Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Energize and Organize in 2005
Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!
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You can read past issues of "This Is Living" at Archives
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Make a Difference
by Dusty Reed
Can we step out today and make a difference in our society consciousness attitudes? You bet we can! We don't have to get on a soap box but we can let our favorable attitudes shine forth with pen in hand and with everyone we meet. With an attitude of assurance, we penetrate the ethers around us. All who step into our space are affected. And, who knows how far that "space" extends! As a small pebble causes a ripple on the water, out it goes.
Internet is a grande space to share our attitudes. We can write to others when we agree or challenge something they have included at their site or in a newsletter or personal note.
We can share our attitude preferences in letters to officials in government from school to city to state to federal. With a bit of preparation, we can show why we carry this attitude and why we believe it would bring a higher benefit to all concerned.
We can share our attitudes in the work place. Others probably already have stereotyped us with a certain attitude. What would happen if we walk into work with an assurance of a more favorable attitude about our world? Would it be noticed? I believe it would.
Now, what if we don't carry with assurance what we would prefer as our preferable attitudes? We can change our attitudes simply by doing the "as if." Write, speak and act "as if" our attitudes are of highest quality with the assurance of goodness. As we express in this manner, we will begin to follow this attitude and it will soon become a natural part of our being.
This is how we can bend our attitudes when it appears that we cannot change the facts. As attitudes are changed, facts can change. Try it and find out for yourself.
We can make a difference.
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Communication - A Two-Way Street
by Dusty Reed
"One person alone is simply no person at all." - Rufus M. Jones
The basic form of communication is a conversation between two people. Some encounters exist over a long period of time, as in marriage or in business partnerships. Communicating well in an encounter requires attunement to one another. It is helpful to know how to start and end the conversation, how to be understood, how to respond to the other person's statements, how to be sensitive to their concerns, how to take turns, and how to listen.
In dealing with communication, there are six facets toward understanding others and ourselves. These include:
1) Definition - This involves offering our question or purpose with the statement we extend to others.
This is our world and we have the freedom to perceive in any way we choose. We may also perceive what others share as untrue for us. If this is done frequently, however, there is an area within that can become full of distrust and we become narrow-minded.
Our perception attempts to protect us but it can also make us judgmental, distrusting, and miserable in many areas of our lives.
Willingness to change our perception, by looking at a situation from a different perspective, offers expansion for more effective communication.
2) Clarification - This is restating, when necessary, with feedback from others, to make sure they understand our intent or that we understand theirs.
3) Practice - Continue the discussion, as others are willing, until each person has a concept, not always in agreement but with an understanding, of what the other person is saying.
4) Perspective - This involves stating, “I believe,” or “I understand this as,” without declaring it as the absolute meaning of life for all. Each of us has the freedom to see it from our personal perspective.
A key element of communication between people includes feedback. If communication deteriorates, we are not to blame anyone. Probing discussions during a search of facts can end in a discussion crisis. The communicators should sense that danger and be able to keep discussion and the research process on an appropriate level. It is important for people to be able discuss honestly and without personal injury.
5) Insight - This happens when someone shares a concept and it provides a light bulb, an “aha!” This often happens, also, as we are expressing our thought. We hear our thought and capture a new realization.
Even though we receive this light bulb, it is good to hold it until the other person is finished sharing, listening intently to what they are saying.
6) Self-Enlightenment - This comes only through using the insights we gain. We can slot many areas of philosophy, beliefs, and concepts into our head and not practice any of them. We receive self-enlightenment as we put these new discoveries to work in our lives.
For example, when I speak of philosophy, as in my world, I am referring to my beliefs, my way of life. Philosophy is my life. I don't mean that in the sense of head knowledge; philosophy is a gift from God, just as creation. Others may understand and interpret philosophy differently, as to their means of understanding its meaning in their lives.
We learn, through practice, to be more flexible in discussions with others. It is an on-going growing experience, gathered as we travel through life. It is not something from memory. We can remain consistent with our beliefs without fear of intrusion by listening to and accepting others as flexible beings with both consistent and flexible beliefs.
I was not aware of this freedom in communication a few years ago. The sooner we accept the flexibility, the sooner we can reach the healthy depths of communication. It expands through practice, practice, practice, do it again!
"Communication is a two-way street. And while we revel in the reality that we can always get through to heaven, our concern should be whether our Lord can always get through to us." - Joseph Stowell
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Some sites I recommend:
Book Crossing
My Pathways
Sage Place
Paths to Natural Living
Family Homestead
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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay
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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Dusty
Thanx muchly!
Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.
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