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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Dreams come true in 2002!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as March, 2002"

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An article I recently wrote has been shared with some. For others of you who would care to read suggestions and encouragement to put you on your path to fulfillment, you can find it at: Seek and Find

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Communicating Our Intention

What do we reveal to others about ourselves? Do we show a favorable personality, full of joy?

What traits are within, waiting to be exercised? A list of favorable adjectives can be put to good use. Keeping our desired traits in awareness and practicing those we want others to see can offer a healthy exercise. Some of this list might include Joyful, Gratitude, Intelligence, Resourcefulness, Good Will, Persistence, Loving, Understanding, Decisive, Concern, Consistent, Hope, Inspiration, Concentration, Memory, Achievement. Harmony, Happiness, Mastery, Vitality and Vibrant. I call these my Word Vitamins. They are healthy and there is no danger of an overdose.

What talents do we want to bring to our surrounding world? Is there a special enjoyment? Baking bread, playing a musical instrument, painting, public speaking, a craft, visiting with shut-ins, working with flowers or puttering in the garden can provide a wealth of gifts we can offer to others. Developing a talent into a service brings rewards rich beyond measure.

Life is for joy in every moment. Being happy with ourselves comes through giving of ourselves.

Such a variety of ways there are to communicate. The spoken word can reveal inflections in the voice expressing emotion. Attentive listening lets others sense our concern. Body language expresses whether we are listless or attentive to what another is sharing.

We express from our inner being through music, whether it be dance, violin or other instrument, singing or writing scores and lyrics.

Artwork in any medium communicates. It may, as with other forms, be received with a different perception than how it was offered, depending on the life experiences of the receiver.

Communication also takes place through writing. As writers, we pour ourselves into word pictures sprinkled with emotion, humor, wisdom and an understanding of our readers' concerns and interests. We may be writing to inform, offering our understanding and expertise through recipes, world travel or how-to's.

We have each stepped into a book, article or poem and felt the impact in oneness with the author. We were right there with them. They were communicating.

We are revealing much about ourselves, our interests or our concerns. Anything we put into words is communication, whether it be considered revealing and emotional or whether it imparts a message with no roots or substance.

Journaling is healthy. Through the years, I have created a variety of journals. Some reveal questions such as, "why do I feel like this?" with solutions. Some are written as poetry. Some begin with free flow writing that does not make much sense and lead into solutions. Some I enjoy rereading; some are tucked away in boxes or on closet shelves. Many are used for the basis of my writing projects.

It doesn't matter what my journals look like or what they contain. They are my thoughts put into writing, frozen in time. They often give me a picture of what thoughts are within at the time and a tool of measurement when I read them again later. "Do I still believe this?" "What has replaced this belief?" "By sharing, can others benefit from this?" Often I see that what appeared in the past as a great opportunity has become a nugget of wisdom. I find many insights by taking time to write, long hand, my thoughts.

I recently found, during a daily quiet time, an endless reservoir of thoughts to share with my family. This includes dreams, obstacles, happy moments, hurts and every useful part of my life.

I also learned something significant by listening to them with interest. This type of communication brings us together and closer to the Lord through spiritual, mental and physical support of one another. It gives an undefined depth to love and supplies a geyser of overflowing joy.

To know whether to accept a principle as truth, we need to find absoluteness through our interpretation of Scripture. We have a desire to see only Love, God's created being, in others. Understanding of Scripture provides the sensitivity.

We can be sure that God is love. He wants us to see love and light (not darkness) in others. Anything other than love is just the stuff in life. Everyone's stuff is different, but the core, God's love, is the same.

Communication is an experience in every part of life. Our message is being revealed to the world in this space called time. It may be carried to future generations and have a dramatic effect on beliefs and lifestyles. We take this responsibility, whether it is through speaking, our choice of music, our expression through art, or communication through writing as we ask ourselves, "Am I communicating my intention?"

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For this new year, we are including a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.

Discovery is everywhere.

May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.

Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.

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Find an unused notebook to keep for quiet time journaling.

An alternative method of journaling that may stir awareness is to write with the less dominant hand. If you are right-handed, let the left hand write.

PURPOSE: To allow awareness to emerge.

HINT: Don't be concerned if it provides opportunity to read what your less-dominant hand puts on paper.

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Common Ground

Where is the common ground
for communication with others?
Understanding isn't always agreeing
but rather, knowing or feeling
where another has been
to bring him where he is.
It is not superfluous or apathetic.
Understanding is finding compassion,
finding the common ground.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!


Interviews by Randy Peyser
(include many well-knowns)

Women's Spiritual Network

Debbie's World of Poems

Have shared it before but I just think this site is so lovely! Friendship

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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Front Door LIFE NOW


Any comments or questions?