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A place of Solace (updated)

Some Interesting places to stop, if you have time...

 World of Darkness

After some time off, I finally decided to update this page. To explain,  Dark Solace is currently used as a name, or alias in at least 4 RPG systems that I'm involved in. He is a: Drow Ranger/Mage in Forgotten Realms , a Cybered-up Elf in Shadow Run, a Merc in Battletech, and an 7th generation Assamite in Vampire:The Masquerade.  I play many other characters in other systems, as well as a few character in the aforementioned systems.

Ok, I suppose that you'd like to know a little about the person running these characters... Well, I suppose I can let you in on a little about me... Try this and find out more...
Oh, btw...if you think you have a pretty good idea of what type of person I am, I'd be glad to hear from you. Either through email, or my guest book. So


If you don't know what a Drow looks like, there's picture of one at the top of the page. He's one of the more famous and well known Drow.  He goes by the name of Drizzt Do'Urden, and he's the notable exception to the common trait in Drow, that of cruelty. There are other exceptions, but none as famous as Drizzt. Dark Solace is similar to Drizzt.

I think that you will find that most of Dark Solace's incarnations are of an assassin or something equally as silent a killer.

As soon as I can find a suitable picture for him, I'll post one that looks like him in his Vampiric form.

Here's an insight into the humor behind the person running Dark Solace
Douglas Adams quote directory...

Ok, a bit more insight into the person who runs the characters, at least music wise. Sarah Mclachlan and Loreena Mckennitt are the favored artists. Though they aren't the only artists that are listened to, others include, but are not limited to: Fiona Apple, Sting, The Dave Matthews Band, Jewel, Amanda Marshall, Tonic, Sister Hazel, Matchbox20, Chely Wright, Sherrie Austin, Enigma , Enya, and Tara MacLean.
I'll work on this more as I find time...

Updated 08/28/2002...
Here's a picture of Sarah Mclachlan.                                   And one of Tara MacLean

Different pages are listed here...
Main page
Kender Wild Mage
Drow Ranger/Mage
Ruine Crownsilver
Info on me
Chat room
Picture Gallery
Another Chat

Updated 05/29/2003

Please sign the guest book so that I know who has been about my page wreaking havoc.