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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Our Spirits Soar in 2004!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "June, 2004"

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Fellowship With Love
- Dusty Reed

Love is stretching my boundaries.
There is no resistance;
There is no discomfort.
When it elasticizes my walls of substance,
It is exciting and brings joy.
There are boundless, infinite
Experiences to experience,
Knowledge to know,
Feelings to feel.
Thoughts know my resilience.
Let them stretch my boundaries
To allow closer fellowship with Love.

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I Can!
by Dusty Reed

I was taught at a young age that there is no such word as "can't." I ingested that and even friends and family commented that I was willing to try anything. Later in years, I learned that there is no such thing as try. I either will or I won't!

Preceding the outer action is an inner decision. Our destiny is shaped in our moments of decision.

Another way to look at "I can," is to realize "I am capable." I can choose my heart's desires and be assured that I can attain them. Thus, I have an unlimited panorama to reach for the stars.

There are no excuses. If we sit on an excuse, we will probably only make it hatch into a batch of more excuses.

The preliminaries are easy. I can make decisions and I can choose no excuses in order to make accomplishments. Once I am this far, I can accomplish anything I desire. There is no such thing as can't, try, if. Those are only shadows and not real. The reality is, "I can choose to...!"

I can choose to enjoy life every moment. Others have asked, "How can I enjoy every moment to the fullest?" I can attain the attitude of acceptance. With that declaration, I accept that I am (enjoying every moment...).

I can be enthusiastic in everything I do. I can offer my gifts to others. I can achieve power and greatness. I can meet any circumstance with calmness. I can attain my heart's desire. I can live a healthy, full, fragrant and satisfying life. I can...

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Finding the Rainbow
- Dusty Reed

"May you live all the days of your life." - Jonathan Swift

We can sometimes look back and see a portion of our lives that appear meaningless or wasted. This is not for us to determine. There may have been purpose there that we didn't understand. It is not a thought that we are to dwell upon.

Dolly Parton once said, "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain."

In contrast, many people find pleasure in the fresh, cleansing rainfall. I see many rainbows where rain is a distance away. We can experience their beauty without getting wet.

We can enjoy living every moment of life.

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Our guest author this month may be known to several of our readers. Michael Levy is the author four books "What is the Point?" "Minds of Blue Souls of Gold," "Enjoy Yourself - It's Later Than You Think," and "Invest with a Genius." Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, journals and magazines throughout the world. His philosophies have become a major source of Truth, Wisdom and Love for many people. Point of Life E-mail Michael

Wave Vibrations
by Michael Levy

My thinker wakes-up at 5-30 am
at once I jump out of bed
with a big smile on my face
my first consideration.....
"Who can I illuminate in Joy today"
I send messages to the media
unfortunately by midday I realize
I cannot awaken anyone this morning
as their intelligence is barely operating
swamped in a..... news daze mode of fruitlessness
encased within... tides of overwhelming world anguish
By 1.00 pm I resume my communication
even though I am ignored all afternoon
I comprehend they are connected to different wave vibrations than I
however; the souls I touch are lit by a small silent spark
and await the relinquish
of ego's in a sub-existence sphere
As I prepare for bedtime an echo
vibrates in my mind from an erroneous source
"Don't give help where it is not wanted"
I smile as a wave vibration transforms the echo....
If not me.......then who?
If not now.....then when?
The next morning I have my answers
I jump out of bed
with a big smile on my face
my first consideration.....
"who can I illuminate in Joy today"

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To quote a famous missionary to Spain, “when man works, man works; when man prays, God works.” - shared by John Musgrave

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Some sites I recommend:

Inner Sources

Online Journal of the Psyche: Kajama


The Wandering Hermit

Inner Self: New Attitudes - New Possibilities

Pathways to Empowered Living: Transform Now

Spirit Online

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale - Dusty's eBay

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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