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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
My heart's desire sticks in 2006!

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!
And Top of the Morning to you ~ with a bit of Magic, too!

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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Written on the Wind
by Dusty Reed

Optimism delights the soul. There is goodness to be found in all things. The universal allness is good. Humanity expresses this goodness. Feel the freshness!

"But what about those who are starving or someone who kills another? Where is the Goodness?"

Each being is expressing at his or her level of consciousness. To look on another's situation as unfavorable closes down my awareness. I grow by finding and acting upon the goodness in all situations.

The whirl sometimes carries me into a space that is not familiar and maybe not be comfortable. What is my reaction? The underlying truth that this is a learning experience eventually comes to surface. It depends on how long it takes me to find a healthy stand to observe and a willingness to accept. Once I give myself in acceptance, the soft breeze of assurance nudges me along to my next experience.

It may require extending beyond what I have allowed to become my comfort zone. Building muscle requires going beyond physical comfort. It requires repetition until it is comfortable. This brings new strength. Complacency accomplishes little.

Hearing directions or seeing the path that is uniquely right for each person can sometimes bring frustration or confusion. My path may not be what others think is correct. My ideas may bring warnings or lectures of caution.

My spiritual path takes me to mountain tops of enthusiasm and it takes me along some monotonous footage of practicality. This fluctuating pattern has revealed itself myriad times over the years.

I am grateful for the mountain peaks, even when I am not on them. They offer promise. I know they are reality. I have been there and I know I will go there again.

With this insight, I find myself at the top of the world, full of enthusiasm, gaining new insights, exuberant with enchantment. How does it happen?

I have not defined any specific action but desire seems to be the first step. Daily meditation takes me closer. I begin seeing 'signs' - a refreshing letter from a new pen pal who has interests similar to mine; a cassette tape of teaching how to attain personal power, which reminds me of my early steps in personal development; reading personal development books and finding a gem that sparkles and offers a bridge to reality.

Acceptance is the next step. It lifts me from the monotonous routine and offers a fanciful enthusiastic means of observing and participating in this thing called life.

To find joy in every moment
Is sometimes a challenge;
Listening for the Lord's direction,
Obeying His instructions,
Acknowledging Him
As Lord of my life
Brings joy in every moment.

When I accept my direction, I may step forth confidently and act on my specific purpose. As I open to consciousness, I find an inner wisdom and calmness that guides me. More and more, I begin to become a part of this goodness.

I welcome lectures from others. This provides opportunity for me to listen more closely to the message of the wind. I obediently go where it leads me and see healthy sunshine all about me.

This healthy sunshine may, again, not appear as such to others. To be amongst others in pain, poor in spirit, can be considered as sunshine. These people have much to teach me and perhaps I may offer something worthwhile for them. Being in the sunshine is a matter of attitude.

On a hot, humid day, I have tendency to exert as little physical energy as necessary. However, the slightest breeze, even by artificial means, can provide the bit of freshness to keep me going. The breeze is offering itself without effort to provide comfort. I discover that as I offer myself to others, the effort disappears.

The effects of the wind do not explain the cause. The passion, the profound power that rests behind the wind offers a mystique that may never be answered. Its essence is beyond wisdom, beyond perception, or is it?

What is written on the wind? Purpose in life. It may be a soft whisper in the breeze. It may echo and it may fade but it is there. How do I hear it? I listen. Really listen.

I release all other thoughts. I begin by mentally going within with the intention of hearing the still, small voice. The small voice may not be audible. It may be a feeling, an intuitive flash, an essence of knowing. It may be a colorful symbol. I allow it to happen.

Understanding may come at the time or it may come later, during another activity. The important happening is the time taken for quietness to listen. Too often I get too busy making requests during quiet time. I neglect to offer time to listen, to absorb what is already written on the wind.

When I listen, I hear the call of my soul. I offer my being to this essence. It reflects and sings the song of my heart. It expresses the heart throb of the soul. This song is the essence of my purpose. Its melody blends and saturates my being.

When I am responding to the melody of the soul, there is an enchanting harmony to the song. It offers an awareness and closer attainment to the universal essence of purpose. It offers optimism. It offers the gift of dancing with the wind.

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

By Dusty Reed

All activity can have
Meaning and purpose
With practice,
Going with the flow,
My life commitments
My activity.

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

Some sites I recommend:

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga

Intuition Network

Home Remedies

Funny Taf (free stuff)

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It is my joy to share with you that I now have several of my rose drawings available at! You can view them at Dusty's Roses
I have also posted a new page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to
Buy at
Buy From

(I get credit if you use this link!)

My sister-in-spirit, Sunny, has several of her drawings and photos at, too, at Sunny's Art Work

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, colored pencil drawings, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at (with Expansion Encounters as subject). Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

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