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Seattle Agenda:

9/16 - Left Mom's home at 9 AM - arrived in Seattle at 3:00 PM. U. Lloyd and Chong met us. They live south of Seattle, near Tacoma. Caught in traffic jam so stopped for supper on way home - at Anthony's Home Port. I had fried oysters. Yummmmm!

My mom is 82 years of age.

9/17 -

To river boat casino w/Chong for lunch. U. Lloyd couldn't be around that much smoke - has to take his oxygen with him whenever he leaves the house. Had clam chowder and a shrimp salad soft burrito. Played slots for awhile...

To grocery store w/Chong to buy 4-bone roast. We ate fresh clams in shell (samplers at meat counter) w/butter and garlic/herb seasoning. I had 2 and Chong had at least 3 - so she decided to buy a couple pounds.

Went to another elite restaurant, Stanley's Sea Port, for supper. I had prawns fried w/garlic. Could have had lobster for $39.95!! Didn't.

Chong is such a beautiful person - so very sensitive. Very caring. U. Lloyd teases with very dry humor and she teases back. They're so good for each other.

9/18 -

Quiet time to myself w/morning coffee on balcony overlooking golf course. Foggy, so misty view thru the trees. Sea gulls on the green.

To brunch at their golf country club. Met a Korean friend of Chong's - she paid for our meal! She has a doctorate in linguistics. Chong says she is her mentor, about 63 years of age, looks no more than 40. Chong is 45 but looks 20.

Afternoon - to Seattle! Drove through several of the "little towns within the city." That's what I remember as so special about Seattle - lots of ethnic groups. Clean and respectable. Went to the locks - watched several small yachts go thru, gates closed, water rose, gates opened. Seven foot difference between Lake Union and Puget Sound.

Even met Jonathan Livingston!

Beautiful gardens at the locks. Mom is sitting in the middle on the bench with U. Lloyd and Chong.

Drove past what used to be place where Mom and Dad worked when they lived in Seattle from 1939 to 1941. Also past first house where Grandma and Grandpa lived when they first moved out there (1937). Houses still look good!

U. Lloyd drove us down one street that went under one of the Seattle bridges - I don't remember which bridge. And there "he" was!

Back to U. Lloyd's for awhile. Chong and I went for a "walk." Learned afterward that it was either 4 or 5 miles (U. Lloyd said 5; Chong said 4) and walked that in 45 minutes! Then drove to Narrows Bridge at southern part of Puget Sound, where swinging bridge collapsed in wind in 1941 (folks were in Seattle when it happened) so we drove across the "new" bridge.

9/19 - A quiet morning at U. Lloyd's. I went to Korean grocery store w/Chong. Got some foods for Bill and Shawn... curry powder, Korean top ramin, seaweed (Shawn tasted some Chong had when they were back here visiting a couple of years ago - he likes.)