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Does a doctor lay aside his prestige, his financial income, his years of education, his service to humanity, to leave it all behind and become what his life craves, expression through the arts?

Does a housewife who has raised her family or who has become a grandmother at age sixty, begin a college career to major in law... or computer technology.... or music?

Imagine a lawyer deciding to become a schoolteacher. She may have children and yearn to put her footprint into the educational system with what she believes to be an improvement. She may have a preference for elementary, secondary or college teaching. Since she already has a college degree, she only has to fulfill education requirements to receive a teaching certificate.

With employment possibly absorbing a third of our life or more, why do we consent to work only for the money it provides? We have a right to enjoy every moment of life. We can do this, when circumstances require, through our attitude. It is much easier, however, when our source of income brings delight and fulfillment.

You may choose to go into business for yourself. There are several suggestions throughout this article that can give you a reason to ponder possibilities.

If you decide to venture into a new endeavor, being in business for yourself, it is wise to have a livable income from another source for a few years. Most entrepreneurs plan taking five years to begin making a profit. Most entrepreneurs plan taking five years to begin making a profit. It is wise, then, to have a livable income from another source during those five years. This can be through part-time employment, through a savings account, or through selling some real estate. I continue to emphasize that a healthy plan is one that is thought out and acted upon before we take the full plunge. I heard an established entrepreneur present a question. It is healthy to ask yourself, "how long can I live on faith?"

Be willing to ask an expert in the field you seek to pursue. It might begin with a librarian who can direct you to books on the subject. A schoolteacher or professor in the filed you desire to pursue could offer assistance. Once you have talked with someone, ask for referrals, others who might be able to assist you. This may involve time investment, even by many telephone conversations or through myriad letters written but it can more quickly put you on the right track to reach your heartthrob.

My thoughts pondered how an actor or singer starts and follows through from singing or taking part in plays for small hometown events to receiving an Oscar or gold record. They first gain experience with small events, even volunteering to sing at the county fair or joining or creating a drama club, if necessary.

Stars did not start at the top. They had to seek out several who could offer guidance for them to reach the next step in their desired path.

These steps apply to many professions. Find someone who has knowledge of the field you desire to pursue and progress from there.

Other Life Styles:






Love of Nature

Fine Arts




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