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The Life Now seminar follows an outline similar to that used when I taught it as a college course. Study groups are no larger than 20 participants. Questions are posed by the facilitator. Students study textbook and send answers to questions to the facilitator, who shares them with the entire group. It is conducted through email.

Each series (there are 4 available) lasts approximately 4 weeks. For example, if Life Now started April 5, Doors & Keys would begin approximately May 5, Dance with the Wind approximately June 5 and This is Life approximately July 5. The classes will continue to rotate. IE: Life Now will follow This is Life. You can begin anywhere in the series.

"What are the possible benefits?" you ask. Of course, this depends on the individual. The first course offers a variety of paths for creativity. Inclusive are techniques to establish goal attainment, time management, stress reduction and personal empowerment. Personal desires find fulfillment through developing easy and practical how to's through time management and stress reduction. Opportunities include developing a workable approach for objectives including a personal scenario, memory techniques, expanding positive attitudes and gaining spiritual, mental and physical awareness.

In the second session, after meeting my fanciful natures, the student is introduced to a variety of self-awareness and communication techniques.

One example of an exercise from the second text:
"Conscious Energy"

"Sit, knees touching, face to face with another person. One person emanates healthy, loving energy to the other. The person experiences receiving the energy.

The next step involves the second person putting up an imaged wall to prevent receiving the energy. Share with one another how both individuals sensed the energy flow.

This can offer assistance when we enter a room and immediately begin absorbing the energy, sometimes without awareness. We can consciously choose if we desire to absorb or deflect the flow. We can also become aware of how it feels to be deflected by another."

The third course offers suggestions and techniques for imaging and meditation, as the author seeks and studies the path of a mystic. It offers descriptions of imaging and interpretation for the symbology of personal meditations by the author. I have discovered that using symbols as reminders allows consciousness to register meanings more quickly.

Emphasis in this text is with nature. Question it, play with it, look at it - not just by watching but through observing it, feeling it with all of our physical senses and taking it within and becoming at One with it. Define that at-one-ment.

The fourth course of this series puts together some of these techniques and expresses how Love, Peace and Joy walk hand-in-hand to bring our highest good.

Each course allows expansion of attitudes, joy and enthusiasm on the path of life. The texts available are $10 and less. If all four books are ordered and paid in a single payment, there is a 10% discount on the 4-course material.

There is no cost for the online course.

Joy bubbles when there is occasion to share Life Now concepts! With responses from others, I learn a great deal about myself!

The books included are in order here to match each of the four courses. They can be purchased individually or, as an entire package, with the 10% discount, total cost (shipping is included) as $27.00.

Upon "graduation," you will receive a FREE booklet, written by Dusty.

Excerpts from the texts can be found at "Favorites"

We journey through the beginning stages of the author's pilgrimage of learning how to find purpose and set goals. Each person's path is different. The study guide section of this book provides tools for discovery of what we want and how to get it. - (94 pages) $9.50

DOORS AND KEYS - An Addendum -
The author shares processes for receiving enlightenment that can stimulate a seeking, inquisitive nature. This method is conceivable through a combination of trust and imagination. It also offers a variety of mental exercises that can stimulate new understandings of self. - (84 pages) $8.00

Reflects a progressive learning experience, sharing one woman's path toward attainment of a gift she seeks to awaken within. It is a universal desire to explore the joyful experience of reality. She offers tools to the reader for seeking a unique relationship with our Creator. Each individual will see different scenery along the way. - (59 pages) $6.50

THIS IS LIFE - A discussion of Peace describes variations of how to observe quiet time. A discourse depicts identifying Love, experiencing and radiating it. Joy is the result. The spotlight brings these three characteristics of excellence into our symbolic living room for continuous involvement in our lives. - (53 pages) $6.50

You should receive your books within 10 days after I receive your order.

To order, send check to:
Dusty Reed
Life Now Seminar
225 Keomah Village
Oskaloosa, IA 52577

Life Now is such a vibrant, enthusiastic philosophy, I am eager to share it with "everyone" - and you, as a "someone," are a part of that "One"-ship!

Looking forward to hearing from you!