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Swordmaiden's Truth

Swordmaiden's Truth

..we do exist..

This was commissioned for me by a friend of mine, Silverwolf. He's a hell of an artist - if you have a chance go check out his site. The link is at the bottom of the page.

This page will be under construction for quite a while. There are a great many pictures I have yet to gather, and many things to learn about Angelfire. Until then, you can mail me at or click on the envelope at the bottom of the page. And PLEASE sign my guestbook, I'd like to know who's been here! (If you didn't already know, the guestbook is at the bottom of the page. Hold the mouse over the wolf pics to see which one signs the book and which one views it.)

!!NEW!! Swordmaiden's Werewolf Fiction - read it and feel free to offer your comments! Just a little FYI, this is an extremely rough draft, I wrote it in 20 minutes in pencil on a piece of notebook paper in Humanities 107. I will be adding more detail, and more of a story, but in the meantime check it out and keep watching for updates.

Find out all about me here! Or go directly to my updated (9.9.98) Werecard to find out about my were self.

Visit my Webrings Page to see the webrings I belong to. I belong to several, and moved them all off the main page to speed loading time.

Links that I believe in

The Werewolf Page
Paranormal Confessions
Rym, Dragon of Lost Ways (Under Construction)
Shadow's Den of the Supernatural
Silverwolf's Home
Nocturnal: Lance Foxx's Homepage
WolfieBard's Homepage

Miscellaneous Links

Moon Phase Calendar-this shows the phase of the moon on every day of the month.
Virtual Reality Moon Phases-this one is interesting because you can find out what phase of the moon you were born under!

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