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The misadventures of Ruine Crownsilver

This is what I call, "The Misadventures of Ruine Crownsilver". Why do I call it this? Well, simply put, he's gotten into some truly boneheaded situations and done some insane things, but admittedly he's managed to pull off some incredibly amazing things.
Ok, some background on Ruine. He's a Paladin of Torm, which tends to lead to some interesting situations all things considered. What things? Well to begin with, his party consists of mostly Chaotic persons, whereas he is Lawful Good. The party ranges from Chaotic Neutral to Chaotic Good, making his life really interesting.

A sidenote, the person who plays this character does so beautifully, playing him to the hilt.

Oh where to begin? Well, I suppose the beginning is as good place as any to start. This one was a particularly nasty incounter with a Venrible Great Wyrm. Ton's-o-pain... It goes something like this. We were in Myth Dranor and were looking around. Had a brief encounter with a young red dragon, only a pass or two and it was dead. We then proceeded to the hole from which the dragon had emerged.
