportunities for us to "get to know one another" better!

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This month, I have a "project" for any of you who would care to participate! I am in the throes of writing a new book. (Who isn't?) It has been a quiet two years and now that the thoughts are revealing themselves on paper, it is truly a delight! I am working with this, naturally, from my own perception. What I would like is to receive is your interpretation of what it means to you to communicate. Here is an excerpt from the book with some questions following that you may use as guidelines. If you care to share, I may later ask permission to use your ideas in my book!

"I began this book with the thoughts in mind that what we perceive from another's conversation isn't necessarily what was intended. And then I followed that with some scientific and psychological backing and then I read...

'The thought we give out will reach the thought reaching toward it to make the contact we need to talk to one another. When these two thoughts meet, communication takes place.' - Brotherhood, transcribed by Jean K Foster in The God-Mind Connection.

I heard myself exclaiming, 'This is the approach I desire to share! This is how we are in Oneness... through our spirit!' We may not always communicate with the every-day chitchat and other conversations that take place - fully understanding - but when spirit gets involved, yes, there is communion... communication!

Spirit comes to us in Absolute Oneness of Truth. It is an awesome concept, more than anyone can grasp in its fullness. We are given the spirit of acceptance. This spirit filters our truth to a perception we can grasp and share with others.

If we were given no memory, we would all have the same spirit of understanding, the Oneness. We would have no opinions. We would have no likes or dislikes. We would have no need for vocabulary. We would have no need for conversation.

The center as perfect Truth, given to us by the spirit of Oneness, is the same in each of us. The awareness we open to through communication allows us to perceive and interpret Truth into personal channels of understanding."

So, here I offer you some guideline questions and will squeal with joy bubbles if you care to respond!
1. How do you invoke deeper communication when in general conversation?
2. How do you make sure you perceive anything you see or hear of the subject matter as accurate?
3. How do we then communicate with such a diversity of interpretations?
4. How do we determine how we perceive?
5. Can we release past beliefs?

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Pam Fottrell is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Astrological Society of Connecticut and is certified in hypnosis. She offers several types of readings. She and I have "teamed up" to share her talents with others. You are welcome to stop by and visit and find more information on what she offers at two different pages at my site: ASTROLOGY ROOM and LoveMatch

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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