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Advocacy Is Our Job

    Advocacy is by definition, pleading for a cause or proposal. This page of links will help enable you to become a self-advocate, along with (hopefully) helping you to understand that we do not have to stand alone in our cause, but we indeed must stand.

Systemic Advocacy

Systemic Advocacy is when action is taken to influence or produce systemic change to ensure fair treatment and social justice for people with disabilities. Changes may be pursued in legislation, government policy, policy and practices of agencies providing services to people with disabilities.
Strategies for this may include collective advocacy, advocacy development, community development, community education, campaigns, resource development and lobbying.

The goals for Systemic Advocacy would include:

1. Positive changes in legislation/protection of existing legislation.
2. Positive changes in government policies.
3. Changes in practices and policies of services (generic and disability).
4. Increased access to generic services by people with a disability.
5. Increased participation by people with a disability in community activities.
6. New service development in response to identified needs.
7. Changes in models of service.
8. Issues raised by advocacy taken up by government/ services/ community.
9. Safeguarding and protecting rights of people with a disability.
10. Changes in community behavior towards people with a disability.
11. Development of effective networks and coalitions.
12. Improved quality of life. 

Links to Information
A History Lesson 

Materials on Self Advocacy 

Advocacy Training Material 

Grass Roots Lobbying 

LILC's Advocacy Resource Centers

Email Your U.S. Congressmen And Senators Here (All States) 

Federal and State Email/Phone Numbers for Iowa

Disability Advocacy

Search Engine for Legislation

Disability Rights Activist

Organizing Community Support



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