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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Dreams come true in 2002!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as June, 2002

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When doing yoga, during some deep breathing and meditation, I became aware of a truth. In life, I judged how much breath to hold when asking for fulfillment with joy. I was making judgment of what and how much must stay to hold balance. Yoga says to release all breath so the lungs can refill totally with sweet fresh air. Let go of stale air.

This also agrees with a scripture that brought puzzlement of application in the past. "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; if he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled and the skins will be destroyed" Luke 5:38-39.

We can experience joy to the fullest each moment. I was employing effort to hold on to part of my breath as the stabilizer when taking in and experiencing the new joy.

I discovered letting go happens in completion once I allow it to be immersed in the cascade of love. That is what letting go is. I will continue in awareness of letting go - cleansing with love - as necessary.

The experience of this unity brings fulfillment. It creates a healthy, joyful, loving atmosphere. Life is a joy in freedom of choices because of the assurance God is leading the way.

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For this new year, we are including a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.

Discovery is everywhere.

May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.

Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.

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Choose a word vitamin (trait) that you can ingest each day. Roll the word over in your mind as frequently as possible.

PURPOSE: Assurance that this trait is a part of your being.

HINT: As a reminder, think of your vitamin at a particular happening that already happens each day - like while brushing your teeth or driving to work or fixing lunch.

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To Be Sure
by Dusty

To be sure
is to be positive.
To take one step
from the shadow to the light.

Belief in the affirmative
Knowing what to do
is a state of existence,
A way of life.

Mastery comes by taking action
giving no recall to contrary.
No need to define them;
concentrate only on the path.

They are dissipated to the distance
the east is from the west;
their recollection and definition
are no more.

Hesitation or looking back
may cause loss of sight
or bring even more flak
of how to find the path again.

It brings no gain
and slows the effortless advance.
When it proves to be an effort
to look back, it is waste of energy.

Only when we are positive
Can we step into the guidance
The light provides
With blessed assurance.

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Going with the Flow

There are many tributaries flowing into the river of life. Each of us is one of those streams. We are continuously moving, expanding. We can be content with where we are right now. We can enjoy the scenery. With this pleasure, we can continue to look forward to bettering ourselves, whether it be in spiritual living, our job or our relationship with others.

We do not have to invest all our energy trying to move ahead in the stream of life. A mental picture of where we plan to go offers a gentle reminder. This keeps the desire active and provides assurance everything we do right now is leading toward a desired purpose in life.

As each sunrise occurs, we ask God to take control of this day. He made it and He made us. We don't have to know all the solutions. He can guide the whats, whens and wherefores. Once we have turned everything over to Him, we keep a listening ear for His guidance.

There is a cascade of joy bubbles to experience as we flow with the stream of life.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!

Reality Shifters

Cynthia's Reality Shifters newsletter
recommended this site: PSI

Wanta check out your IQ?

Check out where your beliefs lie

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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