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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Our Spirits Soar in 2004!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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Since our theme this month is "Love and Beauty," I have included a little project that I feel is very worthwhile!

Love Box

You can give a crafty little gift that contains a whole lot of sentiment: a "Love" box. This is a special gift for special people! My mom gave me mine. It is a gift your loved one will most likely keep for years and years.

It is created by using a little container, about the size of a gelatin box. Wrap it with a pretty gift wrap, preferably something that expresses as soft and sentimental. Mine has "Love" scripted and little hearts in deeper pink printed on the pastel pink tissue paper. Tie it with a pretty ribbon. Mine has gold cord with a lovely little bow.

This poem is typed in script and then securely attached to the box with tape or glue:

This is a very special gift
That you can never see
The reason it's so special is
It's just for you from me.

Whenever you are lonely
Or even feeling blue
You only have to hold this gift
And know I think of you.

You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied
Just hold the box close to your heart
It's filled with love inside.
- Author unknown

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Love One Another
By Dusty Reed

The Christian criteria for service often infers that we should love others more than we love ourselves. This is superfluous and makes it easy to pass right over the intention of the great commandment given by God, ""Love your neighbor as yourself" - Leviticus 19:18.

It might be another matter if we considered loving others as much as we love ourselves. Once our cup of self-love is running over, a vibrant, healthy love flows effortlessly to others.

Loving my neighbor as myself is a big assignment. To know God's love is absolute, I can love myself. I can love others unconditionally as creations of God. I do not always agree with their actions but, as a friend reminds me, "that is none of my business - it is God's business.

If I love them, by allowing God's love to shine through me, I am taking care of my responsibility. It is not a matter of self-discipline to love someone. It is a matter of obedience to the Lord and allowing Him to love them through me. When I allow Him to take charge, my part becomes effortless.

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Our guest author this month is Kim Whitaker. His website is a growing resource for those who want to truly nurture a Spiritual path. You can learn more about or join his group at Love Is God or write to him at Kim

‘Extract the Beauty!’
by Kim Subhan Whitaker

One should always endeavor to extract the Beauty from your nows!
Be aware of the ‘Beauty’ of every Breath!
Life is a breath by breath endeavor!
The same is extracting the ‘Beauty’ of Life
A breath by breath endeavor!

Experience the ‘Beauty’ of learning to breathe ever so gently!
Experience the ‘Beauty’ of always breathing deeply and fully!
The greatest ‘Beauty’ in life is not seen but felt!
Yes the greatest ‘Beauty’ cannot be seen it cannot felt with the human touch!
The ‘Greatest Beauty’ can only be felt by the ‘Human Heart!’

One is only as ‘Beautiful’ as they feel!
One feels ‘Beautiful’ when one’s heart is ‘Beauty’ itself!
The whole ‘Mystical Endeavor’ is to un-cover the ‘Beauty’ of one’s ‘Heart!’
Never ever fear to feel the ‘Beauty’ you are now!
When you inhale, inhale only ‘Beauty!’

When you exhale, exhale only ‘Beauty!’
When you hear, hear only ‘Beauty!’
When you speak, speak only of ‘Beauty!’
When you see, see only ‘Beauty!’

You will know you are ‘Beauty’ by your ability to ‘Forgive!’
For the ‘Divine Beauty’ knows only ‘Forgiveness!’
Forgiveness is all that ‘Beauty’ thinks, feels or sees!
If we are going to feel ‘Beautiful’ really truly ‘Beautiful’
We must ‘Forgive’ all that we need!

Feel ‘Beautiful Now’ I challenge you here this very day!
Right this moment reach down in your heart and make your own day!
Let the world, the ‘Universe’ see and experience the ‘Beauty’
The ‘Forgiveness’ that you are right now here today!

Breathe always remember to keep breathing!
Breathe gently and you will be a gentle person!
For the ‘Beauty’ is manifest ever so ‘Gently!’
- copyright Kim Subhan Whitaker, October 4, 2004

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Some sites I recommend:

Spiritual Paths

Share Guide

Church of Truth

Spirit Walk

At Home in Mitford

AskSharon, Inc

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, I continue to have a few items (which change daily) available for sale Dusty's eBay

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You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Dusty Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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