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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Embrace what's dear in the millennium year"

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If you prefer to read this online, you will find it as "November, 2000"

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Autumn seems to have come and gone in the Midwest. We are now adjusting to blistering cold temps in the 20's with a wind chill around and even below 0. It isn't usually this cold this early so I'm wondering what it will be like by January. We haven't had any snow yet but that can happen any day. Thank goodness for internet for those long cold nights! :)

And I am sending warm greetings to each of you with this message:


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"To know my writing is to know me." So now, here I share some ponderings that may be of interest.

Finding Joy Now

Right now is, with divine guidance, each individual's responsibility. Concern for this moment is all that is necessary or possible. We cannot do anything about the past and circumstances control the future.

We sometimes hang hopes and dreams on the future or memories and regrets in the past without receiving the joy and fulfillment of the present moment. If there is a difficult situation happening, we either say it is going to get better or wonder why we keep getting into these predicaments.

We can look at today with full concentration and see what we are receiving from our present situation. If we are discontent, we can take some time for meditation. It can give contentment. If we experience discouragement, we can ask for divine guidance.

Meditation can offer peace and reveal how to experience joy now . . . In this moment we are each in a new right now. Meditation can equip us to be at peace and how to experience joy right now. . . Again, we are in another right now. . . . This repetition of instruction shows that no matter when or where our "right now" might be, it is the only time.

Each breath we take brings a new right now. With practice, repetition of experiencing the present moment, we can always find happiness, peace and joy.

Experiencing the moment takes away all selfish anxieties, depression or any feeling of defeat and gives instead, hope and joy. If we allow ourselves to experience only this moment, goodness is happening.

By finding contentment with living in the present and by finding gratitude for each situation as it rises, we can receive a joy deep within. This joy is often indefinable because it is not of the mind.

To live for now is a joy unspeakable. The joy we have in this moment is greater than we have ever experienced. Each moment of new joy is totally fulfilling within itself. We can experience a joy in our whole self that gives satisfaction, peace and assurance. We cannot describe a universal definition for joy. Accumulatively, it is an exalted joy. We receive, through emotions, mind and spirit, a unique capacity to experience joy.

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Common Ground

Where is the common ground
for communication with others?
Understanding isn't always agreeing
but rather, knowing or feeling
where another has been
to bring him where he is.
It is not superfluous or apathetic.
Understanding is finding compassion,
finding the common ground.

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It is "that" time of year - to be thinking about a possible slogan for Expansion Encounters, something to rhyme with 2001. "Play in the sun in 2001." You can think of something much more creative than that! I think it will be much easier to find an appropriate phrase than it was last year. (Lots of words rhyme with 'one.') So, put on your thinking caps and send an affirmation for the upcoming year. (Limit to send: 5 phrases.) Email to: Life Now

The winner will be announced in the February issue of Expansion Encounters with a special page at Life Now and with all the runners-up and their phrases listed, too. Contest ends January 15, 2001 and winner will be chosen by an impartial group of judges. Thank you for your participation!

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Here are a few other articles I have written. If you care to send any comments concerning any of them, I would be delighted to receive!

Erasing Yesterday

A Good Day Formula

Effects of Communication

Pleasures Now

Influence of Color

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Many of my articles are listed at my Front Door You can find more of my articles at my site listed at my home page (Front Door) under "Crafts," "Kitchen" (recipes), "Devotionals," "Self Awareness," and "Poetry."

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile:

Wise Hearts - Weaving Small Wisdoms Through the Fabric of Life

R.S.V.P. Creative Impulses

Would you like to read an inspirational "Thought for the Day" while having your cup of coffee (or tea) each morning. Check this one! Follow Your Dreams

A fascinating astronomy site, including photos: Royal Observatory Greenwich

My son, Shawn, is continuing to add poetry (and hopefully some of his short stories soon) to share with others: Shawn's Poetry

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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