Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Energize and Organize in 2005
Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!
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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives
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Gift of Love
- by Dusty Reed
Communication with family is one of my highest priorities. It doesn’t always seem to show as such on the surface but when I sense the overall love our family experiences, I am grateful. I believe my husband’s and my convictions, blended, have provided this influence. This blending has developed over our nearly thirty-two years of marriage.
I am an independent in many beliefs, choices and opinions. I am also dependent on my husband for many decisions. If I do have a definite belief or opinion, he seldom challenges it. If I am searching for a solution, he is willing to offer his opinion about it. Many times, he is a good listener and lets me find my preference. There are a few issues where we have not found total alignment. However, we respect one another’s rights to personal beliefs and, in these cases, we each follow our own convictions. Sometimes this becomes an opportunity in avoiding verbal disagreement. In these few areas, we remain strongly convicted to our personal beliefs.
I make it a frequent practice to study Scripture, write affirmations, speak them when applicable, journal with solutions, take word vitamins (favorable traits) by thinking on them, encourage my joy bubbles, avoid complaining and gossip, listen to motivational speakers and study personal development books. These and other favorable practices continue to develop my convictions. Each of these practices strengthens my faith in God as well as who I am and who I desire to be. My outlook on life offers assurance of this. My love deepens through communion with my family and friends.
I continue to see more expansion that was always there. I did not know how to define it but when I see it through another’s writing, I know it is also a part of me, of my beliefs. As it is awakened, I can observe and say, “Aha, this is a healthy assurance because I already believe and connect with this.” It offers a communion with the other soul who also believes this. We communicate on a deeper level of understanding. We sense the invisible but ever-present Love that is guiding us.
Love is an individual thing. It means different things to each person, depending on faith, memory and experience.
I have experienced God's love in various ways, mainly through communication with others. Others learn it through a traumatic experience when they discover on a one-to-one basis that God loves them. Others learn from caring souls who give with compassion. Others learn by giving.
We all have the Gift of God's love within. We cannot begin to define God's love! There aren't the words to do so! There isn't a feeling to do so! God's love "is" and our responsibility is to simply accept!
Once we accept, we become more aware through acknowledgement by willingly loving God, loving ourselves, loving others and the circle goes round and round and round, expanding, expanding, expanding. How does this happen? Simply by asking God to let it happen and remaining open for it to do so. I think, write and speak that it happens and believe that it does. Therefore, accepted by faith, it is happening.
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When I visited "Brush Fire Painting," one of the recommended sites, I remembered an entry I wrote in my booklet, Shortcuts to Awareness:
Using a different colored pencil in each hand, close your eyes and let both hands flow freely for about one minute. Observe your creative results. Curved lines show feminine expression; straight lines show masculine. Are they gentle, soft lines or do they show signs of frustration? Is there a channel of space between what the two hands have drawn that separates them? Do they touch or intermingle?
PURPOSE: To discover subliminal masculine and feminine expression.
HINT: Experience this several times, during various moods.
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by Dusty
Creativity is my pixie
Dancing to and fro,
Planning and designating,
Taking front and center,
Directing the show,
Bringing happiness and fun.
Thanks to creativity,
My pixie!
Or, perhaps:
by Dusty
To be resourceful
is to be creative.
To find my inner wisdom
is to allow it to flow.
To relax and find peace
is to allow my inner pixie
to be resourceful.
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Some sites I recommend:
I just returned from a seminar with the God-Mind group! Delightful experience!
Jan Karon's Mitford
Intuition Network
Brush Fire Painting
Funny Taf (free stuff)
Senior Citizens Magazine
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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay
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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Dusty
Thanx muchly!
Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.
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