As the new year perseveres, we continue to include a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.
Discovery is everywhere.
May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.
Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.
There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.
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Using a different colored pencil in each hand, close your eyes and let both hands flow freely for about one minute. Observe your creative results. Curved lines show feminine expression; straight lines show masculine. Are they gentle, soft lines or do they show signs of frustration? Is there a channel of space between what the two hands have drawn that separates them? Do they touch or intermingle?
PURPOSE: To discover subliminal masculine and feminine expression.
HINT: Experience this several times, during various moods.
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Facets of Light - Ice
by Dusty Reed
An ice-coated tree limb may reveal disadvantages to humans but there is beauty there, as well.
The tree has been bred to endure such weight. Each year it gains more strength and does not bend as much except at the end of the branches where there is new growth. It gains strength and character from the extreme changes in seasons.
As I gaze upon that ice-coated limb, I think of weight we carry, ascribing that it has been put on us by others. We know that we don't have that weight except through our acceptance. Once we have it, what do we do with it? Does the tree complain? Does it moan and groan about the fury of Mother Nature? It accepts, gains inner strength and continues to grow.
We can shrug our shoulders and continue growing, as well. We may get a bit of ice on our limbs. The beauty is in observing the uniqueness and splendor in the ice crystals. The ice is there to teach us how to gain strength and when we have learned, it will melt away.
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by Dusty Reed
We take a responsibility along with the facet of activity we choose. We live with the significance. We have a choice, moment by moment, of changing our viewpoint. What prevents us from doing so? Motivation? That is one strong possibility. When a facet draws us into its light, we feel driven to the activity because it is our heart throb; other activities become dim. They cool and are even sometimes forgotten completely.
Each facet builds on a rendezvous with the rainbow. I may not hold past experiences in conscious memory but they do influence how I approach and react to the project at hand.
We are growing as we experience new facets of life. I have been climbing with the rainbow in view, one step at a time, throughout my life. I am grateful for the variety of facets in my life!
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Our guest article this month is from John and Cheryl at Eye of the Sacred Wind
To receive their newsletter, email: Sacred Wind Newsletter
From Lessons From the Soul
by John Otis
We have offered and have presented the concept, the idea, the reality that the physical body is but the vehicle for the movement of soul consciousness into and through the three-dimensional earthy environment. Do you feel what this really means? We have said that you are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. Do you feel what this means?
These are perceptions that are difficult to arrive at when viewed through the mind and through the attached and reactive nature of the physical world.
It is only possible to arrive at the inner feeling of the purity of expression you are as a soul by going within and transcending all externalized attachment and conditions of physical existence.
For a moment, as you close your eyes and go within, feel the energy, the soul energy that is welling up from within the consciousness of who you are. Feel this energy, this consciousness, this soul reality permeating every cell of your physical body. As you sense externally through the bodily vehicle, do not react or respond to that which is being interacted with in the physical, but simply feel and observe from within the movement of energy, the movement of perception. Feel the interaction that is occurring as you observe your senses, as you observe the outer world.
Now as you open your eyes, look into the world, not reacting or responding or analyzing or evaluating, but simply observing. Feel the inner awareness penetrating all creation and simply knowing and observing that which is externalized as being part of and one with the creative process. Feel the soul energy you are utilizing as the bodily functions. Feel from deep within the movement of energy that focuses and senses through the eyes that which you behold. It is not the body that is observing. It is you as a soul observing through the bodily tools.
Do you feel and see from the inner perspective? As this transition of awareness takes place, as you walk through, as you move through your physical environment from the perspective of inner reality, you begin to sense what it means to be Love, to be Light. You begin to radiate Love and Light through the eyes, through the touch, through the voice, through the emotive movement of the utilization of the bodily senses.
Do you feel that Love you are? Do you feel the Light you are moving and expressing through the bodily vehicle you are using temporarily? This is an exercise that is important to practice, to internalize, and to have become part of and consistently one with your entire movement in and through the physical world as an embodied soul.
Consider what we have offered. Feel deeply that which is being suggested and feel the Love and Light you are emanating through every cell of consciousness, through every aspect of outer interaction with the physical and created world. You are in reality the soul energy of creation. Do you see? Do you feel that energy? That's who you are.
You are I AM, the Love, Light, and Life of creation.
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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!God-mind Power - Yours for the Asking
Creative Crossroads of Beverly Jean Roberts
Stories by Lee and Friends
Arthur Myers, Author of more than 20 published books
ARG - Alien Research Group
Poetry of My Heart's Journey
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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty
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