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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Our Spirits Soar in 2004!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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Top o' the mornin' to ya!

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Pondering My Passion in Seasons
By Dusty Reed

As I began thinking about and yearning for spring, I had an awakening. I do enjoy every moment but sometimes I could be enjoying each more fully.

I find myself with some discontent toward the end of each season. There are myriad good moments with each. Why, then, do I become disenchanted and begin using my time yearning for the next season? I fantasize that the upcoming season will be so much more enchanting than the present.

That is not true! As I wake up to this, I can enjoy stepping out into the silence of a new snowfall. I can sense the crispness of the invigorating air on my cheeks, even when I am walking to or from my car at work or when taking my walks during breaks.

These are providing reminders of what I do at the beginning of each season so I will carry through with this today. It is a good feeling when I give myself time to enjoy the pleasures. This will carry me throughout our very distinct four seasons where various climates become an opportunity of staying power.

I can relax and watch the change of seasons. I step outdoors in any season for nature walks and meditation. These just seem to become more infrequent as each season progresses.

Staying awake each moment to enjoy all it has to offer keeps me alive!

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At One With Nature
By Dusty Reed

Symbolism of individualized features of nature is often worth pondering. We can find aspects of ourselves reflected in the essence of nature.

These special times of pondering can lead to a better understanding of the parts we play in universal Love.

The seasons bring behavior changes. Observe the yearning to hibernate during the bleak cold months of Winter. Some prefer to migrate to warmer climes. Going with the flow of the season brings a sense of peace in current happenings.

When my son was younger, he was telling me about a wild bird. He knew its name; I have forgotten.

"It can learn to trust a person enough to come eat out of your hand."

We were talking about the importance of practicing the communication with nature every day to learn to become one with it.

"Will you do it, Mom?"

I admitted I didn't have or take time to practice it often enough to let it happen spontaneously.

When he was little, we took time together to communicate with the plants and trees in our backyard. Maybe we could play with that practice again. I talked with birds a few times at the park, before we moved. Maybe visiting with nature is how I could begin again practicing.

Shortly after the discussion with Shawn, while outdoors, I had occasion to observe. I watched a cardinal, who was a bit nervous at the bird feeder. He was only about ten feet from me but brave enough to get some food.

"It is okay, Red, I love you."

I continued to send him vibrations of peace while he sat perched for several minutes, content with his feeding.

We have a cat and I do not desire to curtail her natural instinct of occasionally bringing home a bird to eat. I do send her a message that I prefer she leave the cardinals alone.

Cardinals signal their desire to be noticed with their bright color. They are attentive to their surroundings. Isn't it possible they are, likewise, attentive to acknowledgement through thought or emotional communication on our part? Maybe they speak to us, as well. Are we attentive to their vibrations? Can we experience a communion between all life through the universal nature of consciousness?

We have frequent quests in our back yard. Shawn has counted myriad types of birds plus numerous other animals who come by to say hello. We greet them with respect and allow them to remain free.

Sometimes we feel so minute. What is the importance of the tiny lady bug sitting on a leaf amongst the foliage in a remote timberland? Or, a butterfly sitting on a clover blossom in a secluded meadow? Can we compare these to our roles in life?

I want to absorb all that nature has to offer. It comes from a deeper awareness than merely sitting outdoors listening and watching what my physical surroundings provide. By looking at each season with an attitude of appreciation, I can find the joy of discovery in every new day.

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By Dusty Reed

A thought whispers out
across the expanse of lake
as a sense of oneness
in God's love with all creation
envelops my being.
As minute as a ladybug
on a bramble leaf,
deep in the timbered frame
surrounding the crystal blue.
Feeling of importance
because God loves me.
Feeling of equality
with all nature and mankind.
God's arms surround me
in the dense woodland
where branches of oak,
elm and maple leaves
surround and umbrella me.
This mantle brings God
into my presence
with an awareness
I can touch Him
and whisper His name.

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Some sites I recommend:

Environmental issues

Christian Voices newsletter

Audacity Magazine (not just for disabled)

Church Within

Soulic Journeys

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at eBay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale -
Dusty's eBay

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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