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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Life is Heaven in 2007!

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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Wisdom versus Knowledge
By Dusty Reed

Wisdom can be had
without knowledge.
Knowledge does not
bring wisdom.
And it is mine
for the asking.
Knowledge must be handled
with care
Or it can push
wisdom out the door.
Wisdom can be had
without knowledge.

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by Dusty Reed

It recently came to my attention that some people consider wisdom and knowledge as one in the same. In my understanding, this is not so.

Wisdom is a God-given gift, freely given. Knowledge comes from one's own brain.

Some consider God's gifts as being of the Mind versus the brain. The Mind is Univesal and knows All.

In contrast, someone may have a 160 IQ, being a top scholar, but still not know how to use wisdom.

When a scholarly person is visiting with an average person, he may use big words and delve into a subject not familiar to the average person. Thus there is little communication.

When a wise person is visiting with an average person, he will understand and apply the subject matter in a way that is meaningful to the average person. A wise person can often sense an aura of assurance or possibly a dilemma in the other person's life. He will not begin to share knowledge that he thinks will help them. He will, instead, ask questions and let them discover their own solution.

A mystic seeks to offer the lustre of reality and eternal values in every aspect of life. She reveals the gifts available for all.

A mentor offers challenges and guides the student to think for self. The answers are already within.

A visionary has peeled away all the stuff so is exposed and in continuous communion with the Light. A visionary offers the mirror that reveals the answers. This perspective offers a deeper analysis of challenges and the strategies available. The reward is in seeing the gifts exercised by humankind.

Using wisdom, one experiences the Allness that would network our world in a capacity to work together, to love one another.

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Some sites I recommend:

New Age insights on spiritual growth and expanded consciousness

Brennie's Dreamscape & Spiritual Inspirations

Reiki Healing Path

SagePlace Journey to Wholeness


It is my joy to share with you that I continue to add new rose drawings and some photographs available at! You can view them at Dusty's Roses I now have some of my rose drawings at an auction site, Art By Us
And, I have a page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to Rose Descriptions.
I have been posting nearly all of my drawings that are not displayed elsewhere at Rose Garden I have two galleries there. The other is at Reed's Loft. It has various photographs, other drawings, and notecards available.

My sister-in-spirit, Sunny, has several of her drawings and has added new photos at, too, at Sunny's Art Work

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, books & post cards - occasionally some nic nacs) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at (with Expansion Encounters as subject). Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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