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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Embrace what's dear in the millennium year"

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "March, 2000"

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Spring is beginning to peek in from various directions here in the Midwest. It is such a refreshing time, after the long hibernation, to get outdoors more and watch the blossoming of new life. Fresh reminders and new ideas pop up, too!

Being "more organized" always seems to step into my journaling when I am seeking my next project or what I am to be doing with my now. Sorting and tossing are always available simply for taking the time to do so.

What I discover, as I do begin to clear out closets, cupboards and drawers, is an anticipation of what will fill these spaces next. What will be the new ideas that find a home here?

By directing my thoughts to a heartthrob, a yearning desire, I find the focal point. This diminishes tasks and time consumption of just busy work that is not really necessary or desired. Old resources and desires have stagnated from non-use. Tis time to either shake them out and begin applying them or toss them.

I get excited about reaching my goal because I have an emotional reward of fulfillment upon its attainment. I can continue along my path and see Life expanding with a fresh and alive emergence!

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One Hundred Twenty Activities
How can I have peace
when I am doing
one hundred twenty
things a day?
Enjoy the activity
that encompasses my now.
think of the next one
with thoughts of peace.
Express joy to the fullest.
Have peace in
one hundred twenty
activities a day.


Commitment is a beautiful concept. There is a difference between a commitment to the future and being committed right now. Setting fond hopes for events of the future does not insure commitment to the present.

Gather up every particle in your life right now. Put it all into two different collections: one material and one spiritual.

Sort and throw (or give) away every material thing that has no purpose in your life. Begin organizing the items you keep so they serve you to their best capacity.

Your spiritual collection may include habits, hopes, dreams, and desires. Strengthen your faith, love and fellowship with the Creator and your sorting will be accomplished.

The decisions that come to your awareness will help bring the unexpected into a smooth flowing channel to be handled quickly, easily and with peace of mind.

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Energy is best generated
by putting forth energy;
whether it be active or passive,
physical exertion or
conscious thought.
energy gains power
by putting forth energy:
Think a thought
Pen to paper
Brush to canvas
Extend a hand
take a step
Touch toes
Pick up something.
Take action;
Stimulate energy.


Is it time to get started with a new goal? Is it time to continue a postponed activity? Is it time to finish and see success in a desired ambition?

No one is too young or too old to begin striving toward life ambitions. In other words, there are no excuses. There is no time like right now to determine and act upon the achievements we desire to see take place.

We can define and carry through with goals we desire to achieve. We can find answers to a multitude of possibilities about how to achieve our potential and accomplish our desires. We can embrace opportunities for relaxing and reflection.

We can discover many ways to experience each moment. Conscious observations can give a new view of life and free us to enjoy right now in its entirety.

Each person has a preferred way of contacting the genie within who offers the motivation and steps to take. It is simply a matter of taking time to make contact with the Inner Self and then take action!

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Delightful Thoughts of Friendship

Interested in crystals, fossils, other stones?
Crystal Phantom
Earth Mother SelfHeal

Oasis TV is featuring Life Now on March 26! For further details, click OASIS TV

Self Improvement Online has articles and references to oodles of other web sites

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I Am a Winner!
I set new habits
I practice
I persevere
I win!

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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