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Wode, thief/fighter/mage (Infiltrator)

Wode is Dark Solace's brother, he is 91 years old, 5'9, and 98 lbs. He has black hair and dark brown eyes. The magical items that he has are:

Cleaveheart (Short sword of backstabbing +4 with vampiric regeneration)
Elven Chain +5
Belt pouch of holding
Hat of Disguise
Ring of Invisibility/Inaudibility
Bracers of Brachiation
Harpers pin.

His history goes something like this... Wode left Menzoberanzen roughly one year after his brother. Life had gotten a bit too complicated after his brother left. He had always had a natural talent for not being seen if he didn't want to be, so it was a fairly simple matter of sneaking out. Outside he could put his natural talents to use -- as the ultimate scout. With his hat of disguise, he could be anyone. (His most common disguise is a high elf, 5'3, 108 pounds, with brown hair and green eyes). Although he makes an occasional prayer to Eilistraee, he doesn't really believe very strongly in any particular god or goddess. He eventually joined the Harpers and has been fighting for the forces of good ever since. Recently he joined with his brother and a dim-witted paladin in attempting to clear out several demons as well as protecting the Queen of Silverymoon. Since then he has been on a mission ordered by the Queen, and has not been seen or heard of...

More to come...

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