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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
"Dreams come true in 2002!"

Thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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It has and continues to be an exciting season for receiving formal publication of several of my articles and now one of my books is soon to be published online by Book Locker. Another of my books is in process of negotiation. I have a listing of both magazine and book publishers online. If anyone is interested in obtaining this list, notify me and I will send it to you.

In the meantime, you can read one of my articles at Senior Citizen's Magazine

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Enjoy Every Moment to the Fullest...

I often get quizzed about how one can accomplish this in times of frustration, sorrow, anger...

If we affirm and practice joy in the obvious good moments, it will become a natural part of our being and carry us through the less favorable times. It will make them more bearable and they won't last as long.

With practice, we hear the inner voice encouraging us to experience joy in the moment - to refocus as we experience a less favorable situation. With conscious awareness, we can draw our thoughts to any possible benefits we may gain from the experience.

Focusing, or concentrating on the favorable outcome, brings the joy bubbling from deep within, where love abides. We can enjoy every moment to the fullest.

How, when we exercise a traumatic situation, such as discovering you have been fired from your job or your mother-in-law now needs constant care, do we experience joy?

Are these situations a place where joy can be experienced? You bet! Imagine having occasion, while drawing unemployment, to seek a job that offers your ideal. Free time is available to do a few things that may have been put off because there was never enough time. Taking care of an elderly relative offers the joy of giving, without expecting to receive. We know they appreciate all we have to offer, even though they may be unable to express this gratitude. It offers an inner warmth to know we are offering unconditional love.

Even while sitting in the dentist chair? Thinking about going for a malt (if your diet allows) or some other favorable experience after you are out of the dentist chair allows you to enjoy the moment. Some dentists provide ear phones with pleasant music. Use the occasion to relax; maybe you will even take a nap!

When I experience times when I have to be waiting, as in the dentist's chair or while my son dawdles, getting ready to go somewhere, I can erase anxiety by replacing it with thoughts about a special blessing. I can also take a word vitamin (trait) I would like to experience.

Is all of this considered day dreaming? Maybe so. However, it does allow me to have fond memories of what could otherwise be less than comfortable experiences.

Enjoying every moment is a matter of attitude!

Each day of the week has its merit, whether it is a Saturday, Thursday or a Monday. Rather than complaining or feeling down because the weekend is over and it is Monday again, anticipate the goodness available for that day.

Fun and exciting happenings will occur. Depending on our attitudes, we can see and fully experience that goodness. We will not experience the same moment again, except in memory. We can savor the happening to be placed as a glistening gem on the beach of memories. Each day is unique... Enjoy!

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As the year progresses, we continue to include a series of personal reminders and suggestions for relaxation exercises and methods for uniting in communication with others.

Discovery is everywhere.

May these personal reminders give you the joy of discovery and enlightenment.

Each Short Cut best finds its enchantment if the exercises are performed in a quiet, relaxing space.

There are no "short cuts" if the path of awareness has not already been traveled. Each person's path is unique.

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Choose a pebble that fits your hand comfortably, about the size of a quarter or smaller.

Carry this with you every possible moment for a week.

PURPOSE: To bring awareness into the now.

HINT: Don't put the pebble away, even when it seems to be a nuisance.

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I occasionally carry Al SenSen, a pebble that I named, to remind me to stay in my now. Several mental projects may be running through. The thoughts become intense about the next project while I am still doing something else.

No matter how long I physically carry him in my hand, he brings me back to consciousness. The awareness may come farther and farther apart but he won't become habitual. He is in my consciousness for a purpose and I am accepting that.

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This is an inspiration I received as I took quiet time, focusing on the shards of light from my diamond ring in the sun. This led to thoughts of rainbows.

The following is one of a collection of pondersome thoughts using symbols of light and color to describe life's pathway.

Other inspirationals on light and rainbows can be found in my book, "Facets of Light," listed at Pathway Books

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Intricate - Vibrant

Piercing shards of color are absorbed as they refract through the facets of an intricately cut diamond. The intensity of their penetration is hypnotic.

The purple, gold, green or fiery red pierce with a universal awakening. They do not tease. They are reality.

As we allow them to penetrate our being, they melt and blend into the Light of awareness. We now see, with clarity, the vibrancy of Allness.

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Here are a few sites I find very worthwhile. I will be including those of subscribers so, if you have a site and think I might not be aware of it, let me know!

David Cale's lovely photography

Oscar Gutierrez Photography (e-cards)

Mind and Sight Resources

Prophet's Candle

The Wandering Hermit

Student Discounts on Software: "Any student, faculty, or staff member of an accredited academic institution can purchase academic software." So declares a site online that gives big time discounts for software IF you (or an immediate member of your family) meet the criteria as a student, faculty or staff member. Our son is in college and we bought some prominent software for about a quarter of the going price. We get "credit points" if we recommend others who are interested soooo - if you would like to receive information from this company, just email me,, and I'll have them send you their introduction.

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Enjoy every moment to the fullest! - Dusty

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Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

Questions or Comments?

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