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Seattle - continued

U. Elbert's came to U. Lloyd's for dinner and we went with them that evening.

Stopped by John and Naomi's for a few minutes. Daughter, Carmen, had baked choc cake. She's going into her Junior year at college right out of high school! John looks as a picture of health... He is taking chemo for leukemia - for several days before the actual bone marrow transplant on October 8. On to U. Elbert's

9/20 - Quiet morning. Continued with my walking - did walk 2 miles each day every day then, until we left. Headed for Seattle. Stopped at cemetery and left flowers (U. Lloyd's first wife, Grandma and Grandpa). I hadn't been to that cemetery before. Drove past Grandma's 1949 house - one I remember most. I spotted it before we got there - porch and cement steps. Had new siding, no more garage but otherwise, same structure.

On to Space Needle to meet U. Lloyd and Chong for lunch. Gooood memories! Dining at 500 ft, bo't Bill and Shawn t-shirts at observation deck at 520 feet. The red plane light at top of Needle is 600 ft! We were up a teensy ways! Had sea food fettuccini - prawns, lobster claw, scallops, shrimp. Were there for about 1-1/2 hour. The restaurant turns 360* each hour. The last picture is Lake Union - the locks are in the left "Y" leading out to the Sound.

Back to U. Elbert's. Quiet evening visiting.

9/21 - Went to bakery in Marysville for rolls and coffee breakfast.

"Tuesday must be Josh and Alysa." Found myself saying that - from movie, "Tuesday, it must be Belgium." We were going so many places - fun remembering what was what day! Had lunch with them at Mt Vernon - more seafood! Alysa is John and Naomi's oldest daughter. She and Josh were married this summer - and he DOES look like John Denver! Very easy to visit with, too. Alysa will also be a Junior in college (Linguistics) and Josh an Senior (Economics.)

Drove home past first house of U. Elbert and A. Lola's (1949). That's first trip I remember going to Seattle, altho' we did go once before when I was just a bit over a year old.

9/22 - Morning breakfast at Fanney's in Marysville. Enjoyed the fantasy of U. Elbert's back yard! Several pines, pine/chipped bark earth cover. Lovely flowers! Bro't home root clipping from lace hydrangea, one of their bushes (in pic below of Aunt Lola and Chong) - hope we can maintain!

U. Lloyd and Chong came to U. Elbert's for dinner - baked salmon and halibut. Chong bro't gifts for everyone, including to bring home for Bill and Shawn. She gave me a lovely red wool sweater! We said our goodbye's to them that day.

I helped U. Elbert unload a big truck box - fit snug - Whew! Wanted to get it out before Alysa and Josh borrowed the truck to move some stuff from John and Naomi's.

9/23 - Awoke early to hunt for U. Elbert's billfold to no avail. (They found it during our flight home). Headed to Bellevue to meet my great aunt (96 years old) and 2 of Mom's cousins for dinner at Double Tree Hotel. Again... beer batter fried salmon and halibut.

Back to U. Elbert's - quiet evening visiting and looking at Grandma's photo albums from her teaching near Alliance, Nebraska in 1917.

Temps while at U. Lloyd's were in 60's and 70's - but felt warmer. A bit of fog early some mornings at U. Lloyd's and a lite shower one afternoon at U. Elbert's - otherwise all sunshine!

9/24 - Rise and shine at 5 AM to catch plane at 8:30 AM at Seattle. Breakfast at airport (nope - no seafood that time!) Good flight home.

Totally awesome trip! LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Continuing to express gratitude for the WHOLE EXPERIENCE!