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Expansion Encounters
With Dusty

The Strong Force
By Kim Whitaker

Give yourself a Big Major Upgrade and find your ‘Strong Force Self!’

When I say ‘Strong Force’, I mean this ‘Force of Attraction’ that is responsible for holding together the ‘Atomic Structure’ of the ‘Universe.’

‘The Strong Force’ the very root of gravity itself an intricate part of each and every one of us, yet few actually become aware of their most precious gift.

Nothing exists in the physical sense without the ‘Strong Force’. It is there for each and every one of us to tap into. What an upgrade to begin setting up the interface with your Strong Force self!

Tapping into the ‘Strong Force’ invigorates the flesh. It is a deep powerful source of strength and energy and knowledge.

Nothing exists in the Universe that does not have a pure energy schematic or blue print of itself. Like DNA is schematic for the flesh body, there is another deeper pure energy schematic in the Strong Force Data Base.

We all by now know the power at the ‘Atomic’ level of life by the ‘Atomic Bomb’ and or a ‘Nuclear Power Plant.’ The fore mentioned are examples of unauthorized use and entry into The ‘Atomic Strong Force’ aspect of the Universe.

Authorized use of ‘The Strong Force’ is Jesus Christ healing spontaneously. The ‘Strong Force’ is the key to ‘Jesus’, his ability, his relationship with the deep inner most core of the ‘Universe.’

Jesus at the end of ‘The Sermon On The Mount’ teaches us to be wise and dig down deep in the Earth and put the foundation of our house on a rock, meaning dig down deep in our flesh and bones ‘The Earth’ and find our ‘Strong Force’ self.

The way to gain authorized access to our ‘Strong Force Selves’ is with utter most ‘Gentleness.’ Yes, if you want to access to get in touch with your deepest inner most self, it has to be a great gentleness. The Breath Energy is consciousness on the move and how you reach your Strong Force is by learning to breathe inwardly very gently riding on the ‘Wings’ of a most gentle breath to the depths of your flesh and bones.

When you are inhaling learn not to just draw air and energy in from outside of you at the same time learn when you inhale to draw ‘Strong Force’ strength up from the depths of your flesh. So you want to when you inhale to draw strength and energy from both ways inwardly and outwardly.

The ‘Strong Force’ most simply said is ‘The God Force’ it is not only the force of attraction the binds the ‘Atomic Universe’, but it is the organizing knowledge that organizes the ‘Atomic Universe’ which is very mathematical.

I am having a feeling this may be one of the last things I get to write and send to the few friends who are left on my email list. I want to try and convey very valuable information, simply said, usable information.

My gut feeling is that humanity is creating a great harmony with nature and the environment. I don’t see anything but very challenging times being created for us all.

Nature always give us lots of warnings before something really bad happens. I believe the time is coming soon where earthquakes or something from space is going to slam us or both. The time is soon, the air is thick with feeling of a fierce angry wind.

The time comes when those who survive to the after math where food and water will be in very short supply. We will not have communication and our luxuries they will be gone. There will be no one to call to help.

These are the days when being in touch with your ‘Strong Force’ self will be most important and will give you strength and sanity. The time comes soon when food and water will be in scarce supply. The human body can live on very little food and water but it takes discipline it takes practice to learn to live on less; it is not something you can just do.

Humanity at large has been very unkind to our environment. Humanity has proven itself over and over it is violent, aggressive, predator species. These ingredients all add up to self-destruction.

Nature is in an exited self-preservation mode and we humans have created it that way with our wars and over population and over building. If you fear too much, Nature will see you as the enemy and you don’t want to be enemies with Nature but, rather, its friend.

The Fear - this is the measure by which makes us Alive or the dead waiting to die. When we Fear less we are more alive; when we Fear more we are less alive and more the ‘Walking Dead.’ Don’t be one of those who Fears more then they Love.

When the great wind comes and the water beats at your door and the ground shakes violently, the less you fear the better.

I will close this for now and trust you will make good use of it and find your ‘Strong Force’ self soon.

Towards the perfection of love harmony and beauty in Jesus Christ name let it be…

Dusty’s Sharing –
Erasing Yesterday

Erasing our yesterdays and starting anew and refreshed each day is a wonderful concept. Is it possible?

Erasing yesterdays does not mean changing our activity on purpose. That supports effort and to be spontaneous does not require effort. It does require a mindset of today being the day to "begin a new life." As with tunnel vision, we only see today; the healthy, good memories will come along naturally. The less-favorables will fall away.

From studying the scrolls in Og Mandino's book, "Greatest Salesman in the World," I am absorbing the lessons they offer. After studying the first scroll for three weeks, a light bulb in my head began to blink. Mr. Mandino shares a healthy thought: "Experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow."

Filling a blank page with just today's experiences can teach some powerful truths about ourselves. What do we do automatically, as from habit? How much of our activity involves making an impromptu choice rather than falling back on habits? Do we purposefully touch a new experience?

A friend shared that she keeps a special time free each day for doing whatever she chooses for that time. Some have shared that they go with the flow every day. How much of that flow includes daily, necessary routines? Keeping a running list of what we do through the day will tell us how much we are doing from habit and how much we are choosing to do spontaneously. Do we automatically fix meals for our family at a certain time? Do we make the bed before we leave for work? Do we drive a certain route to work each day? Our habits are myriad, even though we seldom give them any conscious thought. Do we smell the same fragrances each day? Do we only hear certain sounds around us? Or do we see something new?

I have written and allowed to happen, at various stages in my life, what I would consider my "ideal" day. Sometimes this includes a desired schedule of activity. Sometimes it includes a scenario of how I would like to see my life transformed into a desired lifestyle. By focusing on this in times past, with prayer, I now see all of these desires molded into my life as my desired lifestyle. My ideal day now continues by beginning every day with meditation to "clear my slate" and start a new page at that moment.

"Thou dost show me the path of life; in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore" - Psalm 16:11.

By staying in God's presence with each "today," we experience success in every moment! We can thus enjoy life to the fullest!

Some interesting sites:

- Holistic Euphoria - what is Reiki

– The Akashic Library – Seven Stages of Consciousness

- Select Smart - Spiritual Belief System Selector Quiz

- How We Can Grow Through Spirit

- Inspirational Quotes About Change, Growth, & Starting Anew

Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.


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