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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"We are As One In the year Two thousand and one."

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Due to technical "opportunities" at my Life Now site, I will start a new subscription list beginning with the next issue of Expansion Encounters.

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*`~`(`~`*`~`)`~`*``~` (`~`*`~`)

If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "May, 2001"

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I have heard it said that we are attracting everything we receive through our thinking, words and actions. With our words and actions as extensions of our introspection, maybe this is how we invite our experiences - through our thoughts.

Even though I have believed the statement for many years, it still gives space to ponder... to be reminded that every thought has an impact on my life. That feels like a big responsibility!

Twenty years ago I would have been very uneasy with that statement. Today, I am much more comfortable with it because, through training - meditation, classes, seminars, studies, communion with special friends - I have allowed my experiences to be filled with so many favorable responses that it feels like what I am inviting is continual healthy thoughts, words and actions.

There are times, however, when I can't seem to keep my focus. I begin feeling sorry for myself, usually when there is a physical twinge that disrupts my desirable schedule of happenings. I hear myself complaining... about the weather, about personal aches and pains, about responses from others...

These don't last long, thanks to those reminders that come on in front of me like a neon light as soon as I begin doing this. I do sometimes have to do an abrupt stop and make a 90-degree turn from my channel of thought. That helps keep me from getting into an unfavorable rut.

So, if we invite our experiences through thought, I would enjoy hearing YOUR thoughts on this concept!

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The Wonder of Beauty

The following is one of a collection of pondersome thoughts using symbols of light and color to describe life's pathway.

Sparkling facets surround with warm penetration creating a rainbow of delight and comfort.

A sparkle from a distance provides a profound ray of light - a touch of wisdom to absorb.

We see each color reveal itself as we focus on individual facets.

A friend offers understanding.

A teacher offers knowledge.

An acquaintance offers wisdom.

We accept this awesome and magnificent beauty through a special Promise. The rainbow is complete.

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Word Vitamin - Dignity

Can we confidently carry an aura
For dignity in our world today
Spreading self assurance
As we travel life's highway

An implant of confidence
Shared with a dissatisfied world
Living every moment in honesty
With a nobility of manner

We can do our part
Setting an example
A ripple on the water
Raising a generation
Radiating honesty
Let it begin with me

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The contest has been postponed until we have a new listing of subscribers.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile:

Tarot Corner

Peace Pilgrim

World Wide Meditation Center

Good Life, Now

Self Improvement Online

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

Any questions or comments? Email Dusty

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