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Aidart, the Kender Wild Mage/

Be afraid, be very afraid. A Kender Wild Mage. . . A Kender? In the Forgotten Realms? Yes, result of a bean from the Bag o' beans. . . go figure. So, now that he's here, he's hooked up with the group and looking to wreak havoc. Level wise, he's 17/14 with 96 HP.

His weapons go something like this: Staff of Battle, Longtooth +2, and a Composite Short Bow. His misc. inventory goes: Harper Pin, Ring of Cloaked Wizardry & Invisibility, Bolders Cloak of the Rogue, and A bag of Holding (1 ton)

He has a familiar, a calico cat named Cal, he has an intellegance of 10 and speaks common.

Another one that has been retired.  Something about no one wanting to be around him, kept hearing mumbling about too dangerous.  ;-)  

Try this. . .
